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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dead Letter Circus The Burning Number

Dead Letter Circus - The Burning Number

I made this whole post below and then realised that I had already added this song months ago. I didn't know about the scripture then though. I guess now after a few more listens it can finally be added to Music category. Anyway this was a new comment original post starts NOW:

Dead Letter Circus.

I like this song because it reminds me of a scripture.

The scripture for the day is:

Isaiah 58:12
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

I also have a memory to go with this scripture.

Great Wall of China Breach.
In kindergarten, when I must of been 4 years old I was exploring what I thought were powers or something. Anyway my first level one power was wall building, the thing was I was told that most people abandoned there level one powers because they were no use.

With my thinking a highest level wall was able to defend against a great army of level one attacks before the wall would crumble, if the wall was manned it was impenetrable. I have an image of immediately applying my hand to the wall and filling in a breach. The longer your hand was on there the stronger the wall became. You had to be at the breach they were attacking because their were multiple breaches.

Eventually the walls reach maximum strength and you could swap out with an attacker and work on then developing your second level attack power. The attacker gained knowledge of walls by holding the breach when a wall was at maximum strength. With an attacker manning the wall at full strength it would eventually lose strength and they would need to be swapped out with me again but then the attacker would then have the ability to build walls themselves. Eventually with enough swaps both the wall and attack power would be as strong as each other on both people.

I think also that there were maybe one maybe two more levels of power. Like a 3rd and 4th level. It could've been infinite knowing god. I can do all things. In somethings you start weak.

I like to think of myself as a repairer of the breach from this memory. Whether anybody will ever use this title on another is yet to be seen.

Added Label "Isaiah".

Darcy Lee

All Together Separate Paradigm

All Together Separate ~ Paradigm

I thought I should post something. I haven't posted anything all month. It's my birthday soon. Hoping for some money in the 15th year since September 11th 2001. It's a small possibility. But with the way my handlers are talking it seems that it won't happen. My birthday is May 11th. I was born in 1978. I turn 38 this year. I'm an old man.

The chorus to this song is something I spoke in my phone calls after 9/11/2001 World Trade Center Attacks. I'm pretty sure though that i'm just quoting it and it's not actually one of my songs. The line "I Give My Life To You So I Can Claim It Back Again" that's what I spoke. I quoted quite a few songs in my phone calls.

I'm adding this song to music because I quite enjoyed it. It's possibly not very much a long term song though. I was a bit hesitant to put it in music. I listened to it enough to qualify for the
music category.

Added the label "Paradigm" because i've always liked the sound and spelling of the word.

Paradigm means In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Meja All about the money


Meja - All about the money

First heard this in about 1999 on the radio down in WarLangTongue (Wellington) NZ. It was great.

Big Brovaz Nu Flow

Big Brovaz - Nu Flow
Big Brovaz.

Another of my songs. There's so many. OMG. I came for the doe.

Bring Me to Life Evanescence

Bring Me to Life - Evanescence

This is yet another one of my songs. Pretty sure this is anyway. It was released after 2001 and male lyrics in it are very much mine. Also other lyrics as well. Adding to music 2.

Shakira Whenever Where ever

Shakira - Whenever Where ever

It's possible this is one of my songs. The do not dare part. It might not be though. It was 15 years ago. Also the at your feet part. I said at your feet but also 2in1 atrophied.

Darcy Lee.

Supergroove Scorpio Girls

Supergroove - Scorpio Girls

Now this brings back memories. Used to crank this in my first ever car when I was about 16. What a great song. Scorpi orpio Scorpi Orpio Girls. Love the guitar riff. You should give this at least one listen if you've never heard it before. You might like it.

Darcy Lee.

Delilah Tom Jones

Tom Jones.
Delilah - Tom Jones

Not sure how I got here but I have visited this song so adding it. I don't like it, it doesn't appeal. Merely adding it because for some reason I have the tab open.

Rihanna Work

Rihanna - Work

Adding this to Music. Really like it. Heard it last night on the radio. It only got released on You Tube about 7 days ago and it already has 200 mil hits. Enjoy.

Darcy Lee.

Woe is Me cover of Katy Perrys Hot and Cold

Woe is Me - cover of Katy Perrys - Hot and Cold

Quite like Woe is Me. This is not a bad cover adding it to Music 2.

It also has sign language in the video.

SuperChick One Girl Revolution

SuperChick - One Girl Revolution

This is another of my songs. I got them to do lots of Christian songs. Anyway pretty sure this is one of my songs. But ya never know.

Darcy Lee

SuperChick - Me Against The World.

Another of my songs. Me against the world and independance day. Back again one more time. All lines from me. Plus a few more.

Silverchair Tomorrow

Silverchair - Tomorrow

This song came out when I was 14-15 years old, about 23 years ago now. I loved the whole Frogstomp album it was great.

I think I got a couple of songs done by Silverchair of their album Neon Ballroom but they date as 1999 so possibly mine because I asked the songs to be back dated before 2001. But again I could've just copied them. The songs are anthem for the year 2000 and miss you love.

Darcy Lee.

Classical Gas

Mason Williams.

Classical Gas - Mason Williams

First heard this song a long time ago as a guitar only version. I think I like this version just as much. It's a great song.

Darcy Lee.

ZAYN PillowTalk


ZAYN - PillowTalk

I heard this on the radio and looked it up.

I only really like the line "It's a paradise and it's a war zone." That line is the only line that made me look it up. I don't actually really like the song.

Added label "Paradise"

Ignition R Kelly

R Kelly.

Ignition - R Kelly

Heard this on the radio and I was reminded. Think this is another of my songs. The toot toot beep beep part and also bounce bounce bounce. But I could be wrong.

Loser 3 Doors Down

3 Doors Down.
Loser - 3 Doors Down

Not to sure if i've added this song already. I did a search for it but couldn't find anything.

This has potential to be one of my songs. It did possibly exist before 9/11 and I just quoted it. Thing is I asked for them to make some of the songs predating 9/11. That is to falsify the date when they came out. So it is possibly one of my songs with a falsified date. But who knows.

Darcy Lee