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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictures in your Head.

It's been just over 2 months since I posted last. I haven't been anymore busy than usual probably just a bit more lazy. This could be coming from the fact that I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my websites. It seems pointless to post. It relatively is.

But alas I return to keep posting. So some news. Well I managed to get kicked out of my World of Warcraft raiding guild. They said no one wanted to raid with me. :( I'm not the greatest best player but I must be doing something wrong. It's put me off raiding abit. I'm still a noobie raider only really know the first two bosses of black wing descent Magmaw and OmniTron not that that means anything to anyone here.

I'm still wondering how to make money with this website. It doesn't come by posting heaps. One way is establishing back links but not many people are interested in linking to this web page because of me and the topics I cover. It's not that the topics I cover aren't interesting it's just that I have no credibility, also my language is all over the place and not plain or flashy enough.

I'm not very smart. But one thing is for sure the government has the ability to send pictures into your head. To read and monitor dreams and do all sorts of crazy things inside your head with pictures and artificial intelligence.

It's probably 30 years before this technology gets released to the public but i'm telling you it exists now and has existed for over 10 years that I know of.

Anyway continue to ignore me internet community. There must be progress made in addressing this technology. But for now it remains an internet and world myth.


Believe, Belief.

Hello. It's been nearly seven months since I have had a cigarette. My life still sucks though. At the moment my house, the run down squaler place that I live in, is infested with mice. I've mice trapped six of the suckers so far, but they are still running around. I don't know what to do.

They are really hard to trap with what I have as the traps aren't sensitive enough and the mice just eat the bait with out setting off the trap. But still i've managed to trap 6 mice. This is really gross. Ewwwww.

The other day upon arriving home I saw a Rat, not a mouse but a rat.

So with these things in mind and the obvious poor quality of this website you should consider donating, giving to me, to lift me out of the terrabad conditions that I live in.

I'm working here to make money. In the 5 and half years I have been living in this house I haven't made more than $40 NZ dollars bucks online. So I pretty much fail. My pet rock shop gets heaps more hits than this webpage and contains a fraction of the content.

I am by ways of posting on this site working. But it just doesnt pay off. There have been some successful websites with creators behind them posting useful and helpful material, but the people behind them are smarter and healthier and more motivated than me.

I could've been rich by now. But the powers won't allow it. I feel pretty tortured and ripped off just to say. Especially tortured. Especially ripped off. Tormented. Broken. Betrayed. Used. Never Ending. By real live people.

There is no where to go.

No one believes.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ewww Religion.

So to post something bad. Terrabad. I'm wondering what Jesus meant when he said things like you must eat my flesh and drink my blood (john 6 in the bible). I wonder what the secret is.

So for 2000 thousand years people have been wondering what Jesus meant. I don't know.

John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.

It's like a riddle. Maybe it's real important. People still haven't figured it out yet in my opinion, I don't know either and I wonder if it has any importance towards immortality. How importantly should this be rated. I think immortality will be invented by science probably long before it can be figured out.

Maybe you need to see something to work it out. Like a key. If you knew what Jesus was referring to when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood. God is a dying cause in this day and age. Science is king at the moment. Religion has been reigning for the last 2000 thousand+ years.

I want to know what Jesus meant. He is hiding something. With these words. Something that could be explained more plainly. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood sounds cool because I reakon it's true that you can do it he's just refering to what he means in a hiding it unless you've seen something or understand something way maybe. He's hiding something with the truth in plain sight. I wonder what he means.

But truly I don't know. Whats your boring theories.

Eat Jesus's Flesh And Drink Jesus's Blood People that's my advice. O and atheism.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that. I did the family thing for Christmas.

Not much new happening for me. This is my first post in a little while. It was Sunday December 5th, that was my last post. I guess i've sort of been playing World of Warcraft Cataclysm which came out Dec 7th 2010. I have a 85 Druid and 83 Mage. This time I was able to buy the game on Tuesday Dec 7th 2010 NZ time on that very morning and have it installed and ready to play for when the servers ticked over with Cataclysm which was 9pm NZ time but I can't remember exactly. So I was ready waiting with alot of other people to get my Azeroth flight license.

I've made so far since Dec 24 about 25k in Gold selling enchants on the Auction House. I'm making it selling mostly Wrath of Lick King enchants and a few new Cata ones as well. The best I did was 15 of one type of chant in an hour through advertising on trade. I was making a profit of about 30g on each one and sold 15 in an hour by running a small ad on trade. Advertising helps with the new stuff if people really want it and its at a good price. So I made 450G in an hour from one chant and i've made a lot more sometimes like yesterday the margin was 100g per chant and i sold a few without the advertising. People have made alot more but if I keep going I should do alright. I've got a total of about 75k Saved up at the moment. You have to keep fighting and checking the prices to see that you are still in first place listing on the auction house. Can be annoying with people camping the auction house and always undercutting you.

The XP that you need to go up each level is as follows:

80 - 81 : 1686300 XP

81 - 82 : 2121500 XP

82 - 83 : 4004000 XP

83 - 84 : 5203400 XP

84 - 85 : 9165100 XP

So if your still 80 you can see it will take a while. In the Guild that i'm in we had a druid who got the server first class achievement. He was the second 85 on the server. Also in my guild we had someone get server first archaeology. It took about 25 hours for the first person to go from 80-85. It took me about 4 days but I can't remember exactly.

I managed to stay up for 36 hours when Cataclysm first came out and played non stop virtually only breaking for meals and coffees and stuff. Though leveling was slow for me compared to alot of other people. I've got some experience and will know better for the next expansion pack perhaps 85-90.

So thats pretty much what i've been doing since my last post. Non stop World of Warcraft. I do do other things like Warcraft is getting old now.

This website is still about making money. Not that it makes any money. I'm trying to enterprise through the internet and hope that something I do works and makes me a little money.

It's kinda cool watching posts build up on this website. Not that I get many hits from old posts. My Pet Rock Shop gets heaps more hits than this website and i've put virtually no effort into it and this website fails and gets less hits with me putting all my effort into it. Sad Panda.

In the 15 days of this month so far my Pet RocK Shop has gotten 117 hits and has gotten only 49. Yes Sad Panda. The site I post to gets half as many hits as the site I never post to. So. I've been trying for about 5 years now to even make a dollar through the internet. I made $10 US once by selling an advertisement but so far that's about it. I have made $20 or so through Google Adsense where the ads i display on my page if they get clicked I earn $0.20 cents or something crazy for each click. It's kind of a running joke 5 years and zero dollars from punters pretty much.

Do you want to donate. I guess not. No-one does. All the money goes to the skilled bloggers who have important things to say or something to teach.

Heres some interesting facts:

My Dad is a builder/carpenter, my brother is a plumber. One dream I have is for them to build me a house. But the cheapest land in my town goes for about $80,000 and I have nothing. I rent. The biggest mortgage I could possibly obtain is only about 60k in total on my income. I need about $200,000 thousand total. So if I had $140,000 which the only possible means I could come up with such money is by donation through internet or alternatively win lotto but without actually buying tickets cause i don't buy tickets. If I had $140,000 I could then get a brand new house anyway just dreaming here really.

If you donate me a dollar I will spend it on my day to day operating running costs of living.

I will do my best to account for every dollar. You will end my 5 years losing streak at asking and trying to earn money through the internet.

I'm not much of a personality. If I was I could post with humor and skill and earn your also hard won/worked for dollars.

So life goes on I fail at trying to make extra cash to spend and stay above water.

Good luck with your endeavours

Darcy Lee

Sunday, December 5, 2010

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. December 7th 2010.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the third expansion set for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, following the last expansion Wrath of the Lich King. It was officially announced at Blizzcon on August 21, 2009, although details were discovered earlier. After many rumors and much speculation, Blizzard officially announced the release date of December 7, 2010.

Before Cataclysm was announced as the official title of the expansion, it was known internally as World of Warcraft: Worldbreaker.

Shortly after the announcement of the release date, on October 5, Blizzard implemented the overhaul of the game's playing systems (Patch '4.0.1'), including new class builds, profession changes, stat removal, and overall gear overhauls.


The central plot of the expansion is the return of the evil dragon aspect Deathwing the Destroyer (originally Neltharion, the Earth-Warder). Last seen in Warcraft II, Deathwing has spent that time healing himself, and plotting his fiery return from the elemental plane of Deepholm. His return tears through the dimensional barrier within Azeroth, causing a sweeping cataclysm that reshapes much of the world's surface. In the midst of the world-wide disaster comes renewed conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, which is now under the rule of the warrior Garrosh Hellscream.

In the wake of Deathwing's rise, Azeroth has been transformed: previously lush jungle areas have been reduced to burning waste, while once-desert environments have undergone a similar-but-inverse change into fresh green growth. Likewise, the Alliance has pushed into the Barrens and destroyed Camp Taurajo, while the Barrens itself has been split in two by a massive volcanic fissure.

Environmental Redesign

One of the primary features of Cataclysm is the redesign of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor areas introduced with the launch of World of Warcraft in 2004; while the previous game design didn't allow for the use of flying mounts in 'old-world' areas, those areas have been completely redesigned with flight in mind for Cataclysm.

Major changes are being brought to these zones. Each faction will have a smoother leveling process, as all old quests are scrapped and replaced with new ones that will incorporate updated gameplay and mechanics that have been changed or redesigned since the game's release.

Along with the redesign of each zone, each race will have its own respective starting area, where players will do a series of quests in a chain that will bring them up to level 5-6, before sending them out of the small area, and into the rest of the world.

Each zone will also have its own storyline, through a series of quests, as to keep the player interested in doing side quests. Each of the zones that are faction specific, however, will cater only to those of the faction that controls that zone. Neutral, or 'contested' zones, will feature a PvP (Player-Versus-Player) based quest line, making the player compete against the opposing faction (Horde against Alliance, and vice versa) to achieve the desired goal of their faction. This feature makes usage of phasing, which was first seen in The Burning Crusade expansion.

New features

  • Level cap raised from 80 to 85
  • Players will be able to use flying mounts in old-world Azeroth zones (flying mounts were previously restricted to Northrend and Outland because of design limitations)
  • Redesigned and updated zones within Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms
  • New towns and around 3500 new quests
  • Redesigned low and mid-level quests to accompany updated zones
  • Seven new dungeons: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, the Stonecore, the Vortex Pinnacle, the Lost City of the Tol'vir, the Halls of Origination, and Grim Batol, all available in regular and heroic modes at level 85
  • Three new raids: The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent and Throne of the Four Winds, plus the Tol Barad Prison raid dungeon after PvP zone completion (more raids planned to be released with later patches)
  • Two previously released dungeons—Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep—will be re-vamped with an added Heroic Mode for level 85 players
  • New battlegrounds and a new world-PVP zone, Tol-Barad (similar to the Wintergrasp world-PvP zone introduced in Wrath of the Lich King)
  • A new secondary skill: Archaeology
  • An overhaul of the Glyph system with three types of Glyphs: Prime, Major, and Minor. In addition, Glyphs are taught as a spell and can now be switched around without the purchase of additional glyphs. However, you will need a new material called "Vanishing Powder" to replace existing Glyphs with new ones.
  • A rated battleground system, along with associated new rewards
  • Newly accessible zones including Uldum, Deepholm, the Sunken City of Vash'jir, the Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal (previously only featured as a time travel destination within the Caverns of Time)
  • Two new playable races, Goblins and Worgen
  • Addition of new race/class combinations (Tauren can now be Paladins, Gnomes can now be Priests, Undead can now be Hunters, etc.)
  • Introduction of new stats such as Mastery, which will enhance certain abilities (both active and passive) depending on the player's class and talent specialization
  • Changes to class mechanics, including abolishing the use of ammunition and stand-alone warlock soul shards, consolidation of totems and buffs, the addition of holy power for paladins, an eclipse mechanic for Druids, Rage normalization, changes to the rune system, the change from mana to focus for hunters, and racial bonuses
  • Warlocks and Hunters now attain a combat pet at level 1 without needing to do a quest. Warlocks get an imp, Hunters get a pet based on their race (Dwarves get a bear, Humans get a wolf, Undead get a spider, etc.)
  • Revamp of the stat system, removing such stats as mana per 5 seconds (MP5), armor penetration and defense rating and integrating them in other ways such as talents or the new mastery stat.
  • Major changes to the cities of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, with minor adjustments to others
  • New starting areas for Trolls and Gnomes at levels 1-5
  • Player talent trees have been reworked to a 31 point tree and players will have a total of 41 talent points at level 85. Consequently, the talent trees are being "trimmed", and will look (superficially) much like the talent trees players had available on WoW's launch. Although it seems counterintuitive, Blizzard actually says this will give players more options, as the talents they are trimming felt mandatory previously. Instead of the old method of one talent point per level (after level 10) players get one point at level 10, then a point every odd level (e.g. 11, 13, 15....) afterwards.
  • Unlike the current talent system where a player learns his or her first talent point at level 10 and is able to place that point and any subsequent point wherever he or she chooses, in Cataclysm, at level 10 a player must choose a talent specialization (spec) and only spend points in that "tree" until they have reached 31 points. Once 31 points have been spent, he or she is able to use the rest of his or her attained points in any of the 3 trees. When the player chooses a specialization at 10, they will gain one major active skill that sets that spec apart from the others, and 2-3 passive skills that support that particular tree. This was done in order to make players feel as though they are actually specialized in a specific talent tree as soon as they are able to choose one, rather than at higher levels where enough points have been placed into the tree of their choosing to make that feel like their specialization.
  • Experimental support for DirectX 11 through the command line.
  • New raid and PvP currency systems

In addition, Cataclysm is planned to utilize the revamped community platform which is being integrated with other Blizzard games such as StarCraft II and Diablo III.

Many of these changes have already been put into place as of Patch 4.0.1, which added all the new systems (new talents, glyph system, spell changes, resource changes, pets at level 1, removal of stats from items and from the game, mastery, and others). In addition, the changes to old zones were made in patch 4.0.3a, which was released to live servers on November 23, 2010.

A previously-announced feature, called Path of the Titans, was subsequently removed from the initial Cataclysm launch for unknown reasons. Path of the Titans was to be an 'alternate' method of character advancement after the level 85 cap had been reached; while keeping the level cap in place, the Path system would have allowed a player to continue enhancing their existing skills and talents.

So thats that another 2-3 days at the time of this post before release. All of that comes from wikipedia. I'm just using this as page filler. Google never actually picks this stuff up or at least I never get any hits from it, also to remind me when cataclysm came out. I been playing World of Warcraft for about three years now. Got about 200 days of slash played time. Thats 200 days total time added up from over about 3 years. So in 3 years i've spent 200 days of that time sitting in a chair playing World of Warcraft.

You can see more about Cataclysm at this WowWiki page.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

1 Billion Dollars. What Would You Do With One Billion Dollars?

Hi. (That's polite) I would like 1 Billion Dollars. To Fight Terrorism. They shalt tremble in fear. At my mighty billion dollars. Thats just a passive ability.

I believe I have earned it. And the price is now ONE Billion 2011 Dollars US. Watch me before your eyes earn One Billion Dollars Two Thousand And Eleven Dollars.

What would you do with a Billion dollars?

Right so the first thing I do is like the billion is deposited into my bank account. I buy a car. Maybe like a Rx8 if I can find one where I live or something cheaper till I can get to a real town to buy a real car. No one knows I have the money still.

So then I have to buy a house. Possibilities include renting one. I definitely buy some land. But to do all this people probably suspect something about me having lots of money.

There is lag time you see before when you get the money to when the media find out. What are your suggestions for a great story as to having a billion dollars. I need some advice for an up and coming billionaire.

The Social Network (the movie) is about the founders of face book and now the worlds youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. Mark is 26 years old. To quote the movie roughly, "A millions not cool, you know what's cool, A Billion."

Ok. So i would make like 200 millionaires or maybe like 150. I would give all my relatives, friends now and friends from long ago i would give 1.25 million New Zealand Dollars each so they can spend some and still stay above the million mark.

My parents and brothers I would give like 10 million each. I would actually try and negotiate with the government some sort of deal so there would be less tax taken on the gifts of money but truly thats really dreaming.

I would want say 750 Million to 800 Million Us dollars left over. Now the tricky part is that I want to earn 5 percent interest or more with out any risk of losing money. This would give me some more cash each year and I could slowly over my life time make say 20 millionaires each year and still have some cash to accumulate property and land.

There should be an online database for billionaires to goto to learn about money. There probably is. I have some questions. Mostly dreams. Post your dream.

Anyway watch me earn One Billion Two Thousand and Eleven Dollars American United States US. To spend.

I would want to keep it quiet. But that would be impossible eventually. K funs over. Back to reality. This is pretty much as far as I get spending one billion dollars and I go over the same stuff all the time. I don't want to travel much... Guess you can still get bored even with a billion dollars. I'm going to be a billionaire. Am looking for things to do. Watch Me. I can Dream.

Whats your ideas.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Phone Call. Property. LAW.

My Phone Call is not government property. It is not the property of the radio station. It is my property.

I want my property now to do with whatever I want.

Give me my property.

I want my property now.

Give me my phone call under power of the LAW.

Phone Call.

Give Me MY Phone call. What is the Fucking Problem?

Fascist Mind Control Slavery

I'm being tortured. What else can I say. I'm being tortured and no-one believes me. Everyday. For hours. By the government.

It first started 12 years ago when they lobotomized me with some machine while I was quietly living in my house not hurting anyone. Not a fly.

Now there back. They torture me because I supposedly hate America or something. Least I think thats the gist of it. They basically hate me so much they get great pleasure in seeing me suffer as much as humanly possible.

They cripple me financially. They do everything in there power to hurt me and make me suffer. They have me hooked up to a machine 7/24. Fascist Mind Control Slavery.

This is the government. Your government anywhere in the world.

They taunt me with there voices. Like listening to any stereo. And they taunt me with there images. One of the big things they do is scream "NO" at me when I ask for things like my phone call (See link at side 9/11) which is what attracted them this times and when I ask for money they scream "NO". Money is my phone call.

I said America sucks a few times and started hating on the people monitoring me and I end up a tortured slave, this is like 7 years after 9/11 and my phone call. 7 years of begging everyday for a copy of said phone call or some cash. 7 years. Let 7 years be marked and remembered as a fucking long long long fucking long fucking time to have no cash or a copy of my phone call and to be begging everyday for these things.

I want a copy of my phone call you fucking fascists monitoring me. Fuck off with your torture. I want you to goto jail. No one ever should be mind controlled. Fascists.

Give me my phone call. Fuck of with your fascist mind control slavery. Give Me My Phone Call.

If you believe people should be mind controlled tortured by the government do nothing. Read this and do nothing. That's what will happen to so many. Men, women, children, the unborn.

If you think otherwise like people should be free then leave a comment or do something.

If you want my torture to stop then donate some cash to me or time or something only you can think of. I really need a house.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tin Foil Hats.

Tin Foil Hats The jokes a bit old. It hides something though. People will just accept when the technology is finally released.

Everyone will say I knew all along.

I'm a pioneer. I must take the jibes and jaunts of people who haven't seen this technology demonstrated. The unbelievers. I must be locked up and goto Jail.

Hurts I must say. Getting beaten up. For telling the truth. Not one person will come to my defense.

In defense of this technology. The ability to send full motion video text images, practically anything directly into your mind.

I'm a pioneer and trail blazer and prophet. I'm sorry that I have to yell and scream about this technology.

I'm sorry I can't yell loud enough. I'm sorry that I appear as nothing but Schizophrenic. But that's exactly how they condemn me and no-ones going to believe otherwise.

I mean this is important. Really important.

Please remember I TOLD YOU SO I don't care if you don't listen, just remember.


Giving Up Smoking.

I stopped smoking on the 20th of September 2010. This was the fourth time this year that I had tried to give up. The first time time I did 11 days. The second time I did 30 Days. And the third time 32 Days. This time i'm sitting on about 60 days. Also this means that i haven't smoked for 4 months total out of 2010.

60 days is ok. I mean i'm wondering a little right now what a cigarette would be like. But I can so far seem to handle not actually smoking one.

I imagine if I started again it would be ever so hard to stop yet once more and that 60 days would be wasted.

One thing I think about is that things will change. The longer I go without one I think the desire should go away and i'll become less interested. My thoughts about cigarettes will change. It's like counting the days until it's so far that it's real hard to count and counting doesn't matter so much i guess.

I'm always guessing.

Cya Later.

Government Cover Up.

The Government is covering up my phone call. So is the radio station. Someone has a copy.

I demand a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before September 11th 2001 live on nationwide New Zealand wide talkback radio.

I want a copy now for release to the general public but mostly You Tube.

Something like this phone call would go for a million hits easy.

Like I said the government is covering it up and denying me a copy to release.

They are lying. They are covering up the truth.

If something like this has to be hidden what does it mean for the truth about 9/11.

I demand my phone call be released to the public. Now. Immediately. Without delay.

So the public may review.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Beating A Lie. Darcy Lee

My doctor condemns me. Mainly because I told him of my "Ability" as he called it, to receive text messages, full motion video, and images from what I call a Government controlled technology source.

I must now forcefully against my will be drugged for the rest of my life because of my testimony.

I tell the absolute truth, and I get condemned for it by so called professionals.

They condemn me for telling the truth.

They condemn me for saying what is correct and right.

They condemn me for being honest.

It is a war. Now.

The future is the weapon I choose. There is no death.

If i'm telling the truth which i am and you condemn me for it, I believe the condemnation will eventually end up on the condemner when the truth comes out. They will be utterly destroyed.

So all I need is for the truth to come out. And then some. I need to endure to the end until I am redeemed for standing in the truth and telling the truth. Or do lies trump truth?

Again they condemn me for telling the truth. Telling about a technology that has the ability to send full motion video text images directly into your mind, into your brain.

Surely this one time the truth can outlast and beat a lie.

Couple of Wikipedia Links.

This talks a little about what i'm trying to communicate but not really. I haven't seen much of a simulated universe. Though I presume there is one. I've mostly just seen images and text and full motion video beamed directly into my head. A simulated universe would require a fast A.I computer. There is definately a computer involved. The wiki articles don't mention this technology, this type of Virtual Reality much, but it is currently fully operational.


The Government cover up the existence of this technology by using doctors and psychologists. If you mention this technology to anyone you will be CONDEMNED.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Phone Call.

Phone Call Recording of Where I yelled war on talk back radio 2 days before September 11th 2001 you have to hear the phone call but o that's right you can't Plus You Tube Equals Lots Of Money. Can You read that ok?

I am Being condemned by the government. I'm pretty sure i'm telling the truth. The government want to fight me. All I am asking for is a copy of my phone call and they bash me.

I have this ringing in my ear 24/7. It is not a medical condition. It's is a piece of technology creating the ringing sound. Reading and controlling me or absolutely doing I don't know i'm just speculating. The ringing sound is torture and often comes with alot of hate it's very loud and it never stops and nobody believes me.

The doctors condemn me and don't believe it is a piece of technology with people behind it operating the sound. How Could the govnerment possibly be doing this?

"IS IT LEGAL." That is one of the things that has been said to me.

I don't know. I don't want the ringing sound. It is not my friend it is an enemy. It controls my behavior.

All I am asking for is a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before September 11th 2001 and the government bash the living shit out of me.

I am being bashed. I am being tortured. I am being humiliated. I am being made depressed and angry and violent. They violate me. They rape me. They criminalize me.

I keep asking them for a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before Septermber 11th 2001 live on talkback radio but they treat me violently and cut me down. And leave me no one to talk to and no one who believes me.

The doctors call me insane. I say I am telling the truth 100 percent. A christian said it was demons and angels and god.

The government torture me everyday.

They fight me. They like it. It is there passion. I ask them for a copy of my phone call.

Please somebody. I want a copy of my phone call now.

Please Somebody. The government is hurting me.

Please Someone. I want a copy of my phone call.

This is my reply to the bashing I am getting from the government. My reply is give me a copy of my phone call. Cease Your Violence.

Dear Government

Give me a copy of my phone call now. Liars. Terrorists. Murderers. Slavers. Torturers.

Right now.

Give me a copy.

Only the terrorists or the guilty would cover up my phone call.

Give me a copy of my phone call now. Prove your innocence. Or are you going to keep pushing the lies, covering up my phone call is a lie and a crime. Give me a copy of my phone call now. Or stand condemned.

Thank you for your time Government.

Darcy Lee