Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Friday, May 14, 2010
They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that they had knowledge of the attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. It's about mind control. September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.
They are LYING.
I give my life.
It's not enough to call them liars on this website. I give my life.
My life buys nothing. No one gives it any value.
These words are my life.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Secret Virtual Reality Technology.
Being non smart and retarded with something like a permanent headache + insanity feels real good every morning when you wake up. But enough about my disabilities.
The worlds in for some serious games in the future. With the government technology of virtual reality set to take off when it becomes less classified, the ability to send full motion video sound images text directly to your mind a new world. Now put this together with artificial intelligence the games will be amazing.
Off course maybe with this technology they need to build more mental hospitals for the people it creates. I don't know secret tech is secret.
A.I could maybe oneday in my life if i live another 20-30 yrs be able to write movies in real time with full motion live world realistic video. It could even star your most favourite actors. As computers get faster the creation of a movie or tv program could go down from months to days. I like movies tv so thats great, theres isnt enough good shows that I can get hold of at the moment.
Yeah I don';t know anything about secret virtual reality technology. Cough.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Google Adsense On This Site
So far in that 3 years i've clocked up the grand total of $12.41 dollars US worth of clicks. You have to hit $100 dollars before they pay you out. At this rate it will be 22 more years before I get a payout.
If you get traffic to your website google adsense is worth it. One click paid $1.96. Thats just one click. Lowest click was 1 cent.
I get on average only about 2 hits a day to this website.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Super Drunk Guy.
Super Drunk Guy Trying To Buy Some Beer.
Chocolate Rain
"Chocolate Rain" is a song and music video written and performed by Tay Zonday. After being posted on YouTube on April 22, 2007, the song quickly became popular. By 2009 the video had over 40 million views. The music video portrays a bespectacled Zonday in a recording studio wearing a white T-shirt and singing into a condenser microphone. Occasional cutbacks to Zonday playing a digital piano are also shown. The video is also famous for a caption displayed early in the video "**I move away from the mic to breathe in," which has been parodied many times. The song, and its writer/performer, attracted major media attention
Still Poor.
Please help end my torture now today. Donate to me.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ah, I long for money. It gives you freedom. The governments of the world muwahaha, have conspired against me to make me poor. You know I worked hard. I'm not getting paid.
DOES anyone want to give me money? NO.
The governments of the w0rld muwahaha, owe me money. Yep they do. Pay me the money you owe me governments of the world.
I really want some money. I have earned it. I want to say that my September 11th phone call is my property and it deserves a website. I want a copy of the phone call. The governments of the world owe me money for this. Because they know why. I worked hard. Click the World Trade Center Link on the left to read the story but it's really badly written like what i'm writing now.
Governments of the world muwahaha give me some money now.
I can't afford to pay the rent no more. They ignore me and cause me heaps of pain. They have ignored me for like 8 years now. 8 years is a really long time. A really really long time.
Sorry I suck. Please donate to me. The governments of the world won't. Damn I suck. I R bored. No one believes anything I say.
Virtual Reality, Immortality and Criminal Justice.
Yay for immortality. The government is working on immortality now, but thats just a guess really won't see it in my lifetime but I have seen VR Inside my head. Anything you could see on a computer screen can be projected inside your head.
Inside our heads are new worlds. Pretty much endless realities. VR tech will be huge for education, entertainment, Warfare, Control. It will play a huge part in the rest of peoples lives.
Criminal Justice will be huge. They could search your mind for images of the murder you are supposed to have commited. Who knows.
At the moment the government has the technology to send full motion video, images, text, sound, directly to your mind. But its secret.
Sorry this is boring. No one cares. Because noone knows. Boring.
Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring.
The Government hates me. Alot. Heaps.
The Government hates me. Heaps. So much. Damn Torture. Wish they didn't torture me. Also Government wheres my money? Why are you forcing me to live like this?
Give me some money.
Secret Government Technology.
It's pretty big I guess. No one knows about the technology, it's secret. If you tell a psychologist they will put you on medication and lock you away in hospital with a diagnosis of proberly skitzophrenia or some mental illness. If you keep telling them they will increase your medication. Even though you telling the truth. This is the state of our medical system.
If you post on a forum people with laugh and mock.
I get text messages all the time, and photos and video. I got this video in my head of me following this skateboarder. Afterwards it's like you could almost skateboard yourself. It could be a very useful educational tool. But it could also be used as a weapon to manipulate and control you.
Artificial Intelligence is here now. Everyone knew artificial intelligence would be invented, but not really many people would have guessed that at the same time you would be able to hook it up and use the A.I to send video to your brain. I guess theres the movie Matrix, but still no-one sees it coming.
I'm hated alot. I'm a slave. I am abused by being forced to live where I live and kept poor even though I have earned alot of money. Property of mine is withheld from me by the government which could earn me a living. Yet i'm found guilty and sentenced. I have endured much torture.
I want my property. No-one will listen I just get completely ignored and abused and tortured.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Living Water
Living water is supposed to grant you immortality. According to the bible. Well alls I got was real sick like a few days later and i've been sick ever since.
It did taste very nice.
I've suffered alot. I'm suffering right now. It's constant. It never lets up. I don't enjoy life very much. I'm not very comfortable. I'm very poor.
I'm wondering if the living water is reproducable. Like they say in science you need to be able to reproduce the results over and over again or something. It's proberly not reproducable. Could it be mass produced? Was it me tasting the water that made it tasted like living or was the water actually living and anyone could taste it living. It could of been governement tech again like the fire. Proberly was. Poor Jesus.
People start cults and stuff like that with something like living water. Like they say "I'm the chosen one" and people start following them and obeying them. HAHA. I don't like religion. Ewwwwww. I tried that. Ewwww. Also proberly the first thing that happens when u start a cult is money. The followers hand over there money to the leader.
If you want to hand over your money to me you can. I been asking for donations for a long time. HAHA.
Anyway I like the idea of immortality. Living forever without pain or worry boredom fear or whatever. Just living a harmonious existence enjoying oneself. Even being excited waking up every morning. Forever.
Living water hasn't helped me give up smoking. It hasn't made me a fortune of money. I still get cuts and nicks and scratchs on my body so i'm not immortal. Damn ha. O and i'm still real sick.
Damn You GOD for Not being Real. Ewwww. So what am I trying to say in the article that i'm writing. Well I really don't know. I just thought I should mention Living Water cause it was tasty and it links to immortality and immortality is cool. If I happen to start a cult where people donate me heaps of money that would be cool to. Actually a cult wouldn't be cool but i'll take your donations.
If you want to donate to me you can click the paypal button. I suck as a person. My mind is dead. :( I'm gone. I'm really sick. :(
Government Technology these days OMG.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Darcy Lee
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Games Arcade.
Games Arcade.
Had these on the front page of my website but decided to move them off of it.
Noone will ever see them now. O well
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Robots and Reading the Mind.
High Speed Robotics.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Darcy Lee
The www.darcylee.co.nz domain is for sale if you got nz $100000, haha, though the price will go up when/if I become famous. Wish I was rich or at least made a little bit more money per week and also that I didn't smoke.
I still need a house. I haven't worked for the last 10 and a half years at all. I've been really sick unfortunately and been living off the government benefit.
I currently get NZ $269.62 dollars per week in the hand. If I multiply this by 52 this is NZ $14,020.24 per year. This year will be the most i've made in one year for the last 10 and a half years.
If i convert it to the American dollar so the world better understands I get US $9369.72 per year. Or EUR $6612.36 per year (can't do a euro sign).
Woohoo donate to me.