Thousand Foot Krutch - You Move To This Phenomenon.
Been listening to this for the last couple days. Bit bored of it now buts it's still pretty cool and I like it. It's also one of my songs. The line "You Move To This Phenomenon" is me speaking. I was speaking about Jesus.

God when are you going to change this world into something good. At the moment it's only evil. There is only suffering.
I'm tortured daily by humans. They mind control me with technology. They lord it over me. They won't give me any money to provide some comfort. They keep my phone call a secret.
The are vain and think ever so highly of themselves.
The bible does nothing though. Neither do Christians. No Christian believes my story so no action is taken.
I want some comfort.
I want some money.
I want to stop being mind controlled. I want the people behind it to be judged by the public for what they do. They mind control everyone. The laws they make put them above us.
They keep it secret.
No one believes.
God you suck. God your evil. You do nothing.
Jesus you suck. Your death which you could've avoided did nothing but give them something to mind control me with.
Religion sucks. It doesn't work. The cross has no power. Jesus has no power and is dead.
I need to die.
Jesus you are a liar.
2000 years of human suffering makes me believe Jesus is a liar. But to come to this conclusion yourself then you must suffer for like at least 5 years of the worst suffering imaginable.
Jesus doesn't save.
Jesus is evil. Jesus doesn't care.
Jesus teachings are evil. They are undecipherable. They provide no comfort in your pain. They only lead to madness.
The whole bible is a book of madness.
God is evil but more than likely doesn't exist.
What else can I say about God? Even right now the usual things that come up in my eyesight are coming up right now. These are mind control items. I am being mind controlled right now.
Nobody believes in this tech.
I hate God.
God has done no good in my life.
God is not good. God is not real. There are only evil humans like Hitler with no humans to oppose the evil. The evil goes unchecked.
I have for the last 17 years been tortured by humans. Even longer than that. They have mind controlled me all my life.
No Christian will accept me. They don't believe my words. My words about the tech and songs are truth. Yet no one acknowledges me.
God is not real. God is evil.
Christians are evil. They don't believe in their God. If they did they would believe me.
I hate God.
I hate Christians.
Not one person has believed me.
God does nothing. Nobody can hear his voice. In the face of absolute suffering for years on end God did nothing.
God your evil. You don't prove me wrong.
God show your face you coward. Stop hiding.
There are no weapons the average man has against the evil in the world. If your going to be tortured you will be tortured. No God will stop it.
When will I stop being tortured. When will I be believed. When will these men and women who have practiced mind control on me be brought to justice. Do you think they believe in your God?
They know there isn't a god. Their behavior exhibits what they believe. They torture people for fun
I am tortured for sport and fun.
You don't believe me. So they can carry on with out fear.
I need the people who do this to me to be punished.
Their laws can't possibly hold up under reality. If the people knew about them.
They break international war rules about torture.
I am a torture victim.
I have no scars and nobody believes me. Yet I am tortured by other men daily.
I believe the theory of God is evil and he doesn't exist.
But as long as men can do things in secret their will always be wrongs.
The darkness that these cockroaches hide in needs to be brought to the world
The world needs to know about this tech. This so others aren't tortured by it.
They are worse than Hitler these people. They are hardcore fascists. Nazis in true blood. Only armed with modern tech.
It is a war.
I am tortured as a prisoner.
I have done nothing wrong.
These people have made all the choices and decisions.
I asked for money everyday they watched me. I am destitute and poor.
These people have no heart. They have no mercy. They have given themselves to the way of evil.
They enjoy evil more than good. They practice it to get better at it.
I am very distressed at the moment.
God is no help. There is no help for me.
I want my freedom that is my right.
I want my rights that every human should have. The right not to be mind controlled and tortured.
These people think so highly of themselves. They call themselves God.
They treat everyone as underneath and below them.
They are not afraid. They have no fear.
So you Christian. When are you going to believe me.
I don't believe in your evil God anymore. He is evil. I have now endured more than Christ did for a much longer period of time. Chirsts' suffering was over in a matter of hours. Mine went on at max level for 10 years. Then it stopped for like 6 months then the humans started right back at it. Now I have all new wounds.
All humans are evil.
I want my rights. I want the law to do me justice. They are breaking the law and they are from the Govt. Nobody cares about me.
I don't even have one comment on my website after like 8 years.
No body loves me.
To love me is to believe what I say.

Men are evil. Men know that God doesn't exist and take advantage of men that believe in God.
Why should I be tortured. I am innocent. I've done nothing criminal. They torture me now for pleasure.
They fail to understand pain as they have never known it.
I want the torture to stop.
When will the torture stop.
They make me angry. They mock and tease me with the tech.
They even can control what I type and make me speak out loud what and as I type.
They can see what I see hear what I hear. Who gave them permission.
We didn't. We make the laws. Not them.
They can't make a law that make me their slave.
I am a slave under law though.
They keep me as a slave. They treat me badly. Jesus is evil
I can't say how much I hate Jesus for all the suffering he has brought into my life.
Jesus you are not good. God you are not good either.
There is no one good. Not One.
These people need to have it taken off them. Permanently.
These people need to be mind controlled themselves.
They need their minds read and made public.
Something needs to be done. But you are evil.
You are evil as well.
You don't believe. You haven't suffered.
Until the truth comes out you are all evil.
You are evil with them.
You chose to believe them over me.
I hate God now. I have given God 37 years to do something. That's totally long enough.
God is useless in the face of human suffering and death.
God does nothing.
This tech seems much greater than god if it can control my every move.
What gives them the lawful right to make me their slave.
They are exactly the same people before 9/11 and after 9/11.
Nothing changed. The evil was allowed to live.
Evil must be killed and punished and tortured.
Lay your life down for me.
I hate God. I hate the world. I hate life.
You are not innocent. Nobody is. Please help me stop being tortured by other humans. Believe what I say. Maybe not about God but at least about the songs and about being tortured.
Noboby even believes I am being tortured. It's all in my head.
Well you shall mourn then.
Darcy Lee
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