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Monday, June 19, 2023


 My Nana who was 92 years old died on Saturday the 17th of June 2023 in the morning only a couple of days ago.

The Funeral is tomorrow Tuesday the 20th of June 2023. I just wanted to post this note here so I can remember the day she died. 

She lived a good life and I only saw her like a month or 2 ago or so. She had Alzheimer's. She basically died from old age as everyone does. 

Bye Nana you will be remembered fondly. I am 45 and she has been with me my whole life helping out and supporting. 

Darcy Lee

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Things I wanna Buy with the Money from Quitting Smoking

A pack of cigarettes costs $32 dollars currently. I often buy 2-3 packs a week. This is alot of money that could be going on food and savings.

 rtx 4070 ti nvidia video card. $1700

Thats definitely up there on my list of things i want first.

Also a power supply for computer so can run video card    $150

Electric guitar and amplifier   $500

Bluetooth Stereo that doubles for an amplifier for my guitar.         gunna say $300-500

Portable bluetooth speaker       $100

New cell phone            $300

Android Tablet                        $400

Pay of debt at baycorp so can obtain credit again.  Not sure how much say $1000

Buy a battery and 16gb ram for my laptop which is absolute luxury for how much i use it but $75 for battery and $120 for ram say $200.

Buy another 16gb ram for my desktop pc to take it to 32gb $120

Quitting smoking would enable me to up my grocery budget each week so am spending more on food and not starving and actually having takeaways and nice foods from the supermarket. This change in diet would provide broad health and energy benefits on top of the benefits of quitting smoking. Put simply at the moment I don't get enough food.

Um what else.

A wifi bluetooth dongle so I can hook up my new stereo  $30

If i think of more stuff ill add it. The total comes to      $5000 exactly. But i know there is stuff I have forgotten.

So there we have it.  $5000 is about 2 years savings at $50 dollars a week. Incredibly doable if I just quit smoking. NOW whats stopping me from quitting smoking?

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What are the 5 stages to quit smoking?

What are the 5 stages to quit smoking?

5 Stages to Quitting

Pre-contemplation (not thinking about quitting) ...

Contemplation (thinking about quitting but not ready to quit) ...

Preparation (getting ready to quit) ...

Action (quitting) ...

Maintenance (remaining a non-smoker)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

How Not To Quit Smoking by Darcy Lee

I wanted to write a few things on this website about smoking as a list for me to come to, to help remind me of ways and means and anything quitting smoking related. 

Quitting Smoking.

Reason 1 that everyone probably thinks when quitting is cost. SMoking costs alot. I dont spend that much on smoking but i do smoke a lot. Cost doesnt affect me too much but it does often mean that $30 spent on a packet of smokes could've been spent on food instead. 

Reason 2 would be health. Science usually lists the risks that will be cut if u quit smoking and also the diseases that smoking can cause.

So the first thing i want to add that not many websites seem to offer is that you should be speaking out loud about quitting. Repeating sentences and words related to quitting and the motivations spoken out loud should give your mind and body some queues as to what you want and will lighten your load. Also perhaps you could record yourself and play yourself back on a loop with words towards quitting smoking.

I know this is good. But it's not all together enough. Perhaps it could be if it were over like a long period of time and you put a lot of effort into it but I have done this and im a repeat smoker. I think it is important as just one of your tools. It takes a little effort to get going. Some will start but will burn out and fall away from saying things out loud like "Quit Smoking Forever". I just said that out loud. Now again.

I quit for 5 years 4 months only to start again.

At the moment, for a little while I have just started saying outloud "Jesus Cannabis Tobacco Clopixal".

Jesus is for searching for truth and love. John 8:32 is You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. 

So knowledge is a form of truth. You also need understanding. Understanding I think is what divides truth from lies. But work on knowledge. 

Fill your mind with things that are related to quitting smoking. Read the comments on a you tube quit smoking video perhaps. I think you want real live people who have dealt with the experience to build up all the different angles of attack.

I'm writing this to whoever comes here and is a smoker but also myself.

Now another thing I learned just last nite. Get a non smoking app on your phone that records your quit time. Have your last cigarette just before you goto bed. Set the time. Now in the morning you can look at the timer and say you've gone 8-12 hours or however long you slept without a cigarette. This should cheer you up a little. I find the morning cigarette quite hard.

Something that happened to me also yesterday. I got a craving and then had a milo or hot chocolate and almost instantly the craving passed which I attribute to the nourishment of the drink. I still had a cigarette but the craving or urge lifted very quickly within a minute of drinking the drink. It definitely made it much easier to resist even though I had a cigarette.

I guess what you can gain from that is that perhaps if you get cravings eat something very nutritious and this should help abate them. They say people gain weight from quitting smoking but so keep this in mind and the food you choose should be known to help yourself so try different foods. But if hot chocolate with vitamens can help me perhaps it can also help your cravings. Also with weight gain it's far better to quit smoking and gain weight than continue to smoke.

Smoking could be considered thorns and thistles perhaps. The science backs why you should give up. I never see the positives of smoking though? I dont think it makes you smarter as the other detriments of smoking would offset that. Basically i've only ever read science that says smoking is bad.

This is kind of like journaling a little.

I searched for does smoking and does caffeine limit blood flow to brain. An heres what I got:

Therefore, these factors are expected to reduce the actions of NO from the endothelia and neurons, thus decreasing blood flow to the brain. Cigarette smoking is known to reduce cerebral blood flow due to interfering with endothelial function and to degradation of NO by producing oxygen radicals 

When caffeine makes the blood vessels in our bodies narrower, this leaves less room for blood flow which, in turn, raises blood pressure. The blood vessels supplying blood to the brain can also narrow as much as 27% after caffeine intake which can slow down our ability to think and perform mental tasks.

I think one of the keys to quitting smoking is really deciding. Making up your mind. At the moment im like if i can go long enough without a smoke then i'll stay quit. But I haven't made up my mind. How i quit for 5 years 4 months last time, I had a puff got no sensation and it just triggered something in me and I became determined. I made up my mind. 

I believe you can work your way upto deciding but it has to be a high level decision. Actually I dont know. But the mind comes into play in so many ways. If you haven't made up your mind then your always battling temptation perhaps. Once you have made the decision then you can concentrate on other things. Man it was so easy last time. It still took me 3x30 days with fails usually around the 30 day mark. This time I havent made up my mind like I did last time.

I'm a fan of health and fitness. Seeing humans perform at optimum levels is great. Im 44 now and never really exercised. I smoke cigarettes and cannabis which I also want to quit but only because of cost as cannabis is what keeps me poor not tobacco. If there was a law change which allowed me to grow cannabis I would actually start to gert somewhere in life instead of spending all my money on weed. I guess the best thing ultimately would be to quit weed health wise.

Things smoking does.

Cognitive decline

Cognitive decline typically happens naturally as you get older. You may become more forgetful or not be able to think as quickly as you did when you were younger. But if you smoke, you may experience faster cognitive decline than nonsmokers.

This is even more serious for men, according to a 2012 studyTrusted Source that examined the cognitive data of more than 7,000 men and women over a 12-year period. The researchers found that middle-aged male smokers experienced more rapid cognitive decline than nonsmokers or female smokers.

Increased risk of dementia

Smokers also have an increased risk of dementia, a condition that can affect memory, thinking abilities, language skills, judgement, and behavior. It may also cause personality changes.

A 2015 research reviewTrusted Source looked at 37 studies comparing smokers and nonsmokers and found that smokers were 30 percent more likely to develop dementia. The review also found that quitting smoking decreases the risk of dementia to that of a nonsmoker.

Loss of brain volume

According to a 2017 studyTrusted Source, the longer you smoke, the higher your risk of greater age-related brain volume loss.

Researchers found that smoking negatively affected the structural integrity of subcortical brain regions. They also found that smokers, compared to nonsmokers, had greater amounts of age-related brain volume loss in several areas of the brain.

Higher risk of stroke

Smokers are more likely to suffer from a stroke than nonsmokers. According to the CDCTrusted Source, smoking increases the risk of a stroke by two to four times in both men and women. This risk increases if you smoke a higher number of cigarettes.

The good news is that within 5 years of quitting, your risk may decrease to that of a nonsmoker.

Higher risk of cancer

Smoking introduces many toxic chemicals into the brain and body, some of which have the ability to cause cancer.

Dr. Harshal Kirane, the medical director of Wellbridge Addiction Treatment and Research, explained that with repeated exposure to tobacco, genetic changes in the lungs, throat, or brain may increase your risk of developing cancer.

Can quitting make a difference?

Quitting nicotine can benefit your brain, as well as many other parts of your body.

A 2018 studyTrusted Source found that smokers who quit for a prolonged period benefited from a reduced risk of dementia. Another studyTrusted Source found that quitting tobacco can create positive structural changes to the brain’s cortex — though it can be a long process.

Mayo Clinic reports that once you stop entirely, the number of nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal, and cravings should subside.

In addition to the positive changes to your brain health, quitting smoking can also benefit the rest of your body in many ways. According to Mayo Clinic, quitting tobacco can:

slow your heart rate just 20 minutes after your last cigarette

reduce the levels of carbon monoxide in your blood to a normal range within 12 hours

improve your circulation and lung function within 3 months

cut your risk of a heart attack by 50 percent within a year

reduce your stroke risk to that of a nonsmoker within 5 to 15 years


Broken Addiction Cycle

Quitting smoking can re-wire your brain and help break the cycle of addiction. The large number of nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal levels after about a month of being quit.

Head and Face

Sharp Hearing

Quitting smoking will keep your hearing sharp. Remember, even mild hearing loss can cause problems (like not hearing directions correctly and doing a task wrong).

Better Vision

Stopping smoking will improve your night vision and help preserve your overall vision by stopping the damage that smoking does to your eyes.

Clean Mouth

Nobody likes a dirty mouth. After a few days without cigarettes, your smile will be brighter. Not smoking now will keep your mouth healthy for years to come.

Clear Skin

Quitting smoking is better than anti-aging lotion. Quitting can help clear up blemishes and protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkling.


Decreased Heart Risks

Smoking is the leading cause of heart attacks and heart disease. But many of these heart risks can be reversed simply by quitting smoking. Quitting can lower your blood pressure and heart rate almost immediately. Your risk of a heart attack declines within 24 hours.

Thin Blood

Another effect of quitting smoking is that your blood will become thinner and less likely to form dangerous blood clots. Your heart will also have less work to do, because it will be able to move the blood around your body more easily.

Lower Cholesterol

Quitting smoking will not get rid of the fatty deposits that are already there. But it will lower the levels of cholesterol and fats circulating in your blood, which will help to slow the buildup of new fatty deposits in your arteries.


Stop Lung Damage

Scarring of the lungs is not reversible. That is why it is important to quit smoking before you do permanent damage to your lungs. Within two weeks of quitting, you might notice it’s easier to walk up the stairs because you may be less short of breath. Don’t wait until later; quit today!

Prevent Emphysema

There is no cure for emphysema. But quitting when you are young, before you have done years of damage to the delicate air sacs in your lungs, will help protect you from developing emphysema later.

Return of Cilia

Cilia start to regrow and regain normal function very quickly after you quit smoking. They are one of the first things in your body to heal. People sometimes notice that they cough more than usual when they first quit smoking. This is a sign that the cilia are coming back to life. But you’re more likely to fight off colds and infections when your cilia are working properly.


Lower Cancer Risk

Quitting smoking will prevent new DNA damage from happening and can even help repair the damage that has already been done. Quitting smoking immediately is the best way to lower your risk of getting cancer.

Stomach and Hormones

Smaller Belly

Quitting smoking will reduce your belly fat and lower your risk of diabetes. If you already have diabetes, quitting can help you keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Normal Estrogen Levels

If you’re a woman, your estrogen levels will gradually return to normal after you quit smoking. And if you hope to have children someday, quitting smoking right now will increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy in the future.

Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual Healing

If you quit smoking now, you can lower your chances of erectile dysfunction and improve your chances of having a healthy sexual life.

Blood and the Immune System

Normal White Blood Cell Count

When you quit smoking, your body will begin to heal from the injuries that smoking caused. Eventually, your white blood cell counts will return to normal and will no longer be on the defensive.

Proper Healing

Quitting smoking will improve blood flow to wounds, allowing important nutrients, minerals, and oxygen to reach the wound and help it heal properly.

Stronger Immune System

When you quit smoking, your immune system is no longer exposed to tar and nicotine. It will become stronger, and you will be less likely to get sick.

Muscles and Bones

Strong Muscles

Quitting smoking will help increase the availability of oxygen in your blood, and your muscles will become stronger and healthier.

Stronger Bones

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of fractures, both now and later in life. Keep your bones strong and healthy by quitting now.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Pro Begger

I dropped the domain and now someone else has snatched it up. The site is in chinese. I should of kept it, it could of gone somewhere but I was to lazy to do anything with the site.

Anyway so I recently purchased ProBegger and its where i'm posting all my streams from my Piratevoice Youtube channel.

This is still me trying to raise money to purchase a house.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, March 2, 2017

New Domains

Darcy Lee.
I had a bit of extra money today so I bought the domains and It's possible I will develop a site specifically for these domains. But not likely.

At the moment they point to I don't actually know what i'll do with them. They just there to make a point I guess. I'll probably only have them for a year.

Anyway this is a war on death.

Take your part leave a comment.


Added label "Enemy of Death".

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

David Dallas Runnin

David Dallas.
David Dallas - Runnin

Got into this after reading the comments on the Scribe song. It's ok. Nothing to flash. Adding to music 3.

Darcy Lee

Not Many The Remix Scribe

Not Many - The Remix! -Scribe

This is a remix of song of my songs. Check it out. NZ Represent.

Darcy Lee

Fifth Harmony

Fifth Harmony.
Fifth Harmony - Work from Home ft. Ty Dolla $ign

I was looking through the top 100 videos with the most views on you tube on the wikipedia page and looked this up. It's pretty cool. Adding to music 2.

The war on death requires work.

Darcy Lee

Colbie Caillat Try

Colbie Caillat -Try

I got into this by looking for something to do with try. I can't remember the exact song that I was looking for. Not a big fan of this.

Darcy Lee

Usher Yeah


Usher - Yeah

This is one of my songs. Not sure if i've already added it but adding it again if I have. I searched to see if I could find it but couldn't.

Darcy Lee

Linkin Park Piano

Linkin Park - Piano

Discovered this while listening to linkin park. Adding it. I like it. It's ok.

Darcy Lee

Our Lady Peace Innocent

Our Lady Peace.
Our Lady Peace - Innocent

Remembered the chorus to this song and looked it up. It's another of mine. This song doesn't have many views for how great it is.

This is a good one for the sound track to the War on Death.

Added label "Peace".

Darcy Lee

The Monster

Eminem - The Monster ft. Rihanna (OFFICIAL Beef Seeds Cover)

Beefs Seeds.
Another cover of one of my songs. Kind of a hillbilly cover. Don't really like it but adding because I was here.

Counting Stars / The Monster - OneRepublic / Eminem Rihanna (Boyce Avenue ft. Carly Rose Sonenclar)

This is a remix of monster and otehr songs. It's not bad check it out.

Darcy Lee

For Today

Netherworld Dancing Toys.
Netherworld Dancing Toys - For Today

Found this open. Not a big fan but have heard this before. FOR TODAY.

Darcy Lee

Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch.
Thousand Foot Krutch - Running With Giants

A couple more songs from TFK. Not as god as phenomenom but I still like it.

War on Death. Make me proud.

I like the chorus to this song.

Darcy Lee

Intwine Get outta my head


Intwine- Get outta my head

I like the way he says get outta my head.

Not sure again how I got here.

Darcy Lee

Violent Femmes Add It Up

Violent Femmes - Add It Up
Violent Femmes.

Used to listen to this at about the age of 16. Have this memory of partked up outside queen elizabeth park in masterton and dancing to this. You might like this.

I was fighting a war on death at 16 as well. It's progressed to this website.

Darcy Lee


Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun

Saw this in the suggestions and recognised it so adding.,

Hot Child in the City Nick Gilder

Nick Gilder.
Hot Child in the City - Nick Gilder

Found this open in a tab. Adding to Music 3. Don't really have any memories of this song but know that i've heard it before.

Fight for immortality.

Darcy Lee

twenty one pilots Ride

twenty one pilots: Ride

Think my cousin put me onto this groupo again. Not a huge fan of this song so adding to music 3. It was open in a tab though so it gets added.
21 Pilots.

Memba War on Death immortality.

Darcy Lee

Turn Me On

Nicki Minaj.

David Guetta - Turn Me On ft. Nicki Minaj

Enjoyed this song from the first listen. Adding to Music.

Make me come alive. Come on and turn me on.

An awesome song for the War on Death Soundtrack.

Darcy Lee.

Come Alive Dry Bones

Neck Bones.
Come Alive (Dry Bones)

I got dry bones. That's why I looked up this up. My neck has an injury. It's healing with thought. But it's been like 19 years. Progress is slow. Sometimes I get very disheartened that it will never heal. Pray for my neck please.

I'm hoping to be swallowed up by life. I suffered for about 9 - 10 years. I didn't even know what was wrong. Just took it. Took me years to figure it was my neck. It cracks and creaks and give off feelings of injury7 noe. I thought it was my brain. I guess broken bones take thought to heal otherwise mine would've. I got hit by a Govt weapon that shatters bones. But no one believes this. They just think im skitzo.

I'm going to be a powerful weapon in the war on death.

Add label "Bones"

Darcy Lee

Nobody Cadet

Nobody Cadet

This is another of my songs. Another in the sound track for the War on Death. One day we will achieve immortality. Couldn't find an image.

Darcy Lee

Singing in the Rain

Gene Kelly.
Singing In The Rain - Gene Kelly

Not sure again how I got onto this but I remember liking it as a kid. Fascinating.

Darcy Lee

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Ren and Stimpy.

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Ren and Stompy again. I like Rens mind control device. They exist. Only inside you.

Hopefully it will aid in the War on Death. It could be and enemy though.

Darcy Lee.



This is 30 mins of just Alright Alright Alright just repeating.

These lyrics are mines.

Lyrics for the War on Death.

Darcy Lee

BoB Airplanes

B.o.B - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore

This isn't bad. Adding to music 2.

Remember the War on Death. Never forget.

Darcy Lee

Beck Where It's At

Beck- Where It's At (live)

Friend opened this song. I've heard it before long time ago.

Darcy Lee

Megadeth Sweating Bullets

Mega Deth.
Megadeth - Sweating Bullets

Can't even remember listening to this. Adding it Because it's in an open tab.

Adding to music 3. Fight the good fight in the War on Death.

Darcy Lee

Ozzy Osbourne Perry Mason

Ozzy Osbourne - Perry Mason
Ozzy Osbourne.

Had this open in a tab. My landlord goes by the nickname Perry Mason. He used to work in a law clerks office. Long time ago.

Another song for the soundtrack of the War on Death.

Darcy Lee

Creed With Arms Wide Open

Creed - With Arms Wide Open

Always liked creed. It's possible this is another of my songs. Not totally sure about this one again. Check this out if you've never heard creed before.

I am Soldier in the War on Death.

Become my ally.

Darcy Lee

Lean On Major Lazer Metal Cover.

Lean On - Major Lazer & DJ Snake (METAL COVER by Happy Meat)
Happy Meat.

Forgotten how I got onto this. It's only got a couple hundred views so i'm one of the first to see. Maybe i'll make him famous. Not a bad cover of an awesome song.

Remember those fallen in the War on Death. Let the bodies hit the floor.

Darcy Lee

The Ren and Stimpy Show

Ren and Stimpy.
Original Log Commercial The Ren & Stimpy Show

Used to watch this as a 14 year old or around there. Adding for amusement.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

10000 Maniacs These are Days

10000 Maniacs.
10,000 Maniac's - These are Days

Another 10000 song. Got to this from Because the night. These are the days was another song I used to listen to as a teenager. It doesn't sound nearly as good now. Because the night still sounds brilliant though check that out maybe.

This is the sound track to a WAR on Death. We are enemies of death.

Added Label "Because".

Darcy Lee

Closer Shawn McDonald

Closer by Shawn McDonald
Shawn McDonald.

Shawn McDonald also sings Gravity. I thinik that's why I got onto this song. It also sounded familiar so I think I used to listen to it as weell.

Darcy Lee

AHA Crying In The Rain

a-ha - Crying In The Rain

Think I looked this up because it was AHA. Adding to music 3.

Really 80s looking hair in the photo.

OMG im 39 this year. I really hope I can make 70. I wold see some amazing things. Again it's 2017 and everyday is further advancement. 2017 seems advanced. There's still progress to be made. This site is a WAR ON DEATH. I am an enemy of death. Fight with me.

Added label "2017".

Darcy Lee

10000 Maniacs Because The Night

10000 Maniacs.

10000 Maniacs - Because The Night

Friend looked up and album and I played a song from it and it was the original of this. I Heard this first as a teenager used to love it and still do. Thought 10000 were the original artists. I like 10000 better than the original actually. This is classic adding to Music.

Patti Smith - Because The Night.

This is the original.

Added label "Night".

Darcy Lee

Kieth Urban

Carrie Underwood.
Keith Urban - The Fighter ft. Carrie Underwood

Can't remeber how I got onto this. Adding to music 3. Added label "Fight".

Darcy Lee

Twenty One Pilots Stressed Out

Twenty One Pilots.
Twenty One Pilots: Stressed Out

Cousin again introduced me to this song. I had heard it on the radio a while back and used to head "Good Dope Days" or "Good Book Days" when it is actually "Good Ol Days". Adding to Music. Used to love it when this was on radio. It was very catchy.

These are two in one sayings. It can be either or both.

Darcy Lee

Michael Jackson Documentary.

Michael Jackson Oprah Winfrey Interview FULL
Michael Jackson.

Watched this in it's entirety. Got onto it after seeing him beatbox and sing in a video on twitter. It was taken from this. He must of been quite lonely old Michael.

Darcy Lee

The Monster Eminem Cover

The Monster - Eminem ft Rihanna (Cover) Alex Feather Akimov
Alex Feather Akimov.

Found this guitar cover after looking up The Monster on wikipedia. This is yet another of my World Trade Center Septermber 11th songs based on phone calls I made. I like One Sheep Two Sheep. That's me. This cover isn't really like the original but you can hear it. Adding to Music and Amazing Guitar.

Added label "The Monster"

Darc Lee

Jonas Blue Perfect Strangers

Jonas Blue.
Jonas Blue - Perfect Strangers ft. JP Cooper

Cousin introduced me to this I think. Either that or a friend can't remember.

Remember to think of death as an enemy. Just added that in. Nothing to do with song.

Added label "Enemy".

Darcy Lee

Crimson and Clover

Joan Jett.

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Crimson & Clover

Heard this on the radio for the second time so had to look it up.

Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells

Darcy Lee

Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole

Used to listen to this as a teenager. Adding to Music 2.

Darcy Lee

Rihanna This Is What You Came For

Calvin Harris - This Is What You Came For ft. Rihanna

Friend showed me this song liked it straight away. Adding to Music.

Darcy Lee

George Michael Freedom

George Michael - Freedom

Found myself singing freedom so looked that up. George Michael died not so long ago. To me 2017 seems like a really advanced year. Like it's a lot of progression since i've been born. Tech is advanced but also thoughts are advanced. Things are entering the human mind that have never entered it before.
George Michael.

Old people are dreaming dreams and young people are having visions. With the matrix tech now being widely used but still secret it seems this age is fast coming to an end.

Immortality shouldn't be far away at all. I'm hoping within 20 years or my life time we can at least extend life well past 100. People, many people, are working on immortality everyday. This will bring true freedom. It is a joy to see the world and people being lifted out of everyday situations to go onto much better things. There is still a cycle of poverty to be beaten though. The matrix tech will bring alot of joy to people as long as their not criminal. Criminals have something to fear.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Professional Beatboxer

Professional Beat Boxer.

This is a Ted Talk. He goes through some of the sounds he can make. It's pretty cool.

Adding to music 3 and movies.

Darcy Lee