Finally after like 9 years of operating my website I have managed to get a payout from Google Adsense. I managed after this time to reach the NZ $130 dollar mark. I mean like 9 years. I'm pretty sure this website has had Adsense this whole time so it really did take me that long.
Goggle Adsense. |
It was a long time. Anyway with the money I purchased a 2 Terabyte Western Digital external Hard Disc Drive. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to hit the payout limit in about 3-4 years this time. I've already had a good month. I don't think I'm actually allowed to tell you how much I earned through Adsense exactly so I won't. But already It's been pretty good.
The money from the first payout was in my bank account on October 22 2015.
I'm going to update the money clock on the side of page to show the new earnings. I'm also going to add the Diablo 3 earnings from the past and any other earnings I make like other games I have played. This money clock is for all money I make through the internet.
Added Label "Money Clock".
So in terms of what i've made through the internet here goes:
$10 US Dollars for Ad on Website. Source dried up.
$391 US Dollars from Diablo 3 Auction House, Source dried up.
$260 US Dollars Other Games. Can still make a little money from this source possibly but not much.
$85 US Dollars from Google Adsense. Still able to make money from this source.
$746 US Dollars altogether and this is the total that's going on the clock. So my efforts from the internet have earned me this much in 9 years of trying. Not very successful really.
Darcy Lee