Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
Got a few listens out of this. It's kind of a baddy song though talking about heroin and sin I guess that kinda put me off it. Things like "I feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream".
I guess I like how this song is sad cause that's how I am and have been for so long. :)
Adding this to Music 2. Took a little while to find in Google after hearing this on christian radio station Rhema. It only has 20k hits and it's been on YouTube a while. I like the chorus.
This song did start to get on my nerves a little after many repeat plays. A good song should have unlimited plays and you should be able to come back to it many times. I've been finding some of the songs I used to like and have added sound annoying now. There are some that I can keep playing though. I really enjoyed coming back to "This is how we do" by Katy Perry again.
I can't have loud music in my current flat. I need a slightly countryish house but still with 100/100 fiber connection so I can play loud music through a 15" subwoofer stereo which I will also be able to afford. Dreams are free. Oneday i'll collect money for my phone call and these dreams will be possible. Until then i'm being tortured.
These top two songs above i'm pretty sure are part of my September 11th 2001 phone calls. The chorus anyway. I spoke the words "Don't Let Me Get Me" and also I spoke "In Trouble Now" instead of "I'm Trouble Now" both in exactly the same fashion as they appear in their respective songs in the chorus. So yeah both these songs I claim the chorus.
They were both released after 2001 and songs were made out of things I spoke in further calls I made to the talkback radio station after my initial phone call and then the planes hitting the buildings just like I asked songs to be made.
Now this third song below I heard the "waiting for love" part at the end of the "Trouble" song above. I first looked in Google for "Waiting for love" but couldn't find the song, it was then I searched for Pink as well and it happened to also be a pink song so found it. Only listened to it twice but I think there's enough there to win a posting. I'm adding these to Music because there's 3 songs in one post and because they are my songs I will probably want to come back to them. This bottom song isn't one of mine it's a pink original just in case you wondered. One day I will make one label with every single song that I claim is mine as there are enough and quite a few. Enjoy these songs.
Children in Syria picking bread pieces up off of the floor.
Saw this and was sad. Don't really know what to say. They don't get any help. Aid doesn't reach them. There are so many in this situation as well. One of these days someone smart will say enough. The matrix tech could go a long way to helping these people. Perhaps their experience could be translated and understood on a higher level with the tech.
We absolutely need to feed people. The matrix tech will provide wealth for all people great and small. But it is mind control. These people deal with hunger I deal with mind control.
A lot of people live in absolute luxury. I believed when I was younger if I just had enough to keep me self sufficient I could have made a huge dent in the poverty of the world through ideas and thoughts.
I never made it to self sufficiency and picked up a couple of addictions on the way. I could of still succeeded with my addictions in the early years I thought but my light was definitely dampened. It would've been a matter of throwing off the chains of whatever was dragging me down.
Now even if I was to become rich I would probably pick up more addictions. It would just be a matter of being around the the right person who tempts you. Because you've got the money you might indulge. I am aware of addiction and harm yet someone I feel could override my will to resist.
So not to be rich but to be self sufficient. Or to be rich and possibly burn out earlier suffer an early death because of drugs. But having the money meant you can do greater good.
I have way to many distractions in poverty that crowd my life for me to efficiently think. Also now my thinking is effectively crippled.
You think to small.
Video is 2 children from Syria eating bread crumbs.
Truly my old age sucks. I may have conquered the world but I didn't do one bit to help children like in the video. I guess I have shared in their suffering. Believe it. My suffering was great. Just as great as this. Also it was for 10 years. I had to wait that long for relief. Everyday is a huge weight. Not like the luxury of a rich person.
If I was self sufficient now I could possibly find it within myself to aid people somehow. Still with ideas and thoughts . I have a huge wealth of suffering to draw from as experience. I have the desire. Now I lack the intelligence.
I guess so many people have tried what makes me any different, if I was rich, from a rich man currently trying to solve the issues we face. I don't think I would do any better.
I do desire strongly to be rich though. To have an abundance. To have my needs met. I desire everyones needs are met. But this is a long way from happening.
I would like to setup everyone in my life at the moment financially. Once this is done I would like to dedicate my mind to solving some of the issues that are a heavy burden to us.
I don't know if I could be of any effect at all unless I had some substantial money behind me and then it's not really me it's the money. My mind is just to crippled now.
Destruction. How I feel.
I guess I just want to say that we need to move more people into thinking positions. Positions where they are stable with the fewest possible day to day worries of life. It's the worries that get you. The little distractions that take away from your precious total sum of power that is needed to break past the barrier.
Get more people owning their own homes and living the dream.
I believe more people should can retire comfortably at 35 spend the rest of their life in philanthropy aiding the words problems.
The money is all pooled wrong. The rich have to much and the poor to little.
Like I said. If I had enough money in the right time frame I believe I could've created a fire that would've done a lot of damage to the evil that 's out there.
There must be other younger people than me who feel it in themselves to do something like this if they just have enough money before they get to old. I missed my window.
I think different now that I have suffered. Perhaps if one day I still make it if my phone call gets paid out and I can setup all my friend then because of my suffering I will indeed now be able to help.
Immense suffering exists in the world.
Where by if I never suffered then I wouldn't have the same urgency and couldn't offer nearly the same amount of help. Though I must say I did have a pretty strong desire to think but just needed that security and self sufficiency, I needed the money. I guess I was just naive to how easy it can happen, that you get hurt, and how bad it actually is in the world.
Young people need money and less worries. They are our brightest thinkers. I am basically a dead man now in thinking.
There are some simple things that can be done. Get money to people instead of letting the rich horde it all for themselves in banks and material items. The rich need to spend.
Also secrets need to be revealed. Secrets of the GOVTs of the world. I wait patiently for money from my phone call so I can think in peace. I will try and Remember these children as you should.
I'm making a stand. I'm using the words "Phone Call On YouTube" and various differentiation's of these words. Essentially I want to see my phone call to a talkback radio station during prime time where I talk all about "WAR" I give blood lay my life on the line then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings in America, I want to see this phone call on YouTube.
philanthropy. c.1600, from Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthropia "kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind" (from gods, men, or things), from philanthropos (adj.) "loving mankind, useful to man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + anthropos "mankind" (see anthropo-).
That was the dictionary meaning of philanthropy. I plan to do this. Some more. I plan to help people with the money that I can possibly reap. First I will save myself and people I know.
This phone call must appear on YouTube. It will help millions of people.
I will setup a charity. I believe in feeding, clothing and housing providing water and electricity for people for the long term. I will begin to impact these areas. I can use words to inspire and move people past failures into long term ventures and goals immediately, I can aid in the health of people.
I have truly Suffered.
I'm pretty sure solar power is the future. My charity/company will invest in solar power and look for alternatives to petrol and diesel and other forms of polluting power. Investment in this area, solar, is sure to pay off as polluting petrol and diesel driven cars are looking ripe for the taking off the road.
Petrol and diesel has reached it's peak.
What else can I achieve? Phone Call On YouTube.
This phone call alone will inspire you. It will go viral and many meme will be created. There will be a great many responses. I definitely will need some money to start and set myself. I believe I will start a new forum. This forum will take money to start and run but should generate a profit if enough people join. I haven't had much luck on other forums so starting my own one seems pretty logical. It should be the hip new place to hang out for 5 minutes or so at least until my phone call dies a horrible death by truth and love but it should generate much traffic and perhaps the forum will live on.
I'm a Philanthropist.
I'm a philanthropist. I'm waiting on my phone call on YouTube. This will be my freedom. I should be able to generate a life time of income for me and all my family and friends and even a few strangers. I believe this is what my phone call on YouTube will achieve.
Honestly this phone call must be on YouTube. Now. Immediately. As soon as is theoretically possible. I need your help because it is not happening.
Right now.
Help a fellow man on your journey that you have stumbled across. Phone call on YouTube.
Leave a comment can be one of the best ways to help. It shows you've acknowledged what i've said. What about posting on twitter or facebook? There is plenty you can do.
Please help me make a stand "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE"
My phone call is of a truth I say and believe. It has truth entwined through it supporting it's structure. You must hear for your self. Phone call on YouTube.
MY PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE is all i'm saying, this is the bottom line. I guess i'm kind of saying America Sucks a little to. This has gone on long enough.
If it were any closer to being broken then it would break is not the truth. It's never going to break. Not by my effort will this happen.
My will to get my phone call on YouTube is immovable. It must be there. This is only fair and real. So i'm saying America Sucks simply because a piece of history is being defamed. My phone call I predict will earn 10 million hits in it's first week. Maybe not but it will get alot. It will gain momentum. No one can say how well it will do but I know that it is history.
This Phone Call that I made that has been classified must appear on YouTube.
This is my answer to their arguments that they use. Any other opinion about this phone call is a lie. This phone call must appear on youtube.
History must be made whole and right. This phone call is missing. It's not right. It's totally wrong. This phone call must be on youtube.
My phone call is missing from YouTube.
2 Days Later The Planes Hit The Buildings.
This phone call is a piece of the worlds history in the making. It is art. It is Warfare.
You the reader must ask yourself and will yourself. This is important. 20 million Unique YouTube Hits says this is important.
Honestly even if it gets 20k in the first few months then still justice and right has been done.
This phone call must be on YouTube.
I will not back down.
I speak these words "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE". I stand here, I will not fall. What can come against me?
It must be done.
This phone call must enter the public and be peer reviewed but also by the world not just the elite.
I rang a radio talkback show during prime time and said "They Don't Think" x3 then Yelled "WAR" then said "The Thing" x3 then called people to stand up and be ready for a WAR. I spoke for about a minute on war and to be ready and stand.
2 Days later after this phone call the planes hit the buildings in America.
This phone call has been classified. In other words America is lying about the World Trade Center Attacks. Until my phone call is in public domain then the lie remains.
It is not good to be a liar. The truth will set you free.
It doesn't bother America to lie. America is a cold faced cold blooded liar.
Leave your comment below on how my work should be available to the public. It is important.
America is lying to you as if you didn't know. Except this lie impacts everyone.
America you are a liar. What do you have to say in your defense? Do you say you are not a liar? I still say you are. Release my phone call to the public right now or forever be a liar.
Liars do not enter the kingdom of heaven.
America is a liar.
America isn't afraid of missing out on the kingdom of heaven. America doesn't believe in God or the bible heaven. America is not afraid to lie even if it hurts people.
America is a thug who kills murders and harms people.
This phone call is the truth and the truth will set you free.
It isn't me who has lied but it is America who has lied.
I want my phone call declassified and on my YouTube account.
This will change the world.
America Sucks. I want the truth. America wants lies and uses them regularly in dealing with everyone. America is a liar.
America you suck your a liar.
I hope God is real. God will punish America one day. America sits on top of the world with no one to touch her killing and maiming at will. America causes pain to the innocent.
America is a liar. Punish the American Liars.
My last words are PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE. This is justice and truth and love. America is anti all that is good like freedom. America hates it when you exercise your freedom and only offers freedom as an illusion and lie. America will not let you have your freedom.
PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE. This is freedom. Not keeping it on some hard drive somewhere where no one can see it. I'll say it again. PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE.
America Hates Freedom otherwise my PHONE CALL WOULD BE ON YOUTUBE.
God please punish America for me I pray. Give them as much as they have given me and more.
I am tortured daily. But no one believes. This is not freedom.
America says freedom but actually hates it and does not practice it. This is the truth. America is not free and is nothing but a slave. There is only more slavery in the future. America is evil.
America is a liar. When you tell your people they have freedom and they believe it yet they are nothing but slaves. America is evil.
Where is your Great Freedom O America.
Phone call on YOUTUBE.
Listen to my words they speak some truth. Alot more than AMERICA.
Adding this to Music 2. I haven't listened to it much of recent but adding it because it used to give me such a thrill back in about 94. Woahh Heaven let your lights shine down used to be such an awesome line for me.
This song doesn't appeal much to me now though but yeah back in 94 collective soul were awesome. This song came out in 93 I think.
If you haven't heard Collective Soul Before then play this. It's showing it's age but I used to rock out to this when I was like 15 and a hard core teenager.
Friend introduced me to this and I liked it straight away. Have now clocked up over 20 plays in a row as my loop button for YouTube keeps track of how many plays.
I like the video to. The fire effect is cool for it's age. This song is from 1968 apparently so it's old coming up 50 years. Adding to Music.
I saw a YouTube video about interesting human body facts. One fact was that Higher IQ is correlated with more dreams. Another... You cornea is the only part of your body without an oxygen supply it gets its oxygen directly from the air.
There ya go. Breath them eyes. I' not adding the video I watched. I thought it was more interesting but after watching it a second time it wasn't that great.
Steel Wool on Fire. Here is a video of a cool effect created with steel wool. You set it on fire and spin it real fast as can be seen on the video. Sparks everywhere.
I said something like Ra Ra Roxyburg and a friend said Ra Ra Rasputin did I mean. I did. I liked this song when I heard it and I obviously had it in my memory from my younger years. Adding it to Music. Amazing what we remember even though I didn't get it right I knew the Ra Ra bit. Enjoy.
David Bowie - Changes. Haven't listened to this much at all. Adding it for the chorus Ch Ch Changes. Might listen to it more once my internet is back. Adding cause I found ok the couple plays I gave it and to say i've been here.
Found this yesterday. Been playing it since. Had a copy on my computer so didn't need to use YouTube to play it. adding it to Music. I believe the line It's my life It never ends is also an imitation of me and my 911 phone calls as I asked. Only those 2 lines though nothing else, this song is only slimly using my words. Anyhow. I definitely spoke those words in my phone calls.