Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
This is one of my September 11th 2001 World Trade Center Attack songs.
The chorus "It's getting hot in here so Take off all your clothes" and also "I am getting so hot i'm going to take my clothes off" well those are my words exactly.
Nobody believes though.
This is how Jesus felt. He knew something but nobody would believe what he was saying.
I speak yet no one believes.
The truth about what I say will bring fire to the world.
I'm going to use it to seek immortality.
Scripture for the Day:
Romans 2:7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
I just read this also so going to add it.
Isaiah 55:7 Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts.
I'm seeking immortality through the persistence of doing good.
I've been seeking immortality since youth. It's on it's way. This world needs it. Something needs to be done about the suffering in the world. Did you know 21k people die of hunger each day. Most of those are children. Yet 60 of the top richest in the world have more than the bottom 3 billion. Somethings wrong. Again let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. There is evil out there beware.
Adding this to music 2. It's a pretty cool song. Haven't listened to it enough to add to Music.
Calvin Harris.
Immortality is coming. There is a war on death. It's either going to be religious or technology based.
Tech seems to be in the lead. Live another 30 years and you could be an immortal. Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence is what tech has to offer.
All these headsets for Virtual Reality seem silly to me when you have experienced the picture in your eyes mind head, inside of you.
Only listened to this a song a couple times but it's pretty good. Adding to Music 2.
Ellie Goulding.
Been leaving comments around the net mostly about Virtual Reality and the Matrix. Got a few more hits. It's kind of embarrassing to get your comment rejected. Though the thing is when the truth comes out about all the songs I feature in these comments will reap many more comments for the site where I left them.
When the truth hits the September 11th 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks will be brought right back into the public eye.
What I do think also could happen is that the songs could be overshadowed by the virtual reality technology. It's a whole new world inside of us.
There's definitely a movie in my life. I've already got the soundtrack. Maybe quite a few documentaries as well. My whole life will be on public display.
The world is going to go nuts.
I am regretting not introducing the Virtual Reality tech where the picture is in your head mind eyes back in 2009. They were on the verge of giving me money and you would've believed the money. I meditated on America Sucks for about 5 hours. They can read your mind from a distance of course.
This would've brought a very strong Artificial Intelligence to the world as well. The whole world overall would be more advanced. It's not believable that one man can set back the whole world but I did. Really if my World Trade Center talkback radio phone call had been released in 2001 then also the world would've been more advanced from then.
It was wrong for the Government to withhold my phone call. There is a lot of truth and life in it. Oneday it will be on YouTube,
Onwards and upwards to immortality. The VR tech could where the picture is in your head mind eyes, inside of you, could help alot in immortality.
War on Death.
The Governments of the world need the power of the masses involved in this technology. We need to think. There are so many missing pieces. The Governments withhold the truth in unrighteousness and it darkens us and steers our conversations.
We are like a people wandering around in the blackest of nights without any light at all. There are many things the Government knows that could set us free. They choose to keep us prisoners.
Below are a couple of videos I made where I read out the post that is under the Osama Bin Laden World Trade Center link. I'll do a better copy hopefully, I wasn't very good.
Adding to all 3 Music categories and video and movies as well as terrorists label. Check them out if your to lazy to read the text.
Really like this song. Can't believe I haven't added it yet. I did actually lose a whole lot of songs that I was going to add and I deleted the google cache and all my tabs got closed. So annoyed.
Anyway really like this song. It really speaks to me. I love Ladyhawke.
My cousin showed me this song. He's a big fan of Killswitch. This type of music is metal core. It's not really me though. It didn't really appeal straight away. Adding to music 3 just to say I have been here. I do have another Killswitch song up but can't remember which.
Think this is yet another one of my September 11th World Trade Center Songs. The line.... On his face is a map of the world. I said that.
30 Seonds To Mars.
I like Thirty Seconds been listening to them for a while. I found them by going through a thread that had everyones favourite bands in it. I was checking them out one by one and found this. They became one of my favourite bands. I think also there is more than one song based on me.
I tend to prefer their older stuff but some of there new stuff is also good. I'm sure they are fairly mainstream now.
So now for the words Virtual Reality. That was just to increase words about topics that I want to be found for. Just sparm really. I managed to work in September 11th World Trade Center before above and just did it again. I mean these things are related to this song. I star in this song. No one believes though. I guess just to amazing a story for someone so humble. I'll keep preaching.
This is one of my world trade center September 11th 2001 songs. Yet another one.
I came up with "No Jihad" instead of Nod ya Head the other day.
Adding to music 3.
This is a futuristic song talking about aliens and the Men in black. I mean they know about aliens but they keep us in the dark. This knowledge would be awesome.
Aliens Aliens Aliens Oi Oi Oi.
They have a spaceship with the code punched in. An alien A.I think.
First heard this on a classics radio station and really enjoyed the piano opening. Haven't listened to it much but it's still a cool song that I like. Adding to Music.
Will probably come back to this.
So how bout that immortality and those aliens. What about the virtual reality pictures in your head.
Things to think about.
This is not a WOW post but cataclysm has cat in it and it was the nearest label I could find.
I will Destroy The Wisdom of the wise - A Bullet For Pretty Boy
Here is a christian metal core band. I'm only adding to music 3 but I thought it was good enough.
Here is the scripture Behind the song:
1 Corinthians 1:19-20
19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
So if Gods real we are all fools with the current way we live our lives.
I wonder when or if this will happen. Nobody can prove God yet the bible says God has furnished proof by resurrecting Jesus. Acts 17:31
I can't see this proof. It's still a belief faith thing. The proof is not solid with our current understanding. Perhaps with more thought. The bible never ends. Life just keeps going. I mean I want God to be real. It would be the best life. This furnished proof I can't see anything. There isn't proof. Again perheps with more thought.
What do you thinik? Will God ever come through and how much must we suffer beforehand. Not looking forward to the suffering. Been there done that.
Immortality. I think it's possible. Resurrection of the dead totally. It could be through the matrix tech. That could be the stepping stone. Virtual reality. Those were my google mentions.
Heard this on the radio. It's ok but the main thing I would like to point out is that it's a Matrix Virtual Reality pictures in your head technology reference if you ask me.
They can read your mind. They can see your dreams. But nobody believes this.