Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
I've come to like this song a little. Enough to add it. I didn't like it at first.
Taylor Swift
It's also possibly one of mine. Just possibly. There's not much of me anyway.
Still adding to music 3.
Anyway it's that time again for the 3rd time. Buy me a house by making a donate to my paypal account.
For the 1st time i'm going to mention technology and the matrix and virtual reality. I have to up those words as well. They have the ability to put an image in your head. They can read your mind.
It's the future. But no one believes.
I'm not sure how i'm going to mention virtual reality and matrix and technology as much but i'll try.
I started including my name with most posts. I got some bad links so that knocked me down to 7th page for "Darcy Lee" search in google. Hopefully with more mentions it will bring me back up.
Flight of the Conchords - Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor
Was looking for a song that I enjoyed with dancefloor in the lyrics and came across this adding it not cause it great just cause I stumbled over it and i'm a fan of Flight. The song I was looking for probably would've been music 1 material.
I'm going to try and use the words Cash Donate Donation Money and House and Buy me a House more so that Google picks them up. I'll mention it now in a lot of posts if i'm not to lazy.
Anyway Donate me money to buy me a house. Use your credit card and the paypal link.
Heard this on the radio a while ago. I haven't had internet for just under 2 months. This is why I haven't been posting. I moved house. I got kicked out of my last house. I still have half my stuff there though at my old house. Been waiting for my brother to help me move.
At first it was only going to be temporary, that is moving out of my old house. They were going to make some repairs to it. But it turned into a major job that would take months. So I had to move out permanently. That was on the 29/5/2016 I moved out.
Currently i'm living in a Garage with cardboard insulation and no toilet. I have to go inside to use the toilet. I just got a new fibre internet connection on. It's flatrate. So nice. Currently it's clocked at 30mbs but I'm supposed to have a 100mbs connection so i'm going to ring them.
The house I moved to didn't have a copper connection so I couldn't get ADSL. It took just under two months to get all the work done to get a fibre install.
I'm happy now though.
I started playing World of Warcraft again as soon as I got the internet after a 10 month break.
Man Pet prices have tumbled and risen.
It's hard to speculate on the market and I've had trouble selling pets. I guess everyone who wants them now has the current lot.
Waiting on new pets to sell.
I'll post some photos of new and old house soon if I can.
Haven't posted much in the last 4 months on this website. Bit of a setback.
I now have over 400 music youtube videos posted to this website.
Heard this on the radio tonight in a car while travelling. Here is some comfort for you. Myself, i'm in need of comfort. One day I might get there. Here is some more comfort.
Adding this to music 3 because i used to listen to and enjoy it. It's also possibly one of my songs with the line "it's not my time". I'm sure there's more lines but I'm not going to listen to it again
Had this song open in a tab so adding it. It's not something I would give many listens. It's not bad though. I had thoughts of regulating and regulating of this world needs to happen.
First saw this on facebook. It's pretty good. It's much better sounding quality than the original Bob Marley version. 50 million views can't be wrong. Below is the Bob Marley version.
Bob Marley.
Bob Marley - Redemption Song.
I like the line "For my hand was made strong by the hand of the almighty.
I made this whole post below and then realised that I had already added this song months ago. I didn't know about the scripture then though. I guess now after a few more listens it can finally be added to Music category. Anyway this was a new comment original post starts NOW:
Dead Letter Circus.
I like this song because it reminds me of a scripture.
The scripture for the day is:
Isaiah 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
I also have a memory to go with this scripture.
Great Wall of China Breach.
In kindergarten, when I must of been 4 years old I was exploring what I thought were powers or something. Anyway my first level one power was wall building, the thing was I was told that most people abandoned there level one powers because they were no use.
With my thinking a highest level wall was able to defend against a great army of level one attacks before the wall would crumble, if the wall was manned it was impenetrable. I have an image of immediately applying my hand to the wall and filling in a breach. The longer your hand was on there the stronger the wall became. You had to be at the breach they were attacking because their were multiple breaches.
Eventually the walls reach maximum strength and you could swap out with an attacker and work on then developing your second level attack power. The attacker gained knowledge of walls by holding the breach when a wall was at maximum strength. With an attacker manning the wall at full strength it would eventually lose strength and they would need to be swapped out with me again but then the attacker would then have the ability to build walls themselves. Eventually with enough swaps both the wall and attack power would be as strong as each other on both people.
I think also that there were maybe one maybe two more levels of power. Like a 3rd and 4th level. It could've been infinite knowing god. I can do all things. In somethings you start weak.
I like to think of myself as a repairer of the breach from this memory. Whether anybody will ever use this title on another is yet to be seen.
I thought I should post something. I haven't posted anything all month. It's my birthday soon. Hoping for some money in the 15th year since September 11th 2001. It's a small possibility. But with the way my handlers are talking it seems that it won't happen. My birthday is May 11th. I was born in 1978. I turn 38 this year. I'm an old man.
The chorus to this song is something I spoke in my phone calls after 9/11/2001 World Trade Center Attacks. I'm pretty sure though that i'm just quoting it and it's not actually one of my songs. The line "I Give My Life To You So I Can Claim It Back Again" that's what I spoke. I quoted quite a few songs in my phone calls.
I'm adding this song to music because I quite enjoyed it. It's possibly not very much a long term song though. I was a bit hesitant to put it in music. I listened to it enough to qualify for the music category.
Added the label "Paradigm" because i've always liked the sound and spelling of the word.
Paradigm means In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.