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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More photos from around Masterton. Boring.

I have nothing else to take photos of. This is from a track thats quite new that goes round the back of lansdowne suberb and can be accessed from Forth or Milford Downs streets.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Virtual Reality Investments and Protection.

Invest in Virtual Reality Domain Names is the easiest thing I can think of and the summary of this post. Think in terms of technology that can port an image into your head eyes mind while your still awake from anywhere in the world.

So still don't know what to write about. I mean so much for achieving a post a day. I don't see me ever doing that. If me or anyone wants to achieve results using blogger then you would have to write at least a post a day. You could do it with less but you'd have to have a pretty good topic and lots of links pointing to your website or be using twitter or something.

Well I need money but writing a post a day seems a bit much. Getting good quality links is nearly impossible. I've tried getting links in the past. I haven't been to successful.

Virtual Reality - where the picture is in your head, mind, eyes that is one of the main topics of this website. Another topic that this website is also about and could be related is September 11th. Yet another topic is trying to make money through ads on this page and asking for donations. That's really all this website is about.

The Virtual Reality I am talking about is coming soon but exists now. The ability to port an image into your head eyes mind wirelessly. No - one believes. You have to see it. The Government has to tell you. Your not allowed to get your news from another source such as this website from nowhere. I only know because the Government has shown me. It will be along time before they release this technology to the public. And again, no one believes in Virtual Reality Technology. It's a Government tech. They are training on it and using it in real world applications right at this moment. You are missing out and should be jealous.

So Virtual Reality. Pictures in your head mind eyes. The tech exists right now. I don't know much about it. It's top secret classified. If I had money you would believe me. In the mean time fascism must rule and prevent the general public from knowing the truth. In the mean time this tech is used on the general public. They can hurt you from a distance in your home for thinking something. No one will come to your defence. If they want to condemn you and cover up anything you have to say they will do it. Just like they have done to me.

They keep me locked up. No one believes me. Will you believe me? Virtual Reality.

Donate give money to my cause today. Virtual Reality. The knowledge you have gained, the facts that virtual reality tech pictures in your head eyes mind technology exists today is my payment for your donation. This knowledge can earn you money, like investing in virtual reality domain names is one area. But mainly for your protection so you remember that your mind is no longer safe. They have broken it down. You can be pushed. Easily.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Poor With No Money.

Ideally for this website, to make money, to become profitable, I should be trying to post at least once a day. The problem is i'm stupid, I also live a boring life. Daily the same monotonous wake up be home all day go to bed day after day with the only difference being payday where I have to go out and do the grocery shopping.

If I could post once a day, I mean I have plenty of time usually, if I could post once a day, after a while then I might gain some traction and start to pick up hits in google, and traffic can be converted into money. I am getting more traffic than I ever have before but i'm not nearly happy with it. And it comes from only 2-3 different search terms. I haven't had any success with other social media such as facebook and twitter at least not yet, so practically my only source of traffic is google.

The top picture is my traffic for the last 14 days. With a minimum of 2 and max of 14 and average of guessing about 7-8. If you click the picture of the graph it will get bigger.

I don't know why you would be interested in knowing about this but I need something to write about. I got a hit for the words "immortality trap" the other day. Mostly I get hits for Bill Gates and his email address or his house and the Gpuz of my video card. Occasionally I get a hit for my name Darcy Lee. I get sometimes hits for the images I post along with my articles.

I'm not ranking for things like Virtual Reality, September 11th, 911 or World Trade Center and others which are themes of this blog.

VIrtual Reality along with the new word i'm going to use augmentation is the future and it's now. I have no proof about the technology to put pictures and a virtual world into your mind head eyes which is why no one is interested. People simply aren't willing to believe me.

People aren't interested much in this blog. They don't stay very long and aren't reading much.

I'm trying to be motivated in the face of share overwhelming odds. I want to make money from blogging. At least $80 dollars a week which is the cut off that I can earn on the benefit without them deducting from what I already earn. This is a dream of course. Lol $80 dollars, might as well be a million.

There's not enough money to go round, and most people are smarter, faster, quicker than me.

I simply don't have the where with all to post every single day about something different.

So i'm stuck. I'm not smart enough and the internet's not powerful enough to accomodate a dumb person trying to make a living from a blogger website. Sure for some people they have made millions. It was probably hard work and probably a little luck. I do suppose I only spend a couple or three hours every few days working on this blogger website which is not much in the overall scheme of things. It's just that again I have nothing to write about.

If you want to make money you have to post alot, which is alot of hard work. I'm not at the level of posting much. If you put in a 20 hour week on blogger after a while you might start earning money. I'm on the dole and have no spare money. In reality I won't make even a part time income from blogging.

Finding a part time job in real life is no easy thing either. I'm not sure if i'm ready to work. I'm still a bit shaky. Maybe in another couple of years I could work a job. If anyone will actually ever employ me. I haven't worked in over 12 years now. So re-entering the work force will be a challenge to say the least. No-ones interested in hiring a sickly 33 year old when they can hire someone fresh out of school who's really fit and hard working.

I'm only really eligible for the entry level minimum wage jobs as I have no skills. I wouldn't mind going back to polytech but unfortunately the student allowance pays alot less than what the invalids benefit dole cheque pays. I don't have a single spare cent at the moment to buy anything extra with and i'm not eating very well because i'm poor.

So enough about the poor condition of my finances, life and motivation. I'll leave it here.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Just posting this so I can use the image somewhere else on the web.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

September 11th 2001 Ten Year Anniversary.

So I thought I should mention the 10 Year Anniversary of the September 11th 2001 Terrorist attacks that took place in America. People might be searching for info about the 10 year anniversay and it might generate a few hits to be talking about the attacks around this time. I found that mentioning Osama Bin Laden when his death was announced generated a couple of hits, but mind you only a couple.

So why should I mention them. I remember about the attacks because of a phone call I made to a New Zealand nationwide talkback show 2 days before the attacks occured, where I yelled war and made a whole phone conversation about war live on air during prime time.

The phone call was clear concise to the point and basically said there was going to be a war and that everyone should urgently stand up and fight, I yelled war as loud as I could but still you really have to hear the phone call. 2 Days later the planes hit the buildings.

So that's my story for 9/11 I said there was going to be a War and everyone be prepared (no one takes interest in this) and then there was a war.

I don't have a copy of the phone call. It has been safely locked up away from public eyes and hearing for the possiblities that it presents.

The phone call and my testimony which is not whole without a copy of the phone call is a possible conspiracy that could never be solved without the aid of the Government.

Internally they know things. They keep secrets. They rule (they is the governments and controlling powers) over the public with an ironfist. Information is controlled. I'm not allowed to present a copy of this phone call. They keep it hidden. For all the good it could do about 9/11 and the doors it could open it is simply kept secret. It will probably never see the light of day.

No one cares. However important this is with out the evidence of a copy of this phone call no one cares. This phone call is important and would generate alot of hits on you tube. I estimate it could top a million easily and would generate a whole new conspiracy and angle on 9/11.

The general public needs to know about this phone call that is still being kept secret 10 years after the September 11th 2001 took place but nothing will ever happen. I will die an old man and still be thinking about this. This is important.

I'm just rambling here. I just really want a copy of my phone call. Even after all this time. It would provide me with life long entertainment. The people have no power.

It's like freedom of speech and your speech gets taken away from you. I want what I said to be heard and it is intentionally being hidden. I couldn't be anymore angry about this. But there is nothing I can do. And nothing anyone else will do for me. I am kept tortured and miserable and poor. They keep me financially poor. I could earn money and generate decent traffic and people talking.

They keep me miserable. They keep me sad and tortured. All for lack of this phone call. They torture me daily. Because you won't believe the truth. You are as bad as them. No one will help me. Not one person. I sat here for 10 years waiting for a copy of my phone call to post on the internet. And nothing but cold miserable torture and mind control.

The government own you. They own your flesh. They can do what ever they want to you and if you say anything you get labeled by doctors as delusional. They won't let you hear the truth. They keep it covered up away from you. They experiment on people. They torture people. I am one of the tortured. Simply because you won't listen and you won't give any money. This is your fault not mine. I've done nothing wrong. I should not be tortured simply for telling the truth. I am not lying.

Stop torturing me. 10 year anniversary. Give me a copy of my phone call. You know who i'm talking to TPTB. Give me my phone call now. Fascists. Just give me my phone call. I Hate you. Evil.

Forgive me if I offend you but this phone call is an important part of my life and I want to move on and get some closure. I also want to stop being tortured.

I hate America for not releasing my phone call. HATE. Release my phone call now.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So I found a game that I might possibly play for a little while. Back in the day I used to play Age of Empires 2 multiplayer on dial up for hours at a time. Just recently microsoft have released the latest installment in the Age of Empires series located at

The new aoe game is a cross between World of Warcraft with questing and a tech tree and 40 Levels you have to go through by earning experience, then still very much like the original Age of Empires with a real time strategy like starcraft but set on earth with history based ancient civilisations like Greeks or Egyptians.

At the moment for free there is only one civ that you can play and it is a little cut back. Maybe in the begginning you could remain competitive for pvp but you would have to get the full game eventually. Something thats new is there are gear slots for your units, with greens, blues and purples (Epics) likes wow. You get armours and weapons as quest rewards and also from chests you get ingame. As a non paying customer you are limited to only green level coloured armour or weapons so once paying customers are geared up really well then you will be at another disadvantage. Some items are craftable from blueprints with materials you earn.

You can visit other peoples towns and buy and trade stuff with them like blue prints gold or materials and there is a ingame mail system.

I think AOE runs in 6 month seasons but i'm not sure exactly how it works. AOE online came out on the 16th of August 2011, I found this out originally after asking in the general chat and then later looking up the wikipedia page for aoe online. General chat which can be a bit of a wasteland, is available all the time in game and in your city.

AOE Online is powered by an updated AOE 3 engine so the graphics aren't bad and you don't need an amazingly powerful computer to run it.

Kinda cool how I stumbled across this game. I went to twitter because now that I am following more people it presents a lot of links. On twitter I went to Stephen Fry and he had posted a link pointing to time magazines top 50 sites of 2011 and from there I kinda randomly picked a site and it was a gaming site called where I watched a video of them reviewing AOE.

So all from twitter.

Check out

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Clue for Starting out on Twitter.

For over a year I had no followers on twitter. I now after 3 days have 188. At first I was just following one person MC Hammer. 3 days ago I added someone who had alot of followers. It was a person called shoemoney who had 100k followers. What happened after I had followed him was that 3 people started following me.

So I clicked on. I started following more people. I am now following 900 people and yep 188 people have started following me. So that's great. People haven't followed me from yet as it's not getting enough exposure or traffic. I'm pretty sure that noone from twitter visited my website though, but also can't be 100 percent about that, so at the moment it's not generating any traffic even after posting a link to all my followers.

Twitter has been quite surprising. I never thought I could get so many users. I had just thought that people had just gotten followers via there websites, word of mouth or however. I had no idea all you needed to do was follow people and you would get followers. It's good. So my plan is to follow more people and hopefully the tide of followers will keep coming.

I have also set up a new facebook account and have a like button on this page. It will be a long time before someone likes me. Could be years.

Another cool addition to the site comes from What this does is crawl every page on this website and then display 3 pages from previous posts, picture and text, at the bottom of every post. It matchs similar topics and pulls out old posts that would otherwise never see the light of day. With this people will browse posts that they might be interested in, it gives them a clue what the post is about and all you have to do is click and it takes you straight there. It installs very easy if you have a blogger site. You basically just need to log in and then postion it to the correct place, (which for me was under every post), in the page layout section. Very easy took a minute.

So thats me for now. 3 new features to this page that hopefully over time will help. I'm becoming quite a fan of social networking.

Darcy Lee