Are people bracing themselves for the fact that Robin Williams will die soon? (Thread Title)
guys...Robin Williams.
Jumanji, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Death To Smoochy, One Hour Photo, Jack...
if you haven't seen even one of those movies, wtf are you doing with your life?
Robin Williams is a great American, one of the greatest comedians/actors of the 20th and 21st century. The Vesti should have one Robin Williams appreciation thread.

Anyway have a read if you want. Some people called the FBI on him and alot said he killed Robin Williams himself. I only read a couple pages but found it interesting enough to post here. In a way it's similar to me ringing a talkback show and yelling war 2 Days before September 11th 2001. But really you have to hear the phone call. If I could post my phone call on YouTube it could possibly get a few million hits pretty quickly and would open a way to new conspiracies about 911.
R.I.P Robin Williams.
I guess my thoughts i'm thinking at the moment is that basically there's no guarantees that life will be better after death. Life after death could only be worse. We just don't know. My Mum reckons you'll just be blank and know nothing feel nothing. Well after reading a thread somewhere I read the idea that life might not necessarily be better after we die. I mean wouldn't that suck. Some people have it pretty bad in this life only to get it worse in the next. We could be slaves you know. We are in the dark over so many things. We don't actually know.
Anyway I hope there is peace for many after death and resurrection to a new body and perfect life with not death pain crying or mourning or any of these things. This I hope is reality. Not some type of darkness and nothingness. I much prefer heaven over hell I hope. Life over death.
Life can be extremely hard. Please hang in there. Make a 10 year plan but not about a job or anything just merely to be alive to see things. Truly life can be hard. Make time to learn and meditate on the difficulty of life if you are healthy and young for when you are older all sorts of troubles could beset you.
Endure to the end as the bible says and you will be saved. Sometimes though I just don't see and end in sight. Could you imagine having a disease of some kind. There is an end in death, a finality but I believe this is only for the current age. Everyone will get a res eventually I believe.
I've said enough. By for now.