What is Love Haddaway.
Adding this to music 2. Looked up what is love and this is the video that they are pushing. There's also a couple of interesting psychological articles about
what is love.That article states that you can't command love.
Not sure if that is totally true.
You can build a fire perhaps. Giving you more than a base level of love. A deeper love. From the excess you spend it on gaining more. A hotter fire.
Love if you have it can't be turned off very much.
Guess i've never been in love. That sucks.

Im concentrating on loving GOD and his son JESUS. But if they don't exist then I am wasting my time utterly. Is it wrong to love Jesus. I can't seem to find any love there really. It's pretty cold hard place trying to get love outta Jesus, enough love to change the world so that there is no more suffering pain tears or death like the scripture says in the bible.
I'm to sick to love really. I find myself getting a little sicker these days again.
To me love is a cure. It's medicine and allows you to preform miracles.
I have yet to see a powerful love like those in the movies where it vanquishes bad guys and demons and defeats all enemies. I dream of this love.
I have idealised love for a long time. I probably haven't loved for along time. Not since I suffered.
I'm finding myself falling away from the bible. I do love everything it says about love. But there is no end to the proofs that are needed such as Jesus being resurrected. It's simply to hard to figure out given the tools I have.
I'm pretty sure i'm delusional in chasing The Holy Bible. I just find the new testament, proverbs psalms and isaiah all very interesting. I mean what if it's real. See I am just this dumb and gullible to fall for it. I like things like defeating evil bad guys and love and righteousness and justice. This is essentially what the bible is about. So this book just agrees with my ideals. It appeals to me. I have a taste for it.
Not sure but believing in the bible it probably only leads to death like every other pursuit on the planet at moment. I like to think if there is anything to be found in the bible I can hopefully find it and be equipped by it.
This is a war on death I am waging. I haven't mentioned it in a while. I would like to live forever. I believe every problem has a solution leading to a paradise awaiting.
I believe we are all eternal now. There will be a resurrection. Nobody actually dies. But some are punished upon resurrection. All our lives will be open before everyone. There will be no secret thing.
I had more ideas but I have forgotten them.
So i guess I can say that being taught of Hollywood I am looking for love through the bible.
I am looking for power. For the kingdom of heaven according to the bible is not a matter of talk but of power. At the moment I have very little power. I am all talk no power.
How do u get power?
God apparently has unlimited power. Love is the power I crave. Because that's the strongest power there is. These also are just more words and talk. I don't know what to do,
We do some strange things when were sick.
So bible if your real i'm waiting on you and God to help me. If your not real then no problem I had fun with you even though you make me very angry for pushing something as truth when in fact it isn't. Bible you confuse so many people. O bible what is your truth.
I shall never see through you to perhaps something better. Bible are you the best there is.
Bible your certainly poor in many areas. You cause much great distress in my life. Why can't I rid myself of you. Not that I want to be rid of you. But I want to know that truth and thus have some peace. I want to be able to present what I have found to others so they can share. At the moment I cant do this as I have nothing.
I want to know the truth.
Now iv'e said enough.
Darcy Lee