So I just thought now about billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. It's a bit

disappointing that Gods not real and Jesus never existed because with my living water I could generate billions of dollars. Ya the the water that I drank of from a cup on my coffee table one morning that tasted like it was living, that could generate billions of dollars just magically appearing into my possession, my bank account, if Jesus had existed because in the bible he says he will give someone living water and it will become ever lasting life. Living water hmm. John verse something something. Jesus never existed. I'm sorry for talking about the bible. It's not anything worth spending much time over. Anyway with that sort of power you could earn billions quite easily.
I've mainly mentioned living water in an attempt to rule over christians. Muwahaha. Won't work though. I've written about it because it's

connected with ever lasting life and thats something i'm really into(bible is false). Muwahaha, christians you must obey me. Muwahaha. (An army is always handy). I'm looking for donations really so i'm writing stories here on this webpage. Living water is the story of me ruling the universe but not really because the bible is false and my living water is like a really stupid thing to talk about exactly because the bible is a dumb thing to believe in and my living water was also something like a delusion which is a dumb to like obsess with and even attempt to rule the universe. Just saying god doesn't exist again.
Ya billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. Like at least $1020 million dollars. I can do

this with donations. Hehe. I've made $10 dollars so far so thats 1 billion 19 million 999 thousand 990 left to go. It won't be that hard. I'm of the illusion you should aim big. There have been news stories of people making a house through donations with the net. I'm going for a billion. The aim is a billion dollars or as close to it using any means legal etc possible. This webpage is part of the aim for a billion. Millions will be fine. It's nice to think it's possible to make a billion dollars. To think it's possible. Some that think this will.
Ok it just clicked that I can't make billions and it's a dumb dream and the world is evil. Damn evil world. Donate to me because the world is evil.
If you believe in god like the bible then I rule the universe because of living water scriptures because god is actually real and I was just saying there wasn't a god umm *cough* yeah anyway donate because the world is evil.