John 6:29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
So I think this is basically saying that the work of God is to believe in Jesus. Reads impossible to some extent. I mean there is a complete lack of evidence about Jesus. There is the bible and that's it. I find it incredibly hard to believe in Jesus.
In the words of Guns and Roses Sweet Child o Mine my opinion about Jesus..... "Where Do We Go Now."
That is to say Jesus is kind of an everlasting circle. There is no end to Jesus. The arguments to and forth on all sides never end.
Myself for one thing I could say that because I have suffered so much and ever so greatly that Jesus is fake. But the bible talks about sharing in Christs suffering. But that's stupid. There needs to be an end to suffering once and for all. A decisive strike.
So having suffered I fall away from Jesus with the opinion that he c
an't really help much. The medicine of earth is horrible and also along with the medicine of religion which works even less.
I have fallen into a horrible trap. O what a tortured soul I am. Who will save me. Perhaps the truth will set me free. It is good to be alive. I am much freer than I was in my Twenties. I no longer suffer the pain that I once endured. It's gone. I don't even have a memory of it. But now i'm tortured by the GOVTS again. With their mind reading tech.
I'm told i'm in a zoo of sorts. Also i'm told i'm a dog in terms of intelligence. I could believe both. So then what can I possibly hope to achieve.

Believing there will be power that does mighty good even if I die I press on. I just have to wait. I will start a fire on this earth at the very least.
I am already fading though. I once was and am yet to come. I have to believe that good will come. To satisfy any longings I had as a kid I have to accomplish good and alot. Evil wars with me.
Really why do we live. Is it just to suffer. There are some hard questions. I can't answer them. If the bible has done anything for me it has provided me with a puzzle. I hope the bible can do good. It is themed around such things. But yet it is so easily twisted. But it hasn't answered any of my questions the bible. The bible has only created problems for me.
I experience the bible to be cool. But it is a puzzle. Perhaps without a time travel machine we will never know. Perhaps an observation is required. I really don't know any keys to unlocking the mysteries of life. I am a passenger hoping to be taught by someone much smarter than me.
What are we able to teach our selves. Do we stagnate? I guess we grow backwards after reaching our peak. It's all down hill from here so they say.
I can't add much to the world with just my words. I'll leave it here.