It was an easy attack. Everyone was a sheep. The terrorists used box cutters. The people in the planes that hit the buildings didn't fight back because of what they had seen on movies. The terrorists always landed the plane and asked for money or a list of demands or something stupid.
Poor sheep that we are. We are just not a match as yet for the evil that is exists.
OMG Muhammad and Islam (Added label Islam). I like Christianity better cause Mr Christ had powers. Islam is just a man talking.
I've started a religion and i'm just a man talking.
Granted few people follow know that they follow me. But this is just a temporary thing like death.
For my followers. Death is the last enemy. Defeat death and everything changes. I'm talking no pain no death no suffering no crying no tears no misery no sorrow.
Death is like a root of many things that cause evil to the human race.
So Love of money is the root of all evil.
OMG who doesn't love money right.
I mean Food. Shelter. Clothing. Cars. Petrol. Electricity. Internet. Electronics. Houses. Medicines. Weed.
Love of Money. Love of Money. Love of Money.
Some translations have it "Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". Not all evil but all kinds of evil.
I agree with this new translation more.
There's evil in the animal world that doesn't involve money. It's just a drive for hunger. A lions got to eat a zebra. Shark got to eat a fish. Human got to eat a cow.
Evil be like rampant and free running.
Evil has been warned but doesn't listen.
Nek minute.
But still. Evil has had it's day.
So death the last enemy. Love of money the root of all kinds of evil.
There should be something to think about there.

Hollywood and the world chases this. Aging is death. May they know God and perfection.
It will take immense power, spirit and love to defeat death.
Song of Solomon 8:6 For Love is as Strong as Death.
Darcy Lee