So as everyone is already aware USA has declared in a speech by president Barack Obama that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, is basically dead and now buried at sea.
I guess thats important to this blog. I've tried making it about Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda and terrorists. A little. I started out about 9/11 and it appears on every page in the top heading passage of my blog. I've tried making this website about my phone call to a talk back radio station and yelling war a couple days before the planes hit the buildings. But alas it's being covered up. To any point, I find it important enough to warrant that it should be on You Tube my phone call. For the General Publics view.
My phone call needs to be reviewed by everyone. Not just a select few. Also I would like to make money off this phone call. You Tube would definately allow this. The Internet would allow this. There should be enough interest if people

could actually hear the recording. It could generate alot of interest in this website to the very least with hits coming in to view the recording of me yelling war and declaring a war 2 days before September 11th 2001 as a key theme.
This recording I believe still exists. People with alot of power have a copy. Can't fight that. Definately can't fight that.
People get tortured everyday. Can't fight that. People are hungry and starve. I don't go hungry but I don't eat the best foods. Just heat and eat stuff. And takeouts. Mmmm. I do have a rodent problem. I have pulled out about 12 mice from this house now. Trapped them in spring loaded traps night after night. Must be like 2 or 3 or more generations of them.
I'm getting fat waiting to be rich. I dream of having a home gym. Though reality is even if I had one I would still never use it and be just as fat. I also dream of having a home.
My phone call if I ever get a copy could earn me just enough to get a home of my own and would maybe provide me with an income source for the rest of my life. Albeit a little income. But maybe I would be famous as well a little. Internet Famous.
Enough saying. Nobody believes a word I say. It's because i'm not so healthy. Bit mental. But listen provide me with a copy of my phone call to upload to you tube and I could have a lot of fun. I am being denied alot of fun.
So my scripture this time is this which is totally unrelated to anything i've said:
3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4
Fun stuff.
Darcy Lee