Virtual Reality. Pictures in your head. New Government Technology. Technology that exists today. The ability to immerse yourself inside a world, inside your head.
Virtual Reality exists today in this form. They are experimenting in this area and have had notable success. Now if you tell anyone about this technology then you are called schizophrenic.
This is how secret the technology is. Things like video recordings computer generated images other peoples thoughts can be sent direct to your mind.
This is the future of entertainment. Of education. Of pornography. Of the internet. Of anything that uses or has need of a screen. A laptop, cellphone, Tv.
It will probably be a long time before the technology to do this is available to the public. And it will be kept secret for a long time. The technology has the ability to govern.
What do you think of this. Leave a comment. Am I just delusional and making this up. I honestly tell you i'm doing my best to tell the truth as I know it.
The technology is definitely very real. There is a school where people train on this technology.
What are some other uses and purposes for this technology giving me the benefit of the doubt and saying it's real that you the reader can think of. It's basically the matrix reloaded.
There is a problem with ram and not having enough but that won't last long as computers get faster and faster. It kept coming up asking for more ram.
Yes i've had experience with the technology. First hand. I don't know how it operates just that it can all be done wirelessly. A picture in your head.
The picture is a little grainy but fine quality. I am just an amateur and have been told as such. I believe my rating is a lot lower than that though.
This is what to expect in the very near future. The ability to send even text messages direct to your mind has existed for over 10 years.
Lapsing into something else, but something someone said makes me wonder if the government has knowledge of Extra Terrestrials and is not telling us. Now me writing about it here is not going to change anything. But what do you think. Leave a comment about this as well.
Extra Terrestrials definitely exist in in the universe. How advanced and how intelligent is another question. How much knowledge the government has about this/them (the extra terrestrials) is also another question. I think they know more than they are telling from some inside information.
We are not alone.
Artificial intelligence ties in with the virtual reality. It has the ability to think. To reply to questions. All with pictures in your head.
I can describe it as dreaming as they have some power over this to. Imagine dreaming. But being awake.
Anyway enough from me.
Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Showing posts with label Extra Terrestrials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extra Terrestrials. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Immortality, Virtual Reality, Top Secret, Classified, Extra Terrestrials, Artificial Intelligence, Donate.

These aren't really the terms i'm looking as it's people looking for money themselves. I've talked about this before. My adventures in internet land have failed. If u think u can do better you should setup your own website. Goto and you can setup something that looks identical to this one or even better. Post your ideas and thoughts and try to on how to make money.
This website is now also about Virtual Reality Technology and Artificial Intelligence. I don't have much to say about this technology i'd just be repeating myself and I don't know much about it. I am though trying to make people aware of the possibility and potential. A.I will overnight change the face of the world. They have computers still lacking in power right now that can think for themselves. Artificial Intelligence a computer that you can talk to that you can task. Imagine the tasks you could set it. It could count things. It is wandering the internet. The internet right now.
There are going to be vast places where you log into but the

What else is this blog about? I guess it's also about 9/11 /2001 or September 11th 2001. The Twin Towers, World Trade Center. I get zero hits for this topic. I'm also going to make this website about Extra Terrestrials. I'm guessing really but the government has knowledge of extra terrestrials. They need to tell the world. This is one thing I want to achieve before I die is find out about extra terrestrials. The universe is so vast they exist. But how did the Government discover them? What knowledge do they have? The black stuff with the twinkles is huge. Outer space. It contains life. I believe the government knows heaps more than what they are saying. Would you be frightened to find out about other lifeforms from another planet.
I'm finding i'm useless. I don't know how to make people believe in technology. Especially when it's classified and the condition that i'm currently in.
Another couple of things I thought this blog is about is Technology in general but mostly classified and top secret. This blog is also about Immortality and health and not dying.
I want to live as long as possible. My health is pretty bad at moment. I hate to guess how long I have. Maybe not long maybe i'll live 30 more years. I'm only 32. I feel 60 though or older most days. Immortality is a cool idea. There will be plenty to do. With a whole universe out there to catalog and to explore. Not to mention the universe of the Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence worlds.
I suppose robots are can be included with artificial intelligence. Where going

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