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Showing posts with label Ever Lasting Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ever Lasting Life. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2016

Earth Quake in Masterton Wellington Palmerston North

Masterton QE2 Park Swing Bridge
Did you feel that. Happened about 12:05am or something. This is just a spam post to get into google for the Earth Quake that just happened here in Masterton. I'm sure they felt it in Wellington and Palmerston North as well as Porrirua dunno how to spell that.

When I searched just now I couldn't find any information on the Earth Quake.

To soon I suppose.

Post some comments about what you were doing when this quake happened. Probably won't get any comments though.

Yup sorry to annoy you. This post contains almost no information.

Consider immortality when a earth quake happens perhaps.

Eternal life should be considered right now. Join the War on Death. Feel the power of the quake. Well immortality is way more powerful. It doesn't compare.

But a quake reminds us of our mortality. For now we are mortal. But not for long. Play your position.

Feel the power.

Anyway got to get this posted while people searching for Earthquake in New Zealand.

Added label "Earthquake".

Darcy Lee

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lighthouse Family High

Lighthouse Family.
Lighthouse Family - High

My landlord was playing this last night and I remembered it. Adding to music 3. I like that it talks about living forever, immortality and the end of death and being high not on drugs but high in life.

Added label "Forever"

Darcy Lee

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Naked And Famous Higher

The Naked And Famous - Higher

Listened to this last night 32 times in a row. I was very sick of it by the end.
The Naked and Famous.

I like the chorus "Tonight we raise the dead, Tonight we bury this in fire"

It's a good song with a good message. I believe in the resurrection of the dead whether it's through tech or God and religion. I got eggs in both baskets. It's definitely going to happen.

Here is the line about Terrorists and Virtual Reality and Matrix. I include the mention of these things to make this blog represent in Google.

Vr or the Matrix tech exists at the moment. A picture in your head. Through tech. They can read your mind from a distance. This sorta tech will go along way to taking us higher and eventually raising the dead.

Now also a mention of World Trade Center terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. It's 15 years soon. Still haven't got a copy of my phone call which would garner 20 million hits on Youtube. My phone call can be read about by clicking the terrorist link in the left column.

That's it post done. Added label "Raise the Dead". Adding this song to Music 2 as it's not quite in the Music 1 category. But like I said I did get a few plays out of it.

Darcy Lee

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Cure For Aging.

Watched this 16 minute Ted X talk about a possible reversal for aging. It's not bad. It's a couple years old now. Check it out. Ted X is known for their scientific talks

Added label Aging.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Ray Kurzweil
Here's an article from Ray Kurzweil director of engineering at Google and futurist about how nanobots will be the key to immortality which could be achieved in as little as 25 years.

I believe immortality is right here right now pretty much. I have experienced the matrix. This will be a huge part in the reality of immortality. They must understand the human body heaps by now.

I guess if God was real he would have intervened in WW1 and 2. The hour for God is getting late.

I have kinda messed up my life by hating on America. It should be covered under freedom but no it's not.

I'm hoping God is my ally and that he has a plan. I love my God. I love my bible and scripture. But i'm not sure if it's real in the absolute face of technology and hatred that exist.

God is perhaps a losing battle unless God himself acts.

Check the article out. I mention myself the matrix as existing in full form right now so immortality can't be to far away. I read they learnt how to lengthen telomeres which is why people age or something they get shorter and shorter with aging.

Time magazine had a picture of a toddler on its cover and stated the baby would live till 142. Wow.

I'm predicting immortality myself.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, November 3, 2013

All Along The Watchtower Jimi Hendrix.

All Along The Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix.

I'm not totally sure if i'm going to listen to this much more but I like the intro and the line "All Along The Watchtower".  It reminds me of being on a watchtower and looking out for danger, least the word watchtower does.  I'm going to add this to the label amazing guitar as well as I find it unique enough and whatever else.  

So we is all on the lookout for danger to warn others.  I feel that because through my suffering I have something to say.  I don't really have anything to say but I should I guess.  I hope it will come to me. Matthew 10:19 At that time you will be given what to say.  I have suffered extremely and nobody knew.  So i'm telling you now.  There is extreme supreme suffering out there to be had.  Life hasn't yet swallowed up these things.  Some of you may be called to suffer in life like I was.  It's not pleasant.  I hope there is a purpose to it.  Surely it must make sense some how.

In suffering all is lost.  Suffering is the absence of joy.  I hope not to suffer any more.  1 Peter 4:1 because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.  I hope that from my suffering I have learned not to sin as Christians call it.  I hope my suffering has perfected something or some power in me.  What is the purpose of suffering?  Nobody knows.  Suffering could be bad and therefore is an enemy.

Christ suffered.  If Jesus Christ didn't have miracle powers then we at least know that he suffered.  What is it about suffering?  I aim to live above and abolish all suffering in an age that accepts it as the norm.  Such is suffering that it needs to be finished and gone forever as soon as possible.  I believe that the level of suffering some have experienced already will somehow be enough to defeat suffering forever.  Something permanent has to be done.  Right now.  Not in a 1000 years but now.

Revelation 21:4 There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain.  So according to this scripture there will one day be no more pain.  I like the thought of this and it rings true to me that this will be the case and truth one day.  There will be no more pain.  Pain because of it's nature will be abolished and no more. Nobody likes pain.  If you like it it's not pain.  I cast my lot and my vote that all pain should be outlawed and abolished to the deepest darkest chains there are.  With the end of pain comes immortality.  There is nothing to fear in being rid of pain and suffering.  2 Corinthians 5:4 What is mortal may be swallowed up by life.  I think this means life will shine so bright that it will get rid of every bit of wrong and evil.

I could only wish God was real so that his bible would come to pass.  We at the moment live in the dark. At least I do.  God seems along way off from reality.  I have to believe there is enough power to war on suffering.  To defeat it.  I have a right, law and grace not to suffer anymore.  Suffering is wrong and it's here to be defeated and triumphed over.  No more suffering.  I have said enough for now.  War on suffering until immortality.  Let life shine brightest.

Anyway i'll leave you with Jimi Mr Hendrix.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Christian More Love, More Power - Jeff Deyo.

Christian More Love, More Power - Jeff Deyo.

I have been pronouncing Jesus as Daysis as in Days is Christ.  Daysis can be made to sound like Jesus.  Also I have been saying Endalls as Angels.  Anyway I just like this song so i'm adding it.  I could be a Christian if I believed in the bible but it seems so primitive for a God.  Sure there are some good things in there and i'll definately keep reading and listening but to say I believe what most churches believe would be difficult.

I believe in love I think.  Though that fails.  It's not a power to defeat much today of what is happening - of the suffering there is in the world.  Love falls short.  Who is there to help.  Drug could/can aid.  But do u get addicted and live a lesser life because of it.  Love won't help you with general issues or even important things.  It's quite an effort to summon up love which for me i'm probably not achieving/doing anyway it's just something that falls short.  How to love when you suffer?  Dunno.  Much to hard.  But that's possibly what you need to do.  I tried but failed.  Maybe I have never loved.  I had life a lot easier when I was younger.

Anyhow today is my birthday the 11th of May 2013 and I turn 35.  Happy Birthday to me yaya.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Amanda Michelle Todd (November 1996 – October 10, 2012)

Rip Amanda Todd.  Amanda Todd committed suicide after being bullied for a few years.  She was only 15 years old and posted this video about 5 weeks before she died.

The two songs in the video are Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me, May Angels Lead You In. The second song is Breathe Me - Sia Furler.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Billions of Dollars. Living Water.

So I just thought now about billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. It's a bit disappointing that Gods not real and Jesus never existed because with my living water I could generate billions of dollars. Ya the the water that I drank of from a cup on my coffee table one morning that tasted like it was living, that could generate billions of dollars just magically appearing into my possession, my bank account, if Jesus had existed because in the bible he says he will give someone living water and it will become ever lasting life. Living water hmm. John verse something something. Jesus never existed. I'm sorry for talking about the bible. It's not anything worth spending much time over. Anyway with that sort of power you could earn billions quite easily.

I've mainly mentioned living water in an attempt to rule over christians. Muwahaha. Won't work though. I've written about it because it's connected with ever lasting life and thats something i'm really into(bible is false). Muwahaha, christians you must obey me. Muwahaha. (An army is always handy). I'm looking for donations really so i'm writing stories here on this webpage. Living water is the story of me ruling the universe but not really because the bible is false and my living water is like a really stupid thing to talk about exactly because the bible is a dumb thing to believe in and my living water was also something like a delusion which is a dumb to like obsess with and even attempt to rule the universe. Just saying god doesn't exist again.

Ya billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. Like at least $1020 million dollars. I can do this with donations. Hehe. I've made $10 dollars so far so thats 1 billion 19 million 999 thousand 990 left to go. It won't be that hard. I'm of the illusion you should aim big. There have been news stories of people making a house through donations with the net. I'm going for a billion. The aim is a billion dollars or as close to it using any means legal etc possible. This webpage is part of the aim for a billion. Millions will be fine. It's nice to think it's possible to make a billion dollars. To think it's possible. Some that think this will.

Ok it just clicked that I can't make billions and it's a dumb dream and the world is evil. Damn evil world. Donate to me because the world is evil.

If you believe in god like the bible then I rule the universe because of living water scriptures because god is actually real and I was just saying there wasn't a god umm *cough* yeah anyway donate because the world is evil.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Living Water in a Store Near You Soon. And Reason Number 12 You Could Donate To Me.

It's hard to write a post in a blog everyday for me. I just keep putting it off and then it doesn't get done. I'm still quite new to blogging and no-ones really read or are reading my posts. This doesn't really help, it's not a big motivator when you know no-ones going to really read what you write.

Still. I'm hoping that as I write more and more posts it will become easier. I'll actually start to post more over time is the plan. It's like a fitness and strength thing. If you turn yourself into the gym 3 times a week you get stronger so if I turn in three posts during a week i'll get stronger over time. Buff.

My last couple of posts have been about living water. Nothing exciting here except I found a scripture saying that Jesus of the bible will give someone living water and they will have everlasting life. Obviously the living water I had was the very one mentioned in the bible god and Jesus being real and all. Yay I have everlasting life because the bible tells me (*Cough* Jesus never existed).

God's a boring subject because it can never go anywhere. It interested me for a while but after actually reading the bible in my own time i'm going to be moving away from that forever. I'm sorry I got involved. With my living water now what i'm going to do is find out the secret formula that made it taste living and reproduce it and then take over the worlds softdrink market easily overtaking coke and pepsi because of the incredible taste.

It will be a multi billion dollar industry but no I can't actually reproduce it, it was just a hallucination but I have mentioned it because christians believe in god and it might amuse them and they might actually believe in it but no again the reason they won't believe in it is because god doesn't exist overall. It would make a nice softdrink if I could reproduce it though.

Living water softdrink could be the future. The bible was my ticket to immortality, to bad it's not real. If I can recreate what made it taste living and then sell it. Half the world believes in god thats just crazy. This is kind of an attempt to convert people from believing in god. I believe believing in something false is dangerous.

Watch out in stores for living water which will make me billions as a softdrink. This can be my new angle seeing that god and Jesus don't exist and I don't have everlasting life much to my disappointment and I have to find some other use for my living water strange sensation illusion. I discovered living water to make a new softdrink to make billions of dollars. Nope i'm just being stupid, like god my living water was just an illusion. Obviously. It was one off and can't be reproduced. A living water softdrink would be cool though.

If your Christian I rule the universe. God said by giving me living water. I'll let you off though and tell you that gods not real so no need to fear me.

I'm so pitiful that I have living water hallucinations and talk about it in my blog - this can be reason number 12 you could donate to me.

This wasn't a very well written blog entry. I have tried. I'm trying to make money but alas. Still you can donate to me if you want.

I hope I can I improve from this post. How hard can it be because this post is so bad.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Living Water Again. And Reason Number 11 You Should Donate to me.

In my last post I mentioned that one morning I woke up got out of bed and then drank from this glass of water that had been sitting on my coffee table over night and the water was living. It was living water. Then what happened is one day I found a scripture in the bible about living water that gives everlasting life so with some quality deducing the living water I had was obviously the very same that is mentioned in the bible the very one that gives everlasting life. Obviously. Because god is real. It was living. Alive. The Water.

Basically now I rule the universe because god said he likes me best by giving me this living water. I rule the universe from my kitchen which is also my lounge by blogging, the internet. The living water as you can imagine gives one this power to rule the universe.

Ruling the universe is hard work, this is reason number 11 one of the many reasons i'm asking for donations. Your donations continue to keep this universe running by supporting me the one who has had the living water who found the living water scripture in the bible an hence has everlasting life and rules the universe. Because god is real. Obviously.

Those who doubt the living water and me ruling the universe your donations are welcome as well as you haven't been fooled and are there for smart which means your intelligent enough to know that giving me money is very wise.

For those of you who believe in my ever lasting life giving in the bible written universe ruling enabling living water thanks. Your donations continue to keep this universe running.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Living Water. Something Dangerous. Living Water. God Doesn't Exist.

I thought about posting about Living Water because it might make me stronger. Thing is I don't believe in GOD and his son Jesus anymore. I need to write here to claim some belief that god doesn't exist. I know it's wrong to believe in god now. Right. So. What do you replace a belief in god with? Imagine untold riches, the most powerful that anything can ever be forever, I don't know I was wrong to believe in god.

New ways of thinking are opening up for me by not believing in god. It's quite a different style of thinking when gods not imposed in everything. I illusion myself that i'm figuring problems that I couldn't tackle before. Theres not much to be gained in the god debate is there? I think believing in god is dangerous to your health. It's bad. God doesn't teach people. Because.... He doesn't exist. Ok I like to think that I believe in humans now. Humans.

Ok so Living Water, did you forget that you might not know anything i'm saying when I mention living water. Ok so it has to do with god. Heres a scripture from the bible it's John 7:37-39. (Ewwwww Religion).

Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!

38He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water and and they shall have ever lasting life.

39But He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. For the [Holy] Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor).

What I want to do is claim my everlasting life. One morning I woke and drank this water on my coffee table and it was alive. It tasted living. Totally alive. Living. Might it have been the living water mentioned here in this bible passage. The everlasting life type of living water. (Well no because Jesus never existed). It was living water. It was alive. But.... I clocked the bible yes. But.... If YOU believe in Jesus i'm stating that I had living water like the bible sooooo.... Gifts of money will be fine. I'll just say that this water one morning I had was alive, living and because I found this bible scripture (muwahaha) I now have ever lasting life. (Disclaimer: God doesn't exist and I don't have ever lasting life).

Muwahaha i'm going to rule the universe world with my living water that give ever lasting life. (But no). But... AGAIN if your a true believer of Jesus then gifts of money are acceptable and fine. How do you know it was the genuine article living water as mentioned in the bible are you wondering? Do you know anyone else who has written online saying they have? Thats possible I guess but mines the real one.

What shall I do with my everlasting life?

Also non believers your donations of money will be acceptable as well.

It didn't help to much to write this. God doesn't exist thats all I wanted to say. Am I neutral now? This website is trying to earn money. See if its the real living water from the bible it will bring me lots of money and people and general stuff, luck when I mention it on this blog. It will, my Living Water, fend off any ill feelings someone might get from this post and i'll earn lots of money and it will bring my website lots of traffic i'll be rich real quick. I now have the most powerful website in the world because I have posted about my genuine article in the Bible mentioned everlasting life giving Living Water. Though the thing is God doesn't exist. This world is dangerous.

I wonder if any Christians will believe in my the Living Water I had. Noooo.... Sir.....
