My Mum said this got bad reviews and I can understand why but I was able to bear the faults. It still could've been better. Still there were alot of effects and stuff. Alot of visuals. The story line just wasn't all there. Still a pretty good movie and I recommend you watch it at least once.
I was left feeling pretty good about stuff after the movie. Like this happens in real life. Still the masses need to be included. Equality is the goal.
Everyone has a part and some value somehow. I used to think equality is it. Probably still do even more so after reading the bible about it.
2 Corinthians 8:14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality,
I saw this growing up.
I traded someone what they were going to have excess of for something that I had excess of. The thing is I don't know exactly what I was trading anymore.
I can't do that anymore. Perhaps it was spiritual what I saw that could be traded. Perhaps it was just the matrix tech but I can't be sure.
Whatever it was equality seems like a good thing to go for.
It's separate from the world system perhaps.
I was trading in devices perhaps or processed calculations.
Pieces of something. Bits.
I think this was done under telepathy.
Still the goal is equality. Remember that.
That's the end for this post.
Added Labels "Telepathy" "Equality" "Trade".
Darcy Lee