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Showing posts with label Electric Car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electric Car. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2016

Fast Car Cover

Boyce Avenue.
Fast Car Cover - Boyce Avenue

Stumbled across this with 42 million views. It's a nice cover of a Tracy Chapman song.

Can't wait till my Precog September 11th World Trade Center radio talkback phone call hits on You Tube. It will be interesting to see exactly how it preforms.

Now I do expect at least 20 million hits in the first month. I guess this is a goal to set. So when it finally hits I expect people to post the stuffing out of it to all social media.

Hopefully I will have the finances to fund a forum and i'll be able to direct people from the video to that. Also I will direct people to this page as well. I don't have a name for the forum yet.

My phone call is a World Trade Center Conspiracy. It involves Music, Virtual Reality the Matrix, and a couple Presidents amongst other things.

This conspiracy is yet to be bought to light. I don't even know all the details. I'm sure a movie will be made about my life. Me watching that will fill in some of the blanks.

But let it be known. The truth is not what is told by the Governments of the world. If my phone call ever comes out it will open up new avenues of thoughts. Till then though the Governments would rather keep the world in the dark. This only harms themselves. The world needs to be brought upto speed. Knowledge is very useful. Things like Aliens and Virtual Reality. The world needs to know about these things.

It's only so they can maintain their power that they keep us in darkness. Most people fight the truth when told. They certainly don't believe. No one has believed me. What will you say when you know the truth.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wireless Electricity.

Here is a TED TALKS on Wireless electricity. He demonstrates it on cell phones and tvs.  Press play at the top of the page on the link below as I read the transcript first and couldn't find the video initially, but it's there at the top of page.  Just search in Google for wireless electricity or here is the link:  TED TALKS Wireless Electricity.

Monday, September 29, 2008

First fully electric cars available in NZ

The first fully electric car available in NZ, can be plugged in to charge just like a toaster.

Mon, 29 Sep 2008 5:57p.m.

Think electric-powered vehicles, think golf carts - right?

Not any more. The first fully electric, plug-in cars are about to hit New Zealand's streets and their performance is likely to turn the heads of even the biggest sceptic.

In November, Hyundai will become the first local car manufacturer to offer a zero-emission, electric car.

The cars will be retro-fitted locally, meaning their electric motors will be fitted after the petrol or diesel engine they arrive with, is taken out.

It is a version of the car that can be plugged in beside the toaster at home with no special plug required and the amount of electricity required to fully charge its batteries will not be too much more than using that toaster.

It costs about $2 per hundred km to run and has zero emissions.
So, what's the catch? The electric vehicle has the same acceleration and power as its petrol or diesel equivalent but it does have a lower top speed of around 120kph.
Power steering, air con, tow bar, air bags all come as standard features.
The battery costs around $3000 to replace, but only needs replacing about 3very eight years and they are fully recyclable.

The only real catch is the car's range and battery charge time.
It has a range of 120 km and a quick charge of anywhere between 1.5 and 3 hours which gives you 80% of battery life or about another 90km so it is perfect for the city commuter, but long distance is out of the question.

The cars cost around $40,000 NZ Dollars.