Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
Showed this to a friend who was to young to remember it. Adding to Music 2 because it's pretty catchy. It was a NZ ad from probably the 80's.
We are red blooded blood brothers.
Check it out if you haven't seen.
Added label "Eightys" "Alcohol".
Really with the amount of publicity about how bad tobacco is and the price rises they really need to concentrate on ALCOHOL a lot more. Make it as expensive as tobacco or something. Alcohol causes way more violence than cannabis or tobacco. Legalise Cannabis. But they never will because tobacco is similar and they are trying to get rid of that by 2025. They should decriminalise anyway. And provide medicinal.
Adding this because it's got bloody as a second word like Sepulturas' "Roots Bloody Roots" and because my dad used to have this cd and i used to play it on a dvd player with surround sound back a long time ago. I thought it was neat. It was a real triumph song.
I like the line "All Right Lets GO!" and also Wipe your tears away. Sunday Bloody Sunday is quite the WAR song. War is so bad. It should just go away. This is a happy song well it excites me anyway. I'll include the quote from the bible.
Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
I like the bible because it says no more death crying pain mourning. That's about it. That was the scripture for the day. My point is to like the bible that tells of this good news. This is only good. Something that is only good needs to be hurried in. How to hurry it.
The Bible With Light.
Just think. Think some more. Where are you at? What you got going on? Death is still ever present and what a huge weight it is. We need Gods marvelous light. There is still pain. Pain is a weapon used against us. Pain is oppression. So no more tears or mourning means no more sadness. No more death or pain is a new world. I need this new world. What else can I say. I guess there is work to be done. Devils to be defeated. People in high places with lots of power. I welcome this much better world. Who has seen such a thing? Who has imagined. But can it be done. Is money king? Will the rich forever dominate and become the new immortal. What can the future hold.
It seems to me the rich dominate. The bible supports the poor more. Those with ideas and great thoughts will find themselves wanted more. They can already read your mind. Professional thoughts will be the key. They will invite you if they think your good enough. They are testing alot of people. One test is to actually believe in the technology.
The bible is lacking at the moment. It seems technology with things like the matrix are the things of the future. How can such a value tech be defeated? Whatever we think we've seen is probably this tech. It will explain alot when it's finally announced and fully in the light revealed. Until then this death and pain dominate the human race.
Let us be free from death pain crying and mourning. Let us be free.
So to post something bad. Terrabad. I'm wondering what Jesus meant when he said things like you must eat my flesh and drink my blood (john 6 in the bible). I wonder what the secret is.
So for 2000 thousand years people have been wondering what Jesus meant. I don't know.
John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
It's like a riddle. Maybe it's real important. People still haven't figured it out yet in my opinion, I don't know either and I wonder if it has any importance towards immortality. How importantly should this be rated. I think immortality will be invented by science probably long before it can be figured out.
Maybe you need to see something to work it out. Like a key. If you knew what Jesus was referring to when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood. God is a dying cause in this day and age. Science is king at the moment. Religion has been reigning for the last 2000 thousand+ years.
I want to know what Jesus meant. He is hiding something. With these words. Something that could be explained more plainly. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood sounds cool because I reakon it's true that you can do it he's just refering to what he means in a hiding it unless you've seen something or understand something way maybe. He's hiding something with the truth in plain sight. I wonder what he means.
But truly I don't know. Whats your boring theories.
Eat Jesus's Flesh And Drink Jesus's Blood People that's my advice. O and atheism.