I'm adding this image here on the right top because it's the more current GPUZ of my video card. When I ran GPUZ the last time it didn't recognise the card properly so gave a much higher reading. I'm leaving the bottom image in because it gets lot of hits from google images but the stats in the image are a lie but this is what GPUZ used to read it as.
I bought this video card based on the old stats which clock it at alot faster so I guess you have to be careful when running GPUZ on the latest piece of hardware. You can check the catalyst version to see the difference from when I originally ran GPUZ. So again, i'm rally only leaving the older photo in because it gets heaps of hits in google. But i've been fair now and posted an updated image for anyone who comes here.
Also I didn't know that with GPUZ you can click the camera icon on the top right and it takes a screen shot for you. With the older image I took a screen shot of my whole desktop and then cut it out you can see the borders on the bottom image. I honestly didn't edit any of the numbers in the photo though.

Below is the original text which i'll leave here as well, it was edited once when I added a link to the new GPUZ but I didn't add a photo, like now i've added a photo of the latest GPUZ.
Now to change topic. So how about technology and dreams aye. Secret technology that can send pictures, images, text - 3d spatially, all inside your head.
Yeah tech that will send an image to your head. This has been an ad for tech that puts a picture in you head. Man on the Moon. Well Picture in your head the latest frontier.
Graphics unbelievable.
Below is the old article left here again for google.
This GPUZ is now old. Click
here GPUZ link for an updated picture of an ATI Radeon 5670. I don't think GPUZ read it right the first time I ran it.
This picture is of my graphics card that I just got. The main number to compare is the G/Texel. You should download GPUZ
HERE and test your system. This card cost me $185 NZ dollars. 2 Years before that I paid $350 for a card that did 11.7 G/Texel. So this card is definately an improvement.
The card is stock standard.
This Website is trying to earn a living, for a very poor, living off the government in New Zealand person. If your interested it video card technology then your definitely interested in pictures in your head Technology. That is if you believe.
Be ready for when this technology arises. It's in use now. People are training on it, in schools specially designed to train you. What do you believe? THIS IS 2011. (Like Sparta). Technology can now produce an image in your head. It can also see what you see.
This technology is linked closely to Artificial Intelligence. Mega Powerful SUPER thinking Internet reading, movie and now thought producing artificial intelligence now exists.
Believe today or be left behind tomorrow.
Sorry just rambling. Would you like to donate? Click the paypal button.