Thought I would post this scripture:
1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
I've got the feeling i've posted this before but I feel a strong attachment to a lot of the scriptures that talk about suffering. I'm hoping that this scripture applies to me. I would like the power to never sin again. That would be an awesome power. If sin is nothing but bad then the ability to avoid it every time would be cool.
So I have armed or am arming myself with this scripture, hoping that my 10 years of suffering qualifies me for the blessings that are spoken of in the bible for people that suffer. This scripture is one of them.
I could do without sin in my life. I wish to never suffer again. I will avoid it greatly I hope. Suffering is horrible and something needs to be done about it. I believe I have suffered enough so others won't suffer. Or how much suffering is enough. Suffering is an evil.
I can't find good things other than scripture about suffering. I certainly from experience don't find anything good about suffering.
Perhaps oneday something good will come from my suffering. Perhaps I never will sin again. Perhaps I am done with sin. I hope so.
Darcy Lee
Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Summer Breeze by Seals & Crofts.
Summer Breeze - Seals and Crofts.
Found myself singing "Summer breeze rolling through the chapels in my mind". Yep must've remembered this from my child hood.
The actual line is:
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind. Got a couple plays out of this song, adding it cause I remembered part of it.
The whole lyricys are this:
See the curtains hangin' in the window, in the evenin' on a Friday night.
A little light a-shinin' through the window, lets me know everything is alright.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
See the paper layin' in the sidewalk, a little music from the house next door.
So I walked on up to the doorstep, through the screen and across the floor.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
Sweet days of summer, the jasmine's in bloom. July is dressed up and playing her tune.
And I come home from a hard day's work, and you're waiting there, not a care in the world.
See the smile a-waitin' in the kitchen, food cookin' and the plates for two.
See the arms that reach out to hold me, in the evening when the day is through.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.
A memory from me.
Darcy Lee
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Trade Me.

Here are those posts: The first POST:

The spiritual armor is a God pretend armor. It takes more to be real. But is far superior to the digital matrix man made armor if it can be made real for others to see.
Walk around in your armor. It's light. You can't feel it. It can be totally transparent and can light up in an instant.
So there is digital martix technology based armour and clothing and accessories where u need to be interfaced and well they probably chip you to be honest for you to use the matrix and see its graphics on other people.
And for those who believe in a god spiritual then im saying it's possible to see armor on others if they wearing it (I think this is the future anyway another level above matrix tech clothing and armor). Kids can see it better than adults. Imagination but real. What accessories have you just painted and added on overlaying your natural clothes with your thoughts and mind. You can do it this way. To believe in something of substance.
Everyone will be wearing matrix vr outfits possibly oneday over there cotton cloths. But yeah Gods armor if he real will actually be more than ornamental and serve more than a purpose than to just look pretty.
So buy my belief I mean clothing and armor. Matrix VR all the way.
Wear your new clothing accessories in comfort and beauty and glory.
And now the SECOND POST:

Selling mansions. You plop this baby overtop of your house on your land. From the outside your house now looks totally different cause anyone using the matrix tech sees graphics in full realism overlaying your house interacting with your house but only to the people using the matrix. In the future its possible that crims might only see the matrix and not reality so it's future proofed with a security system that tagged criminals will struggle to identify in reality with. Matrix dinosaur pets selling. WTS. Any pet you can think of selling all matrix ai pets. Also pokemon and digimons to battle and mate.
Selling rivers of living water matrix style. Rivers. For your backyard or swimming pool. Waterfalls as well. Pretty much any decoration you can think of to add to your property that can go digital.
Selling pet AI aliens. Its a human ai behind the matrix but its representing possible different aliens what an alien would be like. (But yep they have knowledge of aliens but thats off topic a little.) This is a smart companion. It can change form and become more intelligent. 10111001.
I guess it's possible to breed thoughts with one another. Using the matrix. Or even text breeds other text as in the case of my postings.
Looking FOR Coders/builders for the Matrix. Text is code. Code in this thread to apply.
This stuff is all digital matrix or even spiritual.
What do you offer in trade? Also what are you selling?
Sorry for boring you.
I'm just a trader looking for fine pearls and treasure in heaven.
What particular things do you have for sale?
As with the catch only the people with matrix enabled technology where by they chip you and you interface with an ai will be able to see most of these products that im selling.
But they still good for the future. D1 original.
Now the spiritual items. Getting others to see them could be difficult. But it's possible. Spiritual items are much rarer than matrix computer generated items but the two will probably eventually intertwine perhaps.
Draw some things with your mind. You don't necessarily need to see it's image in your mind but you can still envision what our thinking. How far along out can you go with your thoughts. I'm limited to short thoughts that are often forgotten quickly with the next thought. It's hard to calculate.
Add some thoughts up with this variable in mind. It could be you in the future with age. If you have the luxury of a mind become creative. Use your thoughts up rather that store stuff up. If you discover a tool a mind tool perfect it then show it off. But be quick about it. I'm 36 and I lost all my gear that I had been storing when I was 20 and never even got a chance to develop it. I was hoping by hiding it, it was being developed in the background and adding to the sum total. Most of it it turns out was matrix human technology based anyhow. But there could've been something spiritual that was worth of being stored in heaven and called a treasure.
Gear could be considered brain body mind eyes ears nose touch heat cold. Also the fruits of these things. What other gear is there?
Ever get those feelings from nature like a read on your environment but it doesn't convert to English very well
The otherday I was at someones house and there was moss all over the ground it felt like a total wilderness even with the house right there. Thats just an impression that my senses picked up.
Thing is gear can be broken and not work right. But there's nothing like working gear.
WTT Want To Trade. Print your text here. My gear has produced this post my senses my mind my brain my fingers my eyes. All from experiences ive had.
What does your gear say in return? What are you going to do with your gear in your life. Gear, your brain, can overlay stuff in your eyes from my experience without even the aid of the matrix. I experience them as words and visuals sometimes.
The world needs help. So use what you got to help.
Matrix incoming.
All this stuff is for trade.
That was it. I didn't get many replies but i'll keep you updated.
Artificial Intelligence,
Fashion Tips,
Forum Posts,
Living Water,
Trade Me,
Virtual Reality,
Saturday, November 16, 2013
I Wonder Why.....
I wonder why god won't heal amputees. Christians and Jesus persons always claim that people are being healed by them and their prayers all the the time. Like they pray for people to get better from cancers or whatever disease and if they get better it's a miracle.
Yet not one persons legs or arms ever grow back. Amputees are never healed.
If there were miracles everyone would know. If even one leg or arm grew back it would make massive news. But alas my belief in Jesus comes to an end. I need to see peoples arms and legs growing back to believe in Jesus.
I have had fun reading the bible. I like to pretend i'm good and wholesome. There are some epic sayings and teachings in the bible but most simply won't hold ground. If the bible hinges on Jesus then it kinda fails. You can't grow limbs back by prayer in Jesus. Not yet probably never. It's been 2000 years nearly since his death. You think someone would of figured it out by now if there was anything there.
Medicine is fast progressing and possibly soon will be able to provide immortality under it's own steam. Most people turn to Jesus when they are in trouble and facing a crisis or extreme trouble. I guess I would like to say that Jesus can't help you. If your in pain or facing mental health issues or whatever be the problem Jesus can't help you.

The future looks bright but the present is dim. We must endure and have faith. Sometimes there just can't be better days. Jesus can't grow limbs back. But I say give it 50 or 100 years or so and then it shouldn't be a problem. People are working today to solve problems that we as a world currently face.
They are doing this in secret. We don't know about alot of the things that are going on. I'm basically a cheer leader sitting in the background hoping and praying that things will come to pass that make us shine and bring life to decay and death. There will be sadness on the way. God can't help this. But remember the future.
I foresee that any problem we face today will eventually become no problem at all. I'm looking forward to a paradise. I'm hoping to live another 30 years minimum that would make me 65 years old. I believe I will truly see some amazing things in this time. If I can live 30 years I might see life extension tech, extending my life until eventually I can live forever and be immortal. Failing this I believe in resurrection.

I'm incredibly dumb. It just took me a while to learn it. The whole time I thought I was smart. Are you like this. What path are you walking in life. If you have an education your probably smarter than me. But even an education can lead you to error.
I've made some dumb choices in my life and are paying the price. You should yourself try and not think so smart of yourself. At least until death is defeated. There's a lot of pain out there that could be experienced by people so be careful. I don't think pain is good for anything. It's a negative. Everything about it is bad so therefore it must be defeated. And this will happen.
I look forward to the day that pain and death are reversed and defeated forever. There will probably always be evil people unless we develop a super intelligence of some kind, this may help.
Anyway this is long enough. Jesus doesn't grow back limbs so I don't believe in him. His suffering was epic but he got the church for it and has changed the face of the world. Others who have suffered just as much as Jesus go unnoticed. Jesus hasn't been very kind to me and I kind of feel deceived by him. He promises much but delivers nothing. Not even love. Jesus could be a kind of liar. What else is there to say about Jesus. I wish some hero would save me from poverty, persecution and illness. But nope. Jesus never comes. Even money wouldn't save me and really what else is there.
I don't believe in Jesus anymore. Maybe when he grows back an arm, leg or actually does something about all the evil people in the world then i'll believe. At the moment evil owns everyone. Sorry for disowning you Jesus.
Darcy Lee
Darcy Lee,
Eternal Life,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Ewww Religion.
So to post something bad. Terrabad. I'm wondering what Jesus meant when he said things like you must eat my flesh and drink my blood (john 6 in the bible). I wonder what the secret is.
So for 2000 thousand years people have been wondering what Jesus meant. I don't know.
John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
It's like a riddle. Maybe it's real important. People still haven't figured it out yet in my opinion, I don't know either and I wonder if it has any importance towards immortality. How importantly should this be rated. I think immortality will be invented by science probably long before it can be figured out.
Maybe you need to see something to work it out. Like a key. If you knew what Jesus was referring to when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood. God is a dying cause in this day and age. Science is king at the moment. Religion has been reigning for the last 2000 thousand+ years.
I want to know what Jesus meant. He is hiding something. With these words. Something that could be explained more plainly. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood sounds cool because I reakon it's true that you can do it he's just refering to what he means in a hiding it unless you've seen something or understand something way maybe. He's hiding something with the truth in plain sight. I wonder what he means.
But truly I don't know. Whats your boring theories.
Eat Jesus's Flesh And Drink Jesus's Blood People that's my advice. O and atheism.
Darcy Lee
So for 2000 thousand years people have been wondering what Jesus meant. I don't know.
John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
It's like a riddle. Maybe it's real important. People still haven't figured it out yet in my opinion, I don't know either and I wonder if it has any importance towards immortality. How importantly should this be rated. I think immortality will be invented by science probably long before it can be figured out.
Maybe you need to see something to work it out. Like a key. If you knew what Jesus was referring to when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood. God is a dying cause in this day and age. Science is king at the moment. Religion has been reigning for the last 2000 thousand+ years.
I want to know what Jesus meant. He is hiding something. With these words. Something that could be explained more plainly. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood sounds cool because I reakon it's true that you can do it he's just refering to what he means in a hiding it unless you've seen something or understand something way maybe. He's hiding something with the truth in plain sight. I wonder what he means.
But truly I don't know. Whats your boring theories.
Eat Jesus's Flesh And Drink Jesus's Blood People that's my advice. O and atheism.
Darcy Lee
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