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Showing posts with label Boring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boring. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Justin Bieber Where Are You Now

Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean

Skrillex and Diplo - "Where Are Ü Now" with Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Listened to "What do You Mean" for alot then just now as i was looking up the song again to add it to this blog I read an article and through that I came to the skrillex and diplo song.

Now these are both good songs.

"Where are u Now" sounds jungle and technical. Little slice of heaven.

I'm ever yet to find a song that maintains a chorus the whole way through the song.

Like the energy or hook of the chorus but the whole song is like one giant hook. With no ups or downs or peaks or troughs or waits.  Maybe you could tell a story with only a few words repeated but let music talk more. Few words repeated or more complex?

Why do we get bored of songs?

What songs are going to be around in 100 years.

Music could change with the Matrix Virtual Reality Tech. Songs will become thoughts. I mean songs are thoughts but they will be ported in new ways to the brain.

I've already had them singing to me.

Today was a chorus of Try by Pink. I didn't recognize it and had to look it up but it was pretty cool this version that I heard in my mind.

Now the Bieber songs here are great. Check them out if you haven't heard them.

Added Label 100 Years. Adding this post to Music.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fail Website This Is.

I'm bored telling people about virtual reality. People need to experience it for themselves. Not that that's going to happen. But i'm sure the government is slowly letting important people use and become aware of this technology.

What else can I talk about? I could talk about how poor I am and how I struggle each week to have enough food to eat which is really depressing. I am very poor. I don't know any rich people. I need to win lotto which is hard to do or have a great idea or invention and then make money off that which is equally as hard to do.

Yep i'm poor. Posting on the internet is not going to fix it. I don't see many people making money through the internet not people around me anyway. I'm struggling to post this. I'm like "give me money" for no reason so I can buy a house. Well it doesn't work. I've been trying for nearly 6 years for someone to give me a donation and I haven't got one.

It's because I fail at getting traffic to this website. 3 hits a day after 6 years is not very good. None of those hits are for older posts they're mostly for the same couple of posts.

People aren't interested in my website and it's obvious that this will never work. I'll try not to give up but it's pretty fail. I'll end this short post here. Maybe you could be the first to donate.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Doesn't it suck to be poor. Living in a horrible house. Eating terrible food. I talk about the same things all the time on this website. Pretty much not that interesting. My life is the same everyday. Stuck at home, doing the same thing.

Ah, I long for money. It gives you freedom. The governments of the world muwahaha, have conspired against me to make me poor. You know I worked hard. I'm not getting paid.

DOES anyone want to give me money? NO.

The governments of the w0rld muwahaha, owe me money. Yep they do. Pay me the money you owe me governments of the world.

I really want some money. I have earned it. I want to say that my September 11th phone call is my property and it deserves a website. I want a copy of the phone call. The governments of the world owe me money for this. Because they know why. I worked hard. Click the World Trade Center Link on the left to read the story but it's really badly written like what i'm writing now.

Governments of the world muwahaha give me some money now.

I can't afford to pay the rent no more. They ignore me and cause me heaps of pain. They have ignored me for like 8 years now. 8 years is a really long time. A really really long time.

Sorry I suck. Please donate to me. The governments of the world won't. Damn I suck. I R bored. No one believes anything I say.