Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Sunday, August 31, 2014
11 Science Facts.
This video has a couple interesting things. First that the human body is composed of more bacteria than of it's own cells. And that the smell of fresh cut grass is a distress call believed to be a warning to other grass. This is a way that plants can communicate to each other.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Everything Is Awesome - The Lego Movie.
The Lego Movie - Everything Is Awesome.
This plays the same looped song for 10 hours. There's also a different version around as well. Anyway this is a 10 hour youtube video.
Adding it cause it's awesome and the first time I heard it was when I saw the movie. Apparently there's going to be 3 more Lego movies. Yay
Darcy Lee
Slice of Heaven Dave Dobbyn.
Slice of Heaven - Dave Dobbyn.
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A Young Dave Dobbyn. |
Thing is there are songs which include my lyrics or words that I spoke in original arrangement. Oneday i'll try and list them all and post there videos. All the ones I can remember anyway. I won't be able to get every song, there are quite a few. Slice of Heaven is from 1986/87. Dave is awesome. Dave does actually do one of my songs. The Welcome Home one of his that chorus is me, I just remembered this.
I got the Finn Brothers and Dave Dobbyn songs that my words cameo in pretty amazing. New Zealand artists awesome. So yep oneday i'll create a list of all the songs I cameo in. ROCK OF AGES.
Darcy Lee
Why ordinary people need to understand power

There perhaps needs to be a demand for it, my phone call. I don't know how to create a demand. I didn't give myself enough power at the beginning and was treated horribly after that. I guess that I have to keep telling my story on this website and on forums. The thing is all my threads die a very horrible death. Nobody listens. If I used power better I would've been able to get financial support from my initial phone call. But I kinda blew that off.
I reckon if I'd thought about it I could've got 4 billion dollars on the spot. The thing is I wasn't like I am today. I was still suffering hard core and with this I think I would've made poorer decisions. It's possible that waiting has been safer. But not this long. Not as long as it's been. I'd be in much better condition if I was rich possibly from food to gym equipment to housing to entertainment. The bible says to beware the deceit of wealth. It's hard to imagine life being rich. How can rich be bad? I possibly might use some drugs or something? This could be a very real trap. Money is kind of power. The bible says you either love money or God and that you can't serve two masters.

I have a lot of questions with very little power to answer them and make endings and solutions. We are working in the dark. Some still shine brighter than others even in this dark. Jesus said "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life ".
I don't know how you or I can follow Jesus. Perhaps he is just a myth and Legend. I grew up with Jesus. I went to a thing called Boys Brigade, it was a Christian organisation for boys. That's possibly where I learned most of my scripture. I never had a bible at home. But today it's very hard to see the light of life and I possibly walk in darkness. It's very hard to believe in Jesus in todays world as a grown up after examining the bible again. I must say I do like some of the teachings. Many of the teachings.
I have found myself practising stuff from the bible as I grew. I liked it and used to rely on it, the bible. I have truly suffered now. If you can share in Christs suffering I have done that, I have truly suffered. Now I hope to share in his, Christs glory. I guess my end will be death like everyone else. Medically i'm not in the best condition. I'm poor medically as well as financially. But I hope I got 30 years left. I should see some marvellous things in the next 30 years. Technology will be amazing. They are working hard everyday.

I still find the bible a good read. I also like reading commentary and blogs about scripture and listening to sermons. I guess this post is long enough. I need more power to solve things is this the answer? Where will this power come from?
911 Phone call on YOUTUBE is a small the goal. Death is the final enemy. Fight death. Defeat Death.
My Word Shall Not Return To Me Void.
Isaiah 55:11-12 In Song.
Isaiah 55:11-12 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands
I actually totally did this as a kid, verse 11 anyway, I musta been like 9-10 years old. I must of heard the scripture somewhere and imitated it. What I did as a kid in primary school was to somehow send my word out. Then what happened is it came back and someone had voided it but they were lying. I had to add something to my word to make it so it couldn't be voided by cheating. I was like "What.... Void..... My word shall not return to me void" I was sending out my word to do good things. But alas this was along time ago. To my thinking I was doing something original that hadn't been done. It's only now I discover the scripture almost word for word exactly what I was doing. In this scripture I have imitated.
I added this cause I thought the tune was kinda catchy and also this is the scripture I have been meditating on for the last couple days.
Holy Ghost,
Music 2,
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Rubber From Dandelions.
Here's an article on Yahoo news about getting rubber for tires from dandelions. Apparently the root produces rubber that's comparable to rubber from rubber trees. I found this interesting so i'm posting a link.
Quote from Article:
MUENSTER Germany (Reuters) - Dutch biologist Ingrid van der Meer often meets with disbelief when she talks about her work on dandelions and how it could secure the future of road transport.
The reaction is understandable, given most people regard the yellow flowers as pesky intruders in their gardens rather than a promising source of rubber for tires.
"People just think of it as a horrible weed and ask how can you get enough material for tires from just a small root," she said.
Her research team is competing with others across the world to breed a type of dandelion native to Kazakhstan whose taproot yields a milky fluid with tire-grade rubber particles in it.
Global tire makers such as industry leader Bridgestone Corp and No.4 player Continental AG believe they are in for rich pickings and are backing such research to the tune of millions of dollars.
Early signs are good. A small-scale trial by a U.S. research team found the dandelions delivered per-hectare rubber yields on a par with the best rubber-tree plantations in tropical Asia.
You can find rest of article here: Dandelions to Rubber.
Quote from Article:
MUENSTER Germany (Reuters) - Dutch biologist Ingrid van der Meer often meets with disbelief when she talks about her work on dandelions and how it could secure the future of road transport.
The reaction is understandable, given most people regard the yellow flowers as pesky intruders in their gardens rather than a promising source of rubber for tires.
"People just think of it as a horrible weed and ask how can you get enough material for tires from just a small root," she said.
Her research team is competing with others across the world to breed a type of dandelion native to Kazakhstan whose taproot yields a milky fluid with tire-grade rubber particles in it.
Global tire makers such as industry leader Bridgestone Corp and No.4 player Continental AG believe they are in for rich pickings and are backing such research to the tune of millions of dollars.
Early signs are good. A small-scale trial by a U.S. research team found the dandelions delivered per-hectare rubber yields on a par with the best rubber-tree plantations in tropical Asia.
You can find rest of article here: Dandelions to Rubber.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wireless Electricity.
Here is a TED TALKS on Wireless electricity. He demonstrates it on cell phones and tvs. Press play at the top of the page on the link below as I read the transcript first and couldn't find the video initially, but it's there at the top of page. Just search in Google for wireless electricity or here is the link: TED TALKS Wireless Electricity.
The Bangles - Hazy Shade Of Winter.
The Bangles - Hazy Shade Of Winter. I think this is my second Bangles song i've added now. The first was called Cruel Summer. Wait im wrong I just looked it up it was Bananarama I was thinking of. O well. I quite like this Bangles song. Yum.
Maroon 5 - Maps.
Maroon 5 - Maps. Heard this on radio. Like it now. First was told it was called waves but obviously it wasn't. Looked up some lyrics after hearing it on radio again.
Darcy Lee Playing Guitar. Amatuer.
So this is me playing. I'm just an amatuer with no experience and you'll probably hate it but it's all I know. My music teacher hated it when she heard it and said is that all you've learnt. It is pretty basic. O well. Now I need to sing.
Walter Russell - Remember.
Walter Russell - Remember
Walter Russell - Original.
Walter Russell - Original. Not to sure of the name of this song.
Bluesy Summer Walter Russell.
Walter Russell - Bluesy Summer.
Love I Can Walter Russell.
Love I Can - Walter Russell. Not sure if this is the proper name for song but it will do and call it this from now on.
I Know Walter Russell
I Know Walter Russell.
As a note I have just created a MUSIC 2 Category and am placing these under that. Because i'm adding stuff that I spend less time with but I still find relevant. Walters on my YouTube channel so that's why this is here.
Walter Russell - Holding Onto Everything
These videos are of someone I meet just recently Walter Russell or Uncle Roy. There not bad. I added them to my YouTube Account and now to here my website. I filmed them myself. Anyway here are the uploads.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
U2 With or Without You.
U2 - With or Without You.
My story for this song is when I went shopping for some speakers. There were some Onyko 12" speakers in cabinets along with an amp going for i think like $150 bucks but it was probably more. I made a tape from a dub of a CD, with the stereo I was using I could actually add bass over and above what the CD normally had. So i played the tape on these speakers and amp and it actually unsettled the owner of the store at how much bass there was. He commented about how I must of manufactured the tape as it didn't normally have that much bass. This was the song I manufactured. I didn't really have to do anything to manufacture it just turn the bass settings to full which I normally have them there anyway. This was on my parents flash stereo back in the day when tapes were still cool. I bought the speakers anyway, and sold them for more than what I paid for them kept the stands they were on for another set of speakers that I had and kept the amp as well.
I dunno why I added this song. I just found myself listening to it after searching for Jesus in Google and one of the sites having U2Jesus or something and it made me search for U2 and I gave this song a go.
Darcy Lee
Kansas Dust In The Wind.
Kansas - Dust In The Wind. Haven't listened to this much at all but feel it deserves a place on this website. It does have 35 million hits so it's gotta be ok. I kind of think it's possible that this will get boring quick.
I like saying Darced in the wind as in like Darcy in the wind but Darced. "You've been Darced" is a line I said in one of my September 11th phone calls. A word I recently thought of also is Darcing. Or doing the Darc.
A Predictive Post About Robin Williams.
The following post is from a thread that someone created on a forum. It was to be a dedication thread to a great actor and comedian but instead it ends up being kind of prophetic. It was posted about 3 days before Robin Williams Death. You can find the thread HERE. The thread is probably viral by now. Here is the first post of the thread.
Are people bracing themselves for the fact that Robin Williams will die soon? (Thread Title)
guys...Robin Williams.
Jumanji, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Death To Smoochy, One Hour Photo, Jack...
if you haven't seen even one of those movies, wtf are you doing with your life?
Robin Williams is a great American, one of the greatest comedians/actors of the 20th and 21st century. The Vesti should have one Robin Williams appreciation thread.
That's the end. It's really the thread title that makes it prophetic. I guess the Original Poster had some inside information. The thread was created August 8th and Robin Williams died on August 11th 2014. The thread now has 46 pages.
Anyway have a read if you want. Some people called the FBI on him and alot said he killed Robin Williams himself. I only read a couple pages but found it interesting enough to post here. In a way it's similar to me ringing a talkback show and yelling war 2 Days before September 11th 2001. But really you have to hear the phone call. If I could post my phone call on YouTube it could possibly get a few million hits pretty quickly and would open a way to new conspiracies about 911.
R.I.P Robin Williams.
I guess my thoughts i'm thinking at the moment is that basically there's no guarantees that life will be better after death. Life after death could only be worse. We just don't know. My Mum reckons you'll just be blank and know nothing feel nothing. Well after reading a thread somewhere I read the idea that life might not necessarily be better after we die. I mean wouldn't that suck. Some people have it pretty bad in this life only to get it worse in the next. We could be slaves you know. We are in the dark over so many things. We don't actually know.
Anyway I hope there is peace for many after death and resurrection to a new body and perfect life with not death pain crying or mourning or any of these things. This I hope is reality. Not some type of darkness and nothingness. I much prefer heaven over hell I hope. Life over death.
Life can be extremely hard. Please hang in there. Make a 10 year plan but not about a job or anything just merely to be alive to see things. Truly life can be hard. Make time to learn and meditate on the difficulty of life if you are healthy and young for when you are older all sorts of troubles could beset you.
Endure to the end as the bible says and you will be saved. Sometimes though I just don't see and end in sight. Could you imagine having a disease of some kind. There is an end in death, a finality but I believe this is only for the current age. Everyone will get a res eventually I believe.
I've said enough. By for now.
Are people bracing themselves for the fact that Robin Williams will die soon? (Thread Title)
guys...Robin Williams.
Jumanji, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Death To Smoochy, One Hour Photo, Jack...
if you haven't seen even one of those movies, wtf are you doing with your life?
Robin Williams is a great American, one of the greatest comedians/actors of the 20th and 21st century. The Vesti should have one Robin Williams appreciation thread.

Anyway have a read if you want. Some people called the FBI on him and alot said he killed Robin Williams himself. I only read a couple pages but found it interesting enough to post here. In a way it's similar to me ringing a talkback show and yelling war 2 Days before September 11th 2001. But really you have to hear the phone call. If I could post my phone call on YouTube it could possibly get a few million hits pretty quickly and would open a way to new conspiracies about 911.
R.I.P Robin Williams.
I guess my thoughts i'm thinking at the moment is that basically there's no guarantees that life will be better after death. Life after death could only be worse. We just don't know. My Mum reckons you'll just be blank and know nothing feel nothing. Well after reading a thread somewhere I read the idea that life might not necessarily be better after we die. I mean wouldn't that suck. Some people have it pretty bad in this life only to get it worse in the next. We could be slaves you know. We are in the dark over so many things. We don't actually know.
Anyway I hope there is peace for many after death and resurrection to a new body and perfect life with not death pain crying or mourning or any of these things. This I hope is reality. Not some type of darkness and nothingness. I much prefer heaven over hell I hope. Life over death.
Life can be extremely hard. Please hang in there. Make a 10 year plan but not about a job or anything just merely to be alive to see things. Truly life can be hard. Make time to learn and meditate on the difficulty of life if you are healthy and young for when you are older all sorts of troubles could beset you.
Endure to the end as the bible says and you will be saved. Sometimes though I just don't see and end in sight. Could you imagine having a disease of some kind. There is an end in death, a finality but I believe this is only for the current age. Everyone will get a res eventually I believe.
I've said enough. By for now.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Passenger - Let Her Go
Passenger - Let Her Go.
Heard this couple times on radio and liked it from there. Think that I have heard before on YouTube but didn't like it. Anyway I like it now.
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive.
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive. Only second time listening to this but thought i'd add it for the video which is kinda UFC Gladiator muppets but only very cute.
Hummer Underwater.
I first saw an aussie 4x4 going completely underwater on facebook. I couldn't find that one and this is what came up in search. It's a hummer going completely under water. It's pretty cool. I used to like 4x4 as a kid but now I see it as dangerous as you could roll over or something. Again adding this as it's content on the net I found that I enjoy so posting it here.
Plants Hear Danger.
In this video plants hear themselves being eaten which then triggers a chemical defense against the insects. Interesting. I just do wonder what type of defences humans have. If plants can do this then we humans must be able to do things as well. At the moment all anybody knows is punching kicking stabbing shooting dropping bombs etc. This would be like an exotic weapon on a human. I'm adding this as I found it interesting and I like it's truth. It give's us insight into plants.
Surely we must have some defences against predators and being tortured and suffering.
I hope for the day of no pain and no suffering and no crying and no death. I'm being tortured at the moment by the NZ and USA Govt's. They play a high frequency sound in my ears which has made me deaf. They read my mind and blank it and insert there thoughts basically totally humiliating me by as many people as possible that use this tech. It's all a big joke to them not actually anything righteous to do with punishment more for there amusement.
I hope one day these people will be punished by the public. The public are treated like cattle and of no importance and these people will kill you in a second. They want to read our minds and control our thoughts by chipping us. Their advantage is that no one believes. You are called skitzophrenic if you talk like this.
I hope that immortality comes about and these people are punished. I could be rich but these Govt's keep me poor. If I could post my phone call on YouTube I would get 5 million+ hits and definitely make some money. These Govt people are evil and need to be stopped. I see a future govt where everyone from smallest to largest is involved and there are no secrets.
They use secrecy and darkness as weapons against the public. They are evil. Please stop them.
Language Chameleon Polyglot.
This Guy can speak 9 languages. If I had started early enough I could've maybe learned one language. But not 9. There is now basically no way for me to ever speak another language as I am now deaf and have Alzheimers bought on by the NZ and USA Govts of course but no one believes that do they.
O well some people are just smart I guess. Not me though. I'm posting this as something that interested me as part of the new posting more of what i've been reading and watching theme on this website.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Old Paragraph From History
The following 2 paragraphs are old. I wrote one at the time 26/04/2011. The paragraphs below are from separate drafts. One paragraph the bottom one I think is from around 2010 but dew to technical difficulties I lost the exact date. Anyway here are the PARAGRAPHS:
I've made 48 posts this year, that's a record for most posts in a year. Most of them are just rambling tin foil hat stuff. I wish I knew how to attract a readership. I guess this blog is to out there and my writing style to slow witted and confusing and dull.
There's definately alot of evil in the world. Alot of stupidity. Alot of torture. People enjoy these things. They use them for pleasure and amusement.
That was it.
Darcy Lee
I've made 48 posts this year, that's a record for most posts in a year. Most of them are just rambling tin foil hat stuff. I wish I knew how to attract a readership. I guess this blog is to out there and my writing style to slow witted and confusing and dull.
There's definately alot of evil in the world. Alot of stupidity. Alot of torture. People enjoy these things. They use them for pleasure and amusement.
That was it.
Darcy Lee
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Another Thread I Started That Failed.
Here is a another thread I started on a couple forums. It died pretty quick, this ole thread. We are in the dark. I'm just guessing. My guesses aren't of a smart kind. There must be more to it. Anyway here is the thread:
As a person living on planet earth I look around and see myself totally in the dark over so many things. Not just me either but everyone. Everyone is in the dark.
There are heaps and so many unknowns about life. We live in the dark and scurry around in it like cockroaches. I imagine most actually prefer the dark as it gives them cover to do evil.
Anyway let this thread be a place to let your light shine before others. I would like to see your light and see what it will do for me. Now because we're in the dark I can't give you instructions on how to let your light shine or how to even make light.
By posting in this thread you are giving us a taste of yourself, you are shining your light. A smart person has more light perhaps than a dumb person but I don't know if this is true? Are you still so dull?
What is this light that Jesus talks about. How are we the light of the world? Please explain anything you want in this thread but make sure you are letting your light shine.
If your light is shining it will illuminate me and others lives so we don't stumble and we progress.
I kinda saw a light oneday. It was like I was shining and the person was real dumb in comparison and I was able to lead them to there own source of light after they had been in my light for so long. Like she was in darkness and under my light her face lit up like shining a torch on your face when its pitch black it looked exactly like that except it was in broad daylight that her face lit up. I was demonstraing something discussing something and someone said the exact line "snatch them out of my hand" Jesus talks about his sheep and how noone can snatch them out of his hand. But anyway to no avail, i'm dellusional and matrixified so none of my experiences mount to a hell of beans.
I imagine most lights are very dim now. Love grown cold. I know my light is dim. I'm in the dark now. I tried walking while I had the light but i'm afraid I didn't get very far and only fell back into darkness.
What can you tell me about lights and Jesus? I would like to see your light as I have great darkness.
That was the thread I started.
Darcy Lee
As a person living on planet earth I look around and see myself totally in the dark over so many things. Not just me either but everyone. Everyone is in the dark.
There are heaps and so many unknowns about life. We live in the dark and scurry around in it like cockroaches. I imagine most actually prefer the dark as it gives them cover to do evil.
Anyway let this thread be a place to let your light shine before others. I would like to see your light and see what it will do for me. Now because we're in the dark I can't give you instructions on how to let your light shine or how to even make light.
By posting in this thread you are giving us a taste of yourself, you are shining your light. A smart person has more light perhaps than a dumb person but I don't know if this is true? Are you still so dull?
What is this light that Jesus talks about. How are we the light of the world? Please explain anything you want in this thread but make sure you are letting your light shine.
If your light is shining it will illuminate me and others lives so we don't stumble and we progress.
I kinda saw a light oneday. It was like I was shining and the person was real dumb in comparison and I was able to lead them to there own source of light after they had been in my light for so long. Like she was in darkness and under my light her face lit up like shining a torch on your face when its pitch black it looked exactly like that except it was in broad daylight that her face lit up. I was demonstraing something discussing something and someone said the exact line "snatch them out of my hand" Jesus talks about his sheep and how noone can snatch them out of his hand. But anyway to no avail, i'm dellusional and matrixified so none of my experiences mount to a hell of beans.
I imagine most lights are very dim now. Love grown cold. I know my light is dim. I'm in the dark now. I tried walking while I had the light but i'm afraid I didn't get very far and only fell back into darkness.
What can you tell me about lights and Jesus? I would like to see your light as I have great darkness.
That was the thread I started.
Darcy Lee
Friday, August 8, 2014
War - Edwin Star.
War - Edwin Star.
Haven't really listened to this much but I quote it occasionally and agree. I dislike War very much and have great desires for peace and never ending expansion and progress. We are all very primitive as a society if you ask me. Well at least I am anyway. I'm not very smart anymore. I would like to see an end to all slavery and poverty and everyone entering a paradise. This place is horrible for many or will be one day.
Darcy Lee
Opening Lyrics to WAR:
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all
War, huh, good God
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me
DC Talk. What If I Stumble.
DC Talk - What If I Stumble.
Not as catchy as the other DC Talk song I added but have had this open in my browser for ages now. I did listen to it a while back more than once. It is a slower song. Not as polished as some attempts. I'm adding it cause I did listen to it more than once. Also I'm going to try and use this www.darcylee.com site as more of a record of what i've been doing in the Internet so adding additional content even if I only enjoyed or passed just passed through in some cases. I was inspired by a blog I saw that had about 1000 posts a year for a long time. He was keeping records of his Internet activity. globalwarming-arclein.blogspot.ca
I guess this means adding more content than just songs and posts but linking and reviewing websites i've read actually I don't know.
Eye Of The Tiger. Survivor.
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Have listened to this before and it didn't really do anything but found myself enjoying it today with a little excitement.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix.
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe.

What have I been doing? Well playing more WOW. I'm levelling a shaman to 60 and it's going to be my boost toon. I was going to boost a 60 priest that I specially levelled but i'll probably just hand level him unless I become rich and suddenly get heaps of money enough to COUGH COUGH buy a level 90 or two. It sucks how you can buy level 90's now. It makes it a rich mans game. Guess it means if you pay $65 for each level 90 that my account is worth somewhere round $260 dollars for say the cost of four 90s that I have. But this $260 dollars is nothing in comparison to the actual amount of hours I have invested in some of my characters. It works out at about one dollar per 24 hours played sitting in chair.
I'm a terrible World of Warcraft Player. I have no smarts. Anywho.
Battlesheep was a domain I checked out but it's gone to some Portugal gaming company. I check out domain names regularly and write down good ones I think are will be ok. Most are stupid but who knows maybe one day i'll think of a good one.
I actually stumped Google a little while ago. I searched for the word Militourance. Google had absolutely no results what so ever for this word. It's a word I invented myself and if it ain't in Google then it probably hasn't been thought of yet. What do you think it means, what's the definition of the word? It's quite hard to stump Google. Also the word Miltourance stumps google.
I actually have hurt my back. About three days ago I felt something kind twinge or snap or move in my lower back and it's been hurting ever since. The first night was the worst I couldn't even move hardly it was very painful to move anyway.
Leave you with this. According to the bible oneday there will be no pain no tears no mourning or the last enemy, no DEATH. This means that we are still primitive and we must therefore think and take action perhaps fight hard to arrive at a place such as this.
With thought and truth it can be done much faster than we think possible perhaps.
I want to see a place like this where everyone is safe. It would be nice to know GOD if he was real. Like to prove that GOD was real or not would solve heaps of problems. It would answer alot of questions for so many people. Many many people follow religion and GOD and intertwine it with there very nature and being. But this seems to much of a challenge to solve the answer of IS THERE A GOD?
Ok i'm going to bed now.
Real Life,
War on Death
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