The main power here is curing sick people. I would like to see people curing people. I think there is a lot of truth lacking. How sick can a person be and get well with someone placing their hands on them. It's not working. Priests go to hospitals to talk to the sick but the sick don't get better.
What are your suggestions for why it's not working? Maybe everyone is a sinner and there isn't even a single true believer alive yet. Perhaps we are waiting for the first believer.
If one person learned how to do it learned the truth he could teach others. But at the moment the world is stuck. The power is not working.
Lets take a head count? Who here can place there hands on someone and heal them? Is it such a bad thing to practice? Prayer seems to have failed as well.
If death is the enemy death is kicking ass. Will knowledge defeat death? What is your answer. I would take a Christian anyday over someone who doesn't even want to fight death and is happy to just die. Christians are at least active in the battle against death. They see death as an enemy. This is correct.
Immortality is definitely something to desire. A pain free struggle free tear free existence would be wonderful and that's exactly how I imagine Eternal Life.
But I also imagine Eternal Life with powers. Like the ability to walk on water or feed 5000 from a couple loaves of bread. Turn water into wine. And also to do greater things than these.
What is your definition of talking in new tongues?
Could there be a science to the laying on of hands? Perhaps the power is a responsibility. What is the key to unlocking the mystery of curing the sick by the laying of on hands. I know it's practised but it doesn't work at the moment.
I'm not sure I believe in Demons but I know that many people get pleasure out of doing evil to others and live as friends of death. There is plenty and much evil in the world. People can be very evil and I simply don't know what the answer is.
I'm sorry for boring you. I live in a fantasy world where we should all have powers and there shouldn't be any death or evil. I would like to see powers established in this world.
I guess so many have tried and failed and so many say it's impossible that there's not much point in thinking about it. My hope wains.
What do you think. Lots of people claim to have powers of some type but generally they don't and they are liars or delusional or small in mind.
What does a well built house consist of? Is it just enough to get to 80 and then die. This is a mystery. It's pretty difficult to get to 80 years of age. If your sick your generally suffering. I would like to see this suffering become a thing of the the past.
Even in the huge church gatherings where there's like 20k people no one actually gets healed. We all copy each other. Perhaps this is the problem. We copy someone who doesn't know what they are doing.
How does the laying on of hands actually work? Does it require words or prayer? Give your instructions on how to lay your hands on someone and heal them.
I mean how hard can it be. You put your hands on someone and hey presto. Yep nope. Guess it doesn't work.
I guess I have to move my beliefs about Jesus beliefs into the either to hard or don't believe basket. It's kind of like a myth or legend the bible so hard to believe. I'm pretty sure Jesus existed and that he was crucified and died a horrible death. But the resurrection is pretty tough to believe in.
Jesus is the owner of the church.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Jesus Christ has had 2000 years and hasn't produced many results. Who believes in the above scripture. Perhaps you can explain your belief in it.
Many people call on the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to see results.
I mean the church is massive. It has heaps of different branches and millions of members. But it's not working. People go every Sunday but no power is produced.
I guess I don't believe in Jesus. I'm sorry that I don't. I can believe in powers which means I can believe Jesus had them. But I have no powers myself.
I desire immortality and heaven. There is no evidence for Jesus other than people with no power.
If you do the things that Jesus did then you would be famous instantly. Knowledge of the lord would fill the whole earth.
Show me the Love. I don't sense any love. It's so very hard to see love in this darkness. Do you have any love for me?
What are your opinions. How far away are we from having powers? I guess science and tech will be the answer.
What abilities do you have? If you had powers the Govt would snaffle you right quick.
Am I dreaming about powers? What sort of power is love?
Sorry again for boring you.
Answer yourself.
That's the end. You can find the thread here http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1008229/pg1 and read the replies. I post under the name Leeda. If you go to ATS and click my name it will show you all the threads I have authored over the last few years.
Thanks for reading
Darcy Lee
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