Darcy Lee Professional Beggar Running a War on Death; Enemy of Death. THIS IS WAR. Death is an enemy. This website is dedicated to the defeat of death. All suffering, pain, war, crime, poverty, Sin, this is all death. Donate Today. I'm looking for enough donations to buy a house. This will be my base for the rest of my life where I will stage a war on death for as long as I live.
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Friday, March 21, 2014
Avicii Levels.
Avicii - Levels.
Found this last night been thrashing it since. I seem to like the video as well.
Asking For a Revelation About Jesus Christ.
This is another thread I created on Abovetopsecret.com entitled "Asking For a Revelation". In the thread I ask what Jesus meant when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood and being born again. I'm still in the dark as I guess no one really knows. Anyhow here is the thread:
Are you able to provide for me a revelation about Jesus? Like this. What did he mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood? How do you eat his flesh and drink his blood. I thought of it as telepathy for a while. Genetic coding. But it could be anything. This is why i'm asking for a revelation. I don't know what Jesus meant, would have me do and how to solve the problem
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. So in this case something is passed passing from me to you in trade. Jesus words are his flesh and blood perhaps, the words of his that are printed in the bible, these words are pretty much all we know about him. So words passed in unique combination in this code we call language have the ability to help others or destroy.
John 6:63 The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life. Jesus said this. How do you capitalize on Jesus and the words he spokie and get maximum life and spirit out of them? Jesus words are pretty much still a riddle and total mystery. This is why I do discuss them when others talk about science. Why is Jesus and his beliefs any different than Tane the Maori God of forest and birds. Need your revelation on this as well. Hitler was able to get people to follow him. I'm finding it more absurd to believe in Jesus without some kind of revelation that sweeps the world. I need more stories of Jesus from people. If I am to imitate Jesus then these words of mine also contain life and spirit though not on the scale of Jesus probably. There is the power of life and death in the tongue, in these words I speak and your response.
So what is your revelation of LOVE that you communicating. I think often as we try and help others the first thing we should be doing is trying to help ourselves. We are weak. Did you know we are in the dark. We don't know very much. We are in the dark over so many things. Scrambling around bumping into each other imitating and copying each other but no one really knows. All the big secrets are just that. Secrets. Things that would provide light are hidden away.
We all operate in the dark. We think in the dark. If you are able to communicate to me a solved piece of the puzzle then this is good for me and possibly I can trade you for a puzzle piece that I have solved of equivalent value and this will create work for both of us but probably not. I'm looking to gain from this post in some way. Gain something. Hopefully life. I'm a little short on love and life at the moment.
I'm also looking for charity as I am a charity case. Not money or material items but items of other trade like words and thoughts and feelings anything charity wise you want to post. Charity me a post in this thread or a star and flag. Charity me with your generosity.
What is something you want to write about? This thread is pretty much open. Is it only God who can bring revelation?
I struggle with Jesus because of Noahs Ark, and repopulating every animal from only 2 of a kind and us all being related to noah. Also Jonah in the whale seems a bit absurd. Moses and a couple million people wandering the desert also seems a bit far fetched. Jesus actually uses Noah when he says it will be just like in the days of Noah at the second coming.
I have trouble believing in Jesus yet some part of me still fights for him even though it's so far way out. I really like his sayings. I like Good. The new testament has become like a Tolkien Epic for me.
Everything comes to a dead end. All I can predict for myself is like others before me I will die. Perhaps there is a way to solve this. This seems to be a core effect of what Jesus was trying to achieve. Jesus fought death and came to bring immortality.
I'm looking for revelation and charity, knowledge would be nice also as would any gains or benefits. How bout proof of love? Do you love me? Perhaps you could demonstrate LOVE for me so I can imitate and incorporate. Does anybody really love? I dunno?
What would you tell your kids as there growing up? What would you tell your father or mother? What would you tell me?
Beware the pain, suffering, misery. Beware. Plan and practice for it is greater than you know. Humans have the potential to suffer ever so greatly. Pretty much practically everyone underestimates just how great pain can be. This is my trade to you. Involve your thinking more about suffering. If you do actually suffer this thinking could possibly help you.
One thing. If your in pain let people know. Don't let them write it off as something else like schizophrenia or anything other than you are in pain a wrong diagnosis could stick with you all your life. Tell them forcefully about how you are in pain.
The pain can be kind of hard to locate exactly where it is in the body but keep telling them. Demand drugs to mask the pain and when in better feeling try and help the doctor to find where the pain is. Get xrays and whatever other scans available.
No one actually cared that I was in pain. I pretty much shut up about it. It was extreme always on for 10 years. You have just underestimated pain again and weren't even in the ballpark.
Check your diet. It may help to eat better and different foods. I ate poorly as finances were an issue.
Anyway what did Jesus mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood. Also What did he mean when he said you must be born again. That's another riddle and mystery Scooby. What is your revelation?
Sorry to have bored you.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. So in this case something is passed passing from me to you in trade. Jesus words are his flesh and blood perhaps, the words of his that are printed in the bible, these words are pretty much all we know about him. So words passed in unique combination in this code we call language have the ability to help others or destroy.
John 6:63 The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life. Jesus said this. How do you capitalize on Jesus and the words he spokie and get maximum life and spirit out of them? Jesus words are pretty much still a riddle and total mystery. This is why I do discuss them when others talk about science. Why is Jesus and his beliefs any different than Tane the Maori God of forest and birds. Need your revelation on this as well. Hitler was able to get people to follow him. I'm finding it more absurd to believe in Jesus without some kind of revelation that sweeps the world. I need more stories of Jesus from people. If I am to imitate Jesus then these words of mine also contain life and spirit though not on the scale of Jesus probably. There is the power of life and death in the tongue, in these words I speak and your response.
So what is your revelation of LOVE that you communicating. I think often as we try and help others the first thing we should be doing is trying to help ourselves. We are weak. Did you know we are in the dark. We don't know very much. We are in the dark over so many things. Scrambling around bumping into each other imitating and copying each other but no one really knows. All the big secrets are just that. Secrets. Things that would provide light are hidden away.
We all operate in the dark. We think in the dark. If you are able to communicate to me a solved piece of the puzzle then this is good for me and possibly I can trade you for a puzzle piece that I have solved of equivalent value and this will create work for both of us but probably not. I'm looking to gain from this post in some way. Gain something. Hopefully life. I'm a little short on love and life at the moment.

What is something you want to write about? This thread is pretty much open. Is it only God who can bring revelation?
I struggle with Jesus because of Noahs Ark, and repopulating every animal from only 2 of a kind and us all being related to noah. Also Jonah in the whale seems a bit absurd. Moses and a couple million people wandering the desert also seems a bit far fetched. Jesus actually uses Noah when he says it will be just like in the days of Noah at the second coming.
I have trouble believing in Jesus yet some part of me still fights for him even though it's so far way out. I really like his sayings. I like Good. The new testament has become like a Tolkien Epic for me.
Everything comes to a dead end. All I can predict for myself is like others before me I will die. Perhaps there is a way to solve this. This seems to be a core effect of what Jesus was trying to achieve. Jesus fought death and came to bring immortality.
I'm looking for revelation and charity, knowledge would be nice also as would any gains or benefits. How bout proof of love? Do you love me? Perhaps you could demonstrate LOVE for me so I can imitate and incorporate. Does anybody really love? I dunno?
What would you tell your kids as there growing up? What would you tell your father or mother? What would you tell me?
Beware the pain, suffering, misery. Beware. Plan and practice for it is greater than you know. Humans have the potential to suffer ever so greatly. Pretty much practically everyone underestimates just how great pain can be. This is my trade to you. Involve your thinking more about suffering. If you do actually suffer this thinking could possibly help you.
One thing. If your in pain let people know. Don't let them write it off as something else like schizophrenia or anything other than you are in pain a wrong diagnosis could stick with you all your life. Tell them forcefully about how you are in pain.
The pain can be kind of hard to locate exactly where it is in the body but keep telling them. Demand drugs to mask the pain and when in better feeling try and help the doctor to find where the pain is. Get xrays and whatever other scans available.
No one actually cared that I was in pain. I pretty much shut up about it. It was extreme always on for 10 years. You have just underestimated pain again and weren't even in the ballpark.
Check your diet. It may help to eat better and different foods. I ate poorly as finances were an issue.
Anyway what did Jesus mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood. Also What did he mean when he said you must be born again. That's another riddle and mystery Scooby. What is your revelation?
Sorry to have bored you.
So that's my thread about Jesus asking for a revelation. I didn't get one. It's highly likely that Jesus is a fake. It's hard to say if he did miracles and was raised from the dead. There is no proof. I would like to believe in the works of Jesus like feeding 5000 people, walking on water, resurrecting people from the dead but they seem pretty much a myth now. Nothing has happened in 2000 years and we all still suffer.
I would like to believe in Jesus as the New Testament has become like a Tolkien Epic to me but I struggle to believe because of Noahs ark which in literal form seems impossible but yet Jesus says that his coming will be just like the days of Noah. Also Jonah in the whale, I don't believe that either. Moses I can possibly believe but parting the seas would be difficult.
The whole bible and Jesus thing seems like a great big myth and legend. The world surely does not know God if he exists. God hasn't saved me ever from anything. I haven't had any contact with God that I can recognise. I think that I have to come to the conclusion that Jesus resurrection is a myth that can't be proved.
I do love the bible though mostly the new testament. I love Jesus teachings they are awesome. The thing is Jesus probably did actually walk the earth and died a horrible death and suffered majorly. To bear the suffering that Jesus probably did is surely a hard thing that not many can do.
I love the new testament bible but I can't as yet believe the story that the churches propagate. 2000 years after events there is very little proof, evidence or facts of exactly what happened. It's really upto God to prove himself. I have tried but failed. I can no longer think clearly enough to try and understand really.
So yeah I don't really believe in Jesus but I try to. I find some of the attempts of other christians to convert people into belief hilarious and very amusing. Some of the beliefs generated from the bible are so dumb but yet people still hold to there beliefs. Like the earth being 6000 years old. The bible says the world in it's wisdom didn't know God. There is only a small possibility that God exists. I have looked into it and don't see the actions of Jesus in my day to day living. I wish he were true but it seems not. So yeah I don't really believe as much as I would like to. The truth will set you free I believe this and would love to know the truth about everything and anything all truth all the time. Buy the truth and do not sell it.
Anyway enough from me.
Darcy Lee
Above Top Secret Forum Posts.

Here is the thread:
So what you got to trade? I got all this. I'm looking to trade. I guess we have to play with in the rules so that means no money or actual material possessions will be traded. But we can trade other stuff like ideas and words and thoughts.
I got 10 years on the line most extreme form of suffering you can imagine experienced top quality pain suffering 24/7 for 10 years.
I believe in the future when thoughts are setup on a market. My suffering and pain will go for top dollars.
I must be like the oldest man in the world pain wise. I am old and i'm only 35. I am an old man. I have lived 100 lives no one at all.
I perhaps have a few perfections developed from suffering though I can't name them and i'm still very weak.
So what do you have to trade. I reckon I can afford just about anything. Trade me your words. Ebay me some of your thoughts and ideas.
What do you have to trade me?
Also not only am I looking to trade but i'm looking for charity as well. I'm poor spiritually and of mind. Your charity would be appreciated which could go in the form of a post of some of your words in unique arrangement in this thread. Yay for charity.
So I want to trade. A long term sufferer of the top 1%. Already from this first post you receive life I hope, it's possible.
What you got to trade?
That was the end of the post. I made a second post and that now follows:

So this is me seeking fine pearls. I'm a merchant and trader as we all are possibly.
My words offer trade. Words aren't possibly given enough value. The truth is extremely valuable. People who know the truth have an advantage. I'm looking for a fine pearl. I don't know what it is yet. I'm hoping i'll know it when I perceive it.
Spend some words in this thread in charity or trade. I have initiated the trade with my words coming first. If you post you are trading back.
Your words probably have no value to me but it depends on what you write.
Information can be encoded in and exchanged with words. Can you help ManKind? What do you possess that will help or improve the world that can be traded to others so you yourself profit?
How can we profit each other? What resources do we have apart from money and material items to trade in, there must be other things?
I guess we are all just that poor that we only have money and material items to trade in. Poor poor poor.
We are trading right now as you read my words I think.
Anyway I just thought that as a merchant looking for fine pearls I could trade something that I have in excess for something of value that you have in excess in return.
There are no established trade protocols I mean we don't even know what we're trading in.
Can you trade in LOVE between friends family strangers and even enemies? There's plenty of anger to be traded in the world.
How do I lift some of your burdens through trade? I'm sure I can make your load lighter as you can mine.
I can't think of anything to trade other than these words i'm writing which don't hold much value as of yet.
How do you know your not talking to someone who will one day be famous thereby making these posts famous along with those who replied?
Ok I propose this. Oneday I will be famous. Making this thread and any thread of mine on ATS Famous. If you post in this thread then oneday when the truth finally comes out this thread will be dragged up and depending on what you say you will be viewed possibly by alot of people. How you respond to me will be measured on a world wide scale.
Yep. This is something else i'm offering in the trade. I say I will be famous in the future one day, it could be after I die but I will be famous.
You need to trade with me by posting in this thread. You get the chance to operate in the dark through faith maybe this. If you fail to post in this thread yet read it and remember it then it will be counted as a missed opportunity. You really need to post something.
So i'm offering a trade. Couple things. My suffering experience and that I will be famous making posts in my threads possibly famous at least to be viewed by many people.
If you post in other threads they will be forgotten. My threads will remain for a lot longer. This is the trade you get for posting. All you need to do is post in this thread.
Be careful what you trade.
Trade me something in this thread today other than material and money. If we rule those out what do we have left possibly to trade? What is the fine pearl.
Trade Me Please.

I have a thread going on longecity.org thats asking for a house so I can further the cause of longevity and immortality. I plan on spending the next 40 years typing and using my mind about no more pain, suffering and torture, comforting others and being a cheerleader for immortality and longevity. I really do need my own house to achieve some of my goals. Hell owning my own house is one of my biggest goals.
It looks like without charity I will never own my own house. I am doomed to either minimum wage or living on the benefit for the rest of my life. Either way you can't really get a deposit for a house from these sources of income as the deposit needed is to great. Hopefully charity will oneday find me a worthy cause and donate me a house.
Darcy Lee
I added the following post to the thread after I had completed this post on my website so am adding it now in a later edit. Here is the new post I made:

I believe every lifeform on the planet counts towards the total output. We need to lift everybody and everything. We must love our enemies and find peace perhaps where there had been none.
If you intervene in someones life at the right moment you could have them living in a class above what they would of been.
So this is what we need. I charge you to help people. The planet as individuals can be lifted. Everyone just needs to do a little bit more than nothing and we can win. Not even everyone needs to help but obviously the more that take the effort to help the greater the life output rating and the greater the victory.
By your choices you can also live a higher life follow a higher stream. It might not take work but a choice you make can affect your life and the stream you live.
Your own current class can be lifted by your own efforts. So it's also about helping yourself.
Everyone grows stronger everyday. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
I hope I have altered your world. This comes from me as a kid at kindergarden. I was thinking about grace and good and evil. I came up with that evil copies good and learns from good twisting what good gave to evil to it's own ends. I figured that as evil was copying good I could lead evil into captivity by getting it to copy me in a certain way.
It gets a bit fuzzy but at the standard nobody does nothing rate with evil copying good then evil would match good grace point for point and eventually evil would beat good. But if good people start lifting others and themselves then good starts to get extra turns before the next cycle and more abundant grace is produced and it starts to be that for every point evil produces grace abounds even more and produces multiple points.
There is a teaching from good that you get a choice. If you choose to convert it to evil you condemn yourself and there is no one to blame but your very own self. Good is the original source. All will be seen in the light.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Your Thoughts May Not Be Your Own.
I guess if I do have anger issues it's only because i'm tortured. Not that such torture is recognised by anyone other than myself the torturee and the torturer. It's not very fun being a tard and having people read your mind with technology. They must do it to a lot of people from a very young age. People upon people they must be manipulating everything without people knowing.
I think some disassociation from ones thoughts and not giving ownership to every thought that you ever have. Some thoughts are not your own perhaps.
Don't own every thought and feeling as yourself it could be coming from an external source.
If you have bad negative thoughts that gate you and hold you back then maybe they have been planted there. Every single last bit of negativity. Perhaps it's time to recognise them as not of you? They will be tricky and deceitful. Speaking in your own voice. They will sound like you. Plan on defeating such things.
Darcy Lee.
Monday, March 3, 2014
2 Cellos Thunderstruck.
Thunderstruck - 2 Cellos. Cover of AC/DC Thunderstruck by Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser on Cellos only.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Dark Horse Katy Perry Ft Juicy J.
Katy Perry Ft Juicy J - Dark Horse.
This was uploaded on Feb 20th 2014 and as of todays date it has 51 million hits. So that's 51 million in 10 days. That's pretty epic numbers for a new video. It should reach 100 million no problem. I enjoy this song. The bass is good and I like the video as well especially the car.
Cyndi Lauper Time After Time.
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper. This song is from about 1984 so that's 30 years this year. It's a slower song though I like it still. I like the kiss the dog gives the boyfriend in the beginning.
I tell ya my computer needs more ram. I only have 2gb total of ram. I bought another 2gb as I have 3 free upgrade slots still but the 2gb was faulty. I sent it back and the second one worked for like a week then the machine started crashing again. I would take stability over something that crashes but is faster anyday. I haven't been bothered to send the ram back as it's probably not worth it i'd rather just take the hit and be ripped off.
Oneday I will get a new computer with at least 8gb ram. That would be awesome. I usually have alot of tabs open in my browser at one time so that takes heaps of ram also it would be nice to be able to alt tab quicker if I have a game loaded or it would work better with dual monitors. My current computer would be nice and a bit faster with another 2gb of ram but it's ddr2 so it's real expensive compared to ddr3. If I had more ram in my machine I could maybe save 30 seconds or so of time here and there.
This is and has been Time After Time.
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