I really at the moment don't have much to talk about. I think that's the case anyway.
On this website I have talked about:
Donations - But I have never received any. I have talked about getting money through people using there credit cards and paypal by means of traffic visiting the website. But it hasn't worked. But that doesn't mean that you will fail if your thinking of trying. I think I just haven't put enough effort into research. Also my topics are kind of fringe at the moment.
September 11th - I've talked about the American terrorist attacks quite alot and how I made a phone call to a talk back radio station and yelled war 2 days before the attacks took place. Well good ol Osama Bin Laden is dead now, i'm pretty darn sure he is and that leaves me with a confiscated phone call and zero dollars earned. The potential was there to earn well over a million dollars but it appears I have squandered that as well.
Virtual Reality - Technology that's new and secret is something this blog also tells about. I talk about pictures in your head virtual reality technology. Computer Brain con

Extra Terrestrials - I have hardly talked about Extra Terrestrials or aliens but I believe our government knows at least a few details they haven't told the public. So i'm hanging out just like everybody else who's kept in the dark. This is just a small push for more information. The universe is big. They the governments of the world must know alot about some of the universes secrets.
Housing - I've talked about how I dream of owning my own house and how i'm trying to use the Internet to go about achieving this goal. This is similar to donations i suppose i'm having trouble thinking what else this blog is about. I really do need a house though. Somewhere to park up and retire for the rest of my life. If I was really rich I could have a granny flat and rent it out and that would give me extra money without having to work so I could remain living on the benefit quite comfortably.
I totally dream of being rich. It's an ongoing fantasy I have. My house wouldn't have much of a lawn to mow and and with it making me an income from rent I would be on $400+ dollars a week with only rates and insurances to pay instead of rent if I actually owned it. The rates and insurance would be like $60 per week so that leaves alot of free income to spend each week.

Bill Gates - In an attempt to earn some money I wrote Bill Gates a few emails. This also didn't succeed. You can get his address by clicking the side link.
Possessions - This blog lists all my possessions though I don't have photos.
Movies and Music - I have listed all of the music that I have enjoyed over the years on these pages from You Tube. There a few short clips (Movies) also from You Tube that I have listed.
Religion - I have talked about religion a few times on here and very occasionally used scripture. I have believed in God in the past but not anymore. He's kinda let me down pretty bad and it was a childish thing to believe in. He plain just doesn't exist. Jesus is not a very nice thing to believe in.
Well thats pretty much all i've written about in posts over the years in this blog. The topics haven't diverged much.
Good bye for now. Photos are of dream house. This one cost's about $395,000 thousand NZ dollars as listed on trademe. Buy Me A House Today. LOL.
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